Reborn In Tales Of Demons And Gods

Chapter 13 - Side Story: Diary of a Maid

Day 1:

My name is Chu, a maid that works in the City Lord Palace.

Recently one of my co-workers convinced me to buy a book and record my daily life in it. I was hesitant at first due to how much books cost but I decided to go with it in the end.

I'm currently 20 years old. I was born in a poor family and my mother passed away giving birth to me. With my father alone, he tried to support me as best as he can but in the end, it proved too much for him to handle and he passed away on my 5th birthday.

I become an orphan, forced to live on the street until a nice old lady found me. She told me that she is the head main at the city lord palace, which I didn't understand at that time but I thought it was cool that she got live in a palace.

After a long talk with the old lady, she asked me if I wanted to go with her. Although it might seem stupid going along with someone I just met, I don't have anywhere to go at that time so I decide to follow her.

When we reach her house, she gave me the offer to help find me a home or to go with her and work to become a maid. I choose the second option as I thought she is cool and I wanted to become someone like her. I don't regret my decision even now.

Day 2:

Being a maid is hard work. Thinking back, there was a couple of times during my training that I wanted to give up but I'll always pull through whenever I thought of the old lady. She is the one that brought me out of the street so I want to make her proud.

Day 15:

Today I'm taking care of the City Lord's wife, Madam Li. It seems she has gotten sick and no one can figure out what caused it.

Day 16:

Madam Li condition is getting worst. At first, she just looks paler than normal but now she bȧrėly got enough energy to stand. Because of that, the work got harder but I'm not complaining. My goal is to become the head maid after all, just like the old lady.

Day 17:

Madam Li passed out today. Lord Ye becomes restless with worry, calling ever doctor he can find to the palace.

Day 18:

Most of the famous Doctor has visited Madam Li already but none of them can find what cause Madam Li's strange illness. I start to worry that Madam Li might not wake up. She is a nice person, always looking out for the well being of even the maids working here.

Day 19:

Lord Ye had everyone that is decently skilled visit Madam Li already and yet no one was able to find the cause of her illness. Now I'm even more worry. I can only hope for a miracle to happen.

Day 20:

A strange old man came to check on Madam Li. From what I can make out of their conversion, it seems that the old man is not a Doctor and is instead an Alchemist. After he checks Madam Li for a while, he starts to frown before getting a serious look on his face. After that we were told to leave so we don't know what happened.

Day 21:

It seems that the strange old man found out what cause Madam Li's illness. This made everyone in the palace so happy that I'm pretty sure they worked extra hard today.

As I was helping clean Madam Li, Lord Ye walk into the room and told me to go get the strange old man.

When I arrive at the strange old man's place. I can practically smell herbs coming out of his room. I knock on the door and no one answer. I have to do it two more times before the old man answered the door.

After telling him what Lord Ye said, he told me to get him the herbs before closing the door on me. I was bȧrėly able to get the reply.

After I got the herbs from Lord Ye I give it to the old man. He told me to not let anyone disturb him for the next 6 hours and close the door before I can reply again. This old man seems somewhat rude. Not like the old lady at all.

Six hours later, the strange old man appears in Madam Li room again. It seems he's going to treat Madam Li now and we were made to leave. I hope he succeeds.

Day 22:

I heard from Lord Ye that the strange old man succeeded in curing Madam Li. He told us to watch Madam Li and call him whenever she wakes up.

A few hours after Lord Ye left, Madam Li woke up. I went and told Lord Ye the good news. He was so happy that he ran all the way to Madam Li room but not before telling me to get the strange old man… I guess I shouldn't call him strange anymore. He did save Madam Li after all.

I run into Master Long outside his room. After telling him the good news, we made our way toward Madam Li room. When we get there I saw little Ziyun. She must have missed her mother.

From the looks of Lord Ye and Master Long brief exchange, I got the feeling that Madam Li illness is not a simple illness… I hope it's nothing major.

After Master Long check on Madam Li, we were given the good news that she is cured and might even be able to break through to Black Gold rank after this. Everyone was celebrating and Lord Ye give us a day off. Now I'm worried about the mess we'll have to take care of tomorrow.

Day 24:

Yesterday the strange old… I mean Master Long brought a strange young boy here. It seems that the boy is an orphan like I was.

He has the same family name as Master Long so Master Long decided to take him as a student. How lucky. Well not like I can complain, I was lucky too, getting picked by the old lady.

The young miss Ziyun's friend, Xiao Ning'er came to visit today. Miss Xiao seems to get along with the young boy that Master Long brought. While they were playing around I notice that the young miss seem to be jealous, though not at miss Xiao but at the young boy for taking her friend away.

Day 26:

Lord Ye call me along with four other maids to a meeting. It seems Lord Ye found a house for Master Long but the house is big and he needs one of us to be the head maid there to lead a few of the new maid recruits.

Since my dream is to become the head maid, I didn't hesitate to agree to it even if I can't become the head maid for the City Lord anymore. In the end, I was picked because the others didn't want to leave the palace.

Day 27:

I have been head maid for a day now and I can say it feels nice. It's not as good as I imagine but it nice to see some of the younger maid looking up to me. Since I don't want to disappoint them, I worked extra hard that day.

Day 28:

Lord Ye and Madam Li came to visit today along with the young miss. They plan to build a close relationship with Master Long. I believe they also brought young miss along because they want to set up a relationship between the young miss and young master.

Everyone is under the impression that the young miss is shy around the young master because she always stays with her mother instead of the young master. While it's true that the young miss has a shy personality, it's not why she doesn't want to stay with the young master.

Day 30:

Lord Ye came to visit again today. This time he brought both the young miss and miss Xiao along. Miss Xiao didn't give anyone a chance to say or do anything and pull both the young miss and young master to play.

Day 208:

It has been half a year now since I become a head maid.

After all this time I don't think the young master and Master Long as strange anymore. Instead, I think they may not be right in the head.

I mean sometime they'll be laughing for no reason and other times they become frustrated after meditating for a bit… I shouldn't bad mouth the master that I'm serving. It can become a bad habit.

Though that is kind of hard not to do since both Master Long and the young master don't act as normal nobles would. Instead, they act more like commoners and are friendly with everyone that works here.

Day 391:

I saw something interesting today. After another one of his meditation section, the young master finally notices why young miss Ziyun doesn't like him. In the end, he made miss Xiao play with young miss alone.

It seems that the young master is a thoughtful person after all. If he keeps this up he might become a lady killer in the future especially with his cute looks. I have no doubt that he'll become a handsome man.


(A/N: Here's a side story. Tell me if I should write more in the future. They're fun to write them every once in a while.)

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