Reborn In Tales Of Demons And Gods

Chapter 49 - The Nether Realm

(Jun's POV)

The day after the demon beasts horde, me, my clone Jian, and Nie Li were invited to the city lord's mansion. Ye Zong went on about how we were a big help during the demon beasts horde and that it couldn't go unrewarded so he asks us what we want. I don't have anything I need or want right now so I made a few excuses and left it to my clone.

I figured that there is no point in waiting anymore since I know where the entrance to the Nether Realm is. Leaving my 2nd clone to take my place in the city, I left for the Nether Realm but not before I give Yu Yan her soul weapons.

Along the way to the Nether Realm, I spend a few days going around to the Dark Guild bases that I didn't give to Ye Zong mostly due to them being located in a dangerous place and are surrounded by too many demon beasts. I sneak into the bases and put down a few arrays that'll attract demon beasts. Once Ye Zong starts his attack on the Dark Guild's base, I'll activate the arrays and let the demon beasts take care of the place.

When I reached the entrance to the Nether Realm, a week has already passed. Nothing much happened back in Glory City. From my clones, I know that so far Ye Zong is only setting up a trap for the Sacred Family and haven't done it yet.

In the Nether Realm, I didn't have any goal so I just choose a direction and walk. After traveling in the Nether Realm for almost two months, I wasn't able to find anything worthwhile. I did run into a few cities and towns but other than criminals trying to mug me and beating up a few 'young master', nothing major happened.

A few things did happen in Glory CIty though. A few days after I left, Ye Zong set a trap for the Sacred Family that went off without a hitch. They never stand much of a chance since they are trying to go against 3 Legend rank Demon Spiritualist.

While Ye Zong leads the charge against the Sacred family, Ye Mo who returned from his trip, ȧssist in dealing with the higher-ranking members of the Sacred Family. Then there's my persona Jian who stopped the Sacred Family's elder from summoning a Shadow Devil.

The rest of the Sacred Family surrender after Shen Hong, the Sacred Family's Patriarch, got captured. Since Ye Zong knows who in the Sacred family is part of the Dark Guild from the info I give him, he went to arrest them and anyone from the Sacred Family who try to resist.

The Dark Guild did try to interfere but they were stopped by Ye Xiu using the Ten Thousand Demonic Beast Array. Long Sha, the leader of the Dark Guild when the Demon Lord wasn' around shown up and try to rescue the more powerful member of the Dark Guild. He succeeded in rescuing the Dark Guild members but not the Sacred Family. Long Sha got hurt in the process and said that he and the Demon Lord will return in 3 months.

After the whole event, a small part of the Sacred Family survived but they fell from being a powerful Major Families to the bottom ranking of the Aristocrat Families. Once news of what happened spread, the Sacred Family will probably be targeted by the other Aristocrat and Noble families until there is nothing left.

A day after taking care of the Sacred Family, Nie Li left Glory City only to return a month later with people from the Heavenly Fate Plateau. He wasn't that close with the Snow Wind Family this time so he couldn't leave the people with the City Lord. Instead, he bought some of the Sacred Family's land for the people of the Heavenly Fate Plateau to settle down. Shortly afterward Nie Li head to the Nether Realm.

I stopped at the six levels because the seven-level onward is part of the Nether Lord's domain. He has full control over them and I'm not willing to risk going there right now. As far as I know, the Nether Lord is a Heavenly Fate Realm expert. Currently, I'm only a Demigod, while I can fight and escape from a regular Heavenly Fate Realm expert, I'm not confident in doing so in their domain.

For a month, I stay in the 6th Layer creating inscription patterns and array that'll help me move around in the Nether Lord's Domain without getting caught. Even if I have Kamui and the Shadow Devil's Void Form, I have to be careful. You can never know if someone just happens to have a space-related ability that can stop you after all. When I finally feel that I'm ready, I enter the 7th Layer. After waiting for a while and seeing that nothing happened, I start to move forward.

At the 8th Layer, I wasn't able to find the Black Infernal Toward that is used for the disciple selection test. I supposed the Nether Lord didn't put it here since it's not the time for the test yet. Not finding anything else of interest on the 8th Layer, I move on to the 9th Layer.

After a full day of carefully sneaking around, I finally made it to the 9th Layer where I found the thing I was looking for, the Spatial Arrays to the Draconic Ruins Realm. Like I did with the Ten Millennium Spatial Array, I secretly connect the arrays to my array in the Nexus. As soon as I'm done, I enter the Nexus and exit back in Glory City. Now that I connected the arrays, I can finally go to the Draconic Ruins Realm.


[A/N: And that is the end of Book 1... or is it Volume 1?...

Anyway, I decide not to prolong the stay in the Divine Continent for longer than it needed so I'm ending this arc here. I also need to plan out the Draconic Ruins Realm arc because I don't plan to follow the cannon once Jun is in the DRR. It may take a couple of months or if I'm not feeling lazy, a little less than a month.

In the main time, you guys can go check my Naruto fanfic. It'll be up by the end of this week or the start of next week. It'll be one chapter a day, at least 1,000 words per chapter for as long as I can manage. It'll probably take 40-50 chapters or more before I encounter any kind of writer block for the Naruto fanfic with all the ideas and plans I put into it.

Thank you for your support, I won't be dropping this, and see you next time... also, shout out to Rassert, Handri, and daoist_cheng117 for donating the most power stone.]

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