I'm don't want to make any exaggerated excuse of what's going to happen or of what happened so I'm just going to give it to you guys straight.

I won't be updating for the foreseeable future... actually, there might not be any more updates from this point on out. Nothing happened to me or to anyone closed to me. It's just... how do I put this... I don't have the drive to continue writing?... yeah, I think that mostly sums it up.

Because I don't have the drive to write, I often find myself staring at a blank page trying to figure out what to write. It's not that I don't have any ideas of what to write, it's just that no matter what I think of, I have a hard time translating it into a story and putting it on paper. Even after taking a break of up to 2-3 weeks, I still find that problems occurring.

I don't want to spend hours staring at a blank page when I can use those hours to do something else like playing games, reading/watching anime, and/or doing my college homework. So instead of trying to force myself to continue writing, I'm going to stop completely... or at least until I can write again.

To sums everything up, I'm going to go on Hiatus for an undetermined amount of time because I can't write sh*t. Feel free to delete this from your library if you haven't already cause I might not be coming back.

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