Reborn In Tales Of Demons And Gods

Chapter 14 - Another Time Skip

(Jun POV)

Another 4 years pass since I got the Shadow Devil. I have Long Jian's Demon of Sins devour it because he will be the one that sneaks around most of the time. I also give the abstract gemstone to Ning'er shortly after Jian return. Before I did, I put an inscription on it that make it seem like a normal gem.

As for the page of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book, I try to scan it with the Library in hope of getting the whole book but I was disappointed because only the flaws on the page show up. I was able to study it though. With it, I manage to comprehend the Law of Time.

Other Laws I manage to comprehend are the Law of Space, from using the inscription array in the Nexus and the Laws of Fire, Water, Wood, Earth, and Metal using the Law of Yang and Yin but I'm currently stuck on the Laws of Life and Death.

With all the Laws, the Nexus is becoming a more complete world. The sun and moon appear a year after I comprehend the Laws of Yang and Yin. They begin to circle my word due to the law of light and darkness creating a day and night cycle.

Volcanos, Seas, Forest, Mountains, and all types of Metals start to appear after I comprehend the Laws of Fire, Water, Wood, Earth, and Metal. Most of the resources that appeared in the Nexus are just basic resources though.

There is no treasure like Misty Leaf Herbs or Black Flame Metal yet. For similar things like that to appear, I need to wait a long time until the spiritual energies of the Nexus get absorb by the things here causing them to mutate.

After getting the Laws of Space and Time, the plants in my world start to grow, wither, dies and grow again speeding up the process of rare herbs and metal appearing. Another thing I can do in my world is controlled what goes on in it. For example, I can completely stop time in one area while speeding up time in another.

Stopping time doesn't take much out of me as there isn't anything in this world that oppose me but speeding up time takes a lot of soul force. With my current soul force, I can speed up time by 100 for 1 minute or hold 2-time speed in a small area indefinitely. If I only do it in a small area and speed up to 2 times, I lose about as much soul force as I'm generating/absorbing.

On the skills side of things. I master Disguise, True Body, Doctor, Movement I decide to call Flash Steps, Blacksmith, Crafting and finished reading the Demon Beast Encyclopedia. An interesting thing I found after mastering the True Body technique is that I can fuse my True Bodies either with myself or another True Body.

It can be permanent or temporary depending on what I want. If I fused, my power will double and I will increase in rank depending on what rank I'm at. If both the bodies are at the start of a realm then when fused, they'll reach the peak. If both are at the peak then when fused they break through.

I also self create a few hundred new skills. Almost all of them are useless though. I didn't use the books in the Library this time and only used my comprehension. I did use the Library to check for any hidden flaws the skills might have though.

The first useful skill I created is Kamui copied from Obito's Sharingan. Using the Laws of Space, Time and the Nexus, I manage to create something similar. Like Obito, I can't attack while in that state but I can keep it up for as long as I have energy. Still, I believe that I can correct that flaw after understanding more about the laws of space and time.

The second skill I created is Sun Fire. Using the Laws of Yang and Fire, I create a fire that can rival the power of a celestial body. So far I can't find any material that Sun Fire can't burn through.

When I add the Law of Light into the mix, I created Sacred Fire. It has less power than Sun Fire but is easier to control. Not that I needed to make it easier with my perfect control. The reason I didn't throw it away is that it's super effective against anything that has to do with Yin or Darkness.

The last useful skill I created is Reversal. Using all my power, I'm able to cut a section of space and reverse the time there back 2 minutes. There are many downsides to it like the insane power requirement, it doesn't distinguish between friends or foe and the fact that if something or someone leaves the area of influence before or during its activation, they will not be affected by it.

On the relationship side of things, nothing much change. I'm still friends with Chen Linjian, Huyan Lanruo, Xiao Ning'er, and Ye Ziyun, who don't dislike me anymore. She started to smile more when we play together and doesn't hide behind Ning'er like before.

Other than that, I heard some news that Ye Mo, Ziyun's grandfather, left the city to explore a secret realm he found. Wonder where he been, I been living here and interacting with the Snow Wind family for years and I haven't seen him once.

Right now, I don't have much to do so I'm currently painting. Long Jian on the other hand is…


I'm currently using the Shadow Devil's ability Void Form to stalk some people from the Sacred Family. Unlike the original Void Form, my speed is not limited due to the Demon of Sins' Overachiever ability and my control. It still can't interact with the material world when in Void Form though.

As for why I'm following the Sacred Family. A few days ago when Long Jun is visiting Ning'er, he spotted a few members of the Sacred Family sneaking around. They look like they are meeting someone in secrets.

Since I know that the Winged Dragon Family going to fall into a trap set up by the Sacred Family, I'm following them so I can find when it is going to happen. Even if I don't like the Winged Dragon Family that much, it is still Ning'er family. I can't just leave them be.

In the end, I found Xiao Yi, Grand Elder of the Winged Dragon family, having a secret meeting with the Sacred Family. If I didn't know any better, I'd said he's scamming against Xiao Yunfeng so he can become the Patriarch of the Winged Dragon family but I do know better and he IS currently scamming to become the Patriarch.

"Are you sure you weren't followed?" Xiao Yi

"Of course we are, no one is stupid enough to stalk one of the Major family." Sacred Family Goon.

"I was just being careful. If words of this got out, I could lose my life." Xiao Yi

"Don't worry, you're just too paranoid." Goon

"I hope you're right. Is everything ready on your side?" Xiao Yi

"Yes yes, you just have to make sure they take the deal and we'll make you the Patriarch after everything is over." Goon. Xiao Yi looks a little unease at after he said that.

"What? Are you backing out now?" Goon

"No!" Xiao Yi said resolutely. "But are you sure it'll work?" Xiao Yi

"Yes, now stop asking questions and do your part." the Goon said annoyed.

"Hm." Xiao Yi nod and leave after that.

"What an idiot. Making his family lose all those resources just so he can become the patriarch of a declining family that he's the cause of." Goon 2

"Heh, not our problem. Let's go back." Goon 1 said with a sneer.

Aww, they left already. And here I was thinking they're going to tell me what they're planning. Oh well, I guess I'll catch up to Xiao Yi and make him tell me.

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