Reborn In Tales Of Demons And Gods

Chapter 15 - A Helping Hand

(A/N: A lot of people seem to like the side story so I'm going to do it once every 20 or so chapters. Shorter if I have something I think is interesting or longer if I don't have anything. If I label something a chapter as a Side Story, you don't have to read it and I'll always upload it with a regular chapter.)

(Long Jian POV)

It was easy to catch Xiao Yi. He has been going through the road with as little people as possible since he doesn't want to be recognized. All I have to do is put a small inscription down so if anyone comes in this direction, they'll go around it without realizing.

'Should I go in Batman style or do it the easy way… I don't want to risk anything so I guess I should do it the easy way.'

Crating a simple inscription, simple for me at least, I put it on Xiao Yi secretly. Its main function is to make the target answer everything I ask. The secondary function makes it so the target forgets the conversation ever happen.

"Let's see if this works with some simple question. What is your name?"

"Xiao Yi" he answers in a monotone voice.

"How old are you?"

"41" Xiao Yi

"Huh? Younger than I thought. How many times do you masturbate in a day?"

"10" Xiao Yi

"Pfft, hahahahah. How even get any work done like that. Hahahaha..."

"I order my subordinate to do it for me." Xiao Yi

"It was was a rhetorical question. Haaaa, I guess I should get serious now. What are you planning with the Sacred family."

"The Sacred family and I have been putting pressure on Xiao Yunfeng until we feel that he is desperate enough to take the deal that the Sacred family offers. When he does, the Sacred family will make Yunfeng lose his position so I can take it." Xiao Yi

I frown at that. "Do you know what they are going to do?"

"No, all I know is that they'll make him suffer a loss big enough to make him lose his position." Xiao Yi.

"Well, that is stupid, no wonder your brother is the Patriarch instead of you. Well, if it's just this than I have an easy way to fix it. Go back to what you were doing before."

I then activate the inscription on him once more. It wipes his memory of what happened. Before Xiao Yi can see me, I already left the place and took the other inscription down too.

This would have been a lot easier if I can just mind control him into telling Xiao Yunfeng what happened. But stupid 21 century and their morals kept me from doing so. Sigh, I shouldn't think too much into it and just do what I want.

After leaving Xiao Yi, I make my way to the Xiao family residence. When I reach their front gate, a guard saw me and panic… Am I scary or something?

"G-Good day Master Long, can I help you with something." Guard

"Tell your Patriarch I'm here to meet him."

"Right away sure." The guard said before quickly running away. I stare blankly… Am I really that scary? I turn to look at the other guard. He stiffens as soon as I look at him.

"Is there something wrong?" I casually ask the guard.

"N-No, sir." Guard 2.

"Sigh" I put an inscription mark on him. "Why are you two so scared of me?"

"There is a rumor going around that Master Long have unstable emotion and can lash out at anyone when he's angry." Guard 2

Hearing him, I can practically feel black lines appear on my forehead. I know I get frustrated sometimes when I'm using the Library and it doesn't do or have what I wanted but to… I guess it would look weird other people since they don't know about the Library. Note to self, watch out for my public image.

I release the guard from the inscription. He looks around confused for a second before seeing me and tensing up again. A few minutes of awkward waiting, Xiao Yunfeng come to greet me himself. He looks like he's in a hurry, I guess I'll make this quick.

"Master Long, sorry for making you wait. I didn't know you would be visiting today otherwise…" Xiao Yunfeng.

"It's quite alright." I cut him off. "I did come here uninvited after all."

"Nonsense. You are always welcome here. Come on in." Xiao Yunfeng led us to one of the guest rooms. "So I can help you with anything?"

"Yes, I came here because of Ning'er."

"Ning'er? Did she do something?" Xiao Yunfeng

I can see worry appear on his face. Did he think that Ning'er is in trouble or something? "No, I come here because…" was all I get to say before I got cut off.

"Master Long!" an excited Ning'er run into the room. "Did big brother Jun come here too?"

"Ning'er!" Xiao Yi tries to tell Ning'er off for interrupting.

"It's quite alright. Now that she's here, I can get her opinion on this too." I squat down in front of Ning'er. "Ning'er, how would you like to become my student and train with Jun."

"Really?!" Ning'er ask excitedly

"Yes, but first we have to see if your father agrees."

Ning'er quickly run to her father. "Can I dad? Please."

"Are you sure about this?" Xiao Yunfeng ask me.

"Yes, she has potential. It'll be a waste for her not to use it."

Xiao Yunfeng thought for a while "Alright then, Ning'er will be in your care from now on. Please take care of her." Yunfeng said seriously.

I give a small chuckle. "Hahaha, you don't need to be so serious. It's not like I'll be taking her away. Taking a child away from their family will be detrimental to their growth so she'll need to stay here and come over to train. Bring her over every week on the weekend."

"Yes" Xiao Yunfeng

"Ning'er why don't you go outside, I'll take you to train with Jun in a bit," I told Ning'er

"Alright." Ning'er answer happily before running outside.

"Here." I give a small bag to Xiao Yunfeng. "Inside that bag, you'll find a few pills and inscription pattern. Use them well."

Yunfeng opens the bag and finds a few Soul Nurturing Pills and Scarlet Body Enhancing Pills along with a lightning base battle inscription pattern. It's only a gold rank inscription pattern but it's powerful enough badly hurt black gold rank fighter. I can see a look of greed in Yunfeng's eye before it quickly disappears.

"T-This is too much. I don't believe we can accept this." Yunfeng sigh and reluctantly try to give the bag back.

"Keep it. If you don't fix your family situation it might affect Ning'er training."

"I see." Yunfeng looks toward the door. I ȧssume he's thinking that Ning'er is his lucky star or something close. "I thank Master Long for the gift. Ning'er found a good teacher." Yunfeng said with a bow.

"Hn. Take care, I have other things to do so I'll be leaving."

"Yes. I'll show you out." Yunfeng

"No need, instead you should think about what you are going to do with that brother of yours."

"Yi? Did he do something?" Yunfeng

"He's the cause of your recent troubles and maybe some troubles of the past too. You should deal with it before the problem grows too big."

"But he's my brother… why would he?..." Yunfeng

"I already give you a warning. It's up to you if you want to believe it or how you want to deal with it. Goodbye Mr. Xiao." I said as I take my leave. Yunfeng is still sitting having a disbelieving but serious look on his face.

"Master Long, are we leaving now?" Ning'er ask

"Yes, let's go."

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