Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 107: Yu Bei's Plan! Enter The First Step Of Five Long! Redefine Iron Torrent! 【Seek Ful

"I think let's stop here. These two fighter jets are not at the same level at all." Seeing the F-16 being teased by the F-22, Cheng Hua smiled cheerfully, and then said out loud.

Yu Bei also nodded. Now that the F-22 should be displayed, it has been displayed, and there is no need to continue.

Ever since,

Cheng Hua immediately ordered the tower to attach two fighter jets,

let it return to the ground,

Zhu Long just got out of the cockpit,

Immediately stopped by Feng Guanghui,

"Comrade Zhu Long, do you have anything to say about this fifth-generation aircraft?"

Feng Guanghui asked with a gleam in his eyes,

And Cheng Hua and Yu Bei also looked at Zhu Long,

I want to know about the driver's driving experience with the F-22.

"Report to the chief! Very good! The performance of this fifth-generation aircraft has crushed the F-16 in every aspect, especially in terms of acceleration. It can reach supersonic speed in a very short period of time! It's just... ……”

Speaking of which,

Zhu Long paused,

His face was a little hesitant.

"What's the matter?! Is there any problem?! You boy, just say what you have to say, don't be vague here! You are a soldier!"

Feng Guanghui saw Zhu Long's faltering,

Can't help being furious. 21 "Okay, old Feng, when will you restrain your temper?"

Cheng Hua glanced at Feng Guanghui helplessly,

Then he looked at Zhu Long,


"Comrade Zhu Long, is there any problem with the fifth-generation machine?"

"No, no, no! Boss Cheng, Boss Feng, Yu Gong, and the fifth-generation aircraft have no problems! What I want to say is that the training intensity of our pilots must be more intense. In fact, I almost fainted during the vertical climb just now. past."

Zhu Long said with a red face.

The main reason for this hesitation is that as a fighter pilot passing out in a fighter jet,

Only those rookies will have these problems,

But he is the captain of the second team, these problems should not have happened to him!!

Even if the fifth-generation machine accelerates too fast,

The load he bears is much higher than other fighters, but it is always a disgraceful thing!!

"What?! Wasn't the strength enough during that time?! And you still did extra training! This..."

Feng Guanghui heard Zhu Long's words,

Immediately, I couldn't help but widen my eyes!!

Then I couldn't help but feel scared!!

It's a good thing that Zhu Long is the driver of the F-22,

If it was someone else, I’m afraid I’d faint!!

"Comrade Zhu Long, Boss Feng has just told me about the intensity of the training. In fact, the intensity is already enough. It is only because you have not piloted the F-22 that you feel uncomfortable. But what you said is also reasonable, because you have adapted to The time is short, so appropriately increasing the intensity will help other fighters adapt to the fifth-generation aircraft faster."

And at this moment, Yu Bei took over the conversation aloud and said.

Hearing Yu Bei's words,

Zhu Long breathed a sigh of relief,

At least this feeling is not due to my own reasons.

Subsequently, Yu Bei said some details about the F-22.

Then everyone left from the square.

In the evening, Cheng Hua took Feng Guanghui and Yu Bei to have a good meal,

at dinner,

I drank a lot of wine again.

"Old Feng, come here often when you are free, and show me some respect for your attitude. Our National Defense Agency is now the richest department. If you want to apply for funds if you have any questions in the future, you must give me a nod."

Sending Feng Guanghui to the car, Cheng Hua said with a red face.

And Yu Bei also blushed a little,

After Feng Guanghui left,

That's what it says,

"Boss Cheng, I need to discuss it with you."

"Oh? Yu Bei, you drank a lot today, how about tomorrow?"

Cheng Hua laughed.

Yu Bei shook his head,

"Let's talk now. Boss Cheng, do you think our Dragon Kingdom is a big country?"

Hearing Yu Bei's words,

Cheng Hua was stunned for a moment,

Then I couldn't help laughing,

"Yu Bei, you boy... what are you talking about?! Nuclear bombs, intercontinental missiles, satellites, what do we want in Long Kingdom now!? The fifth-generation aircraft has been produced! Why is it not a big country in your mouth? Already!?"

Hearing Cheng Hua's words,

Yu Bei smiled,

Then a gleam flashed in his eyes,

said aloud,

"Boss Cheng, what you said is correct, but in the international arena, do we really have the right to speak? Or do we have the opportunity to speak on the international stage?"

Hearing Yu Bei's words, Cheng Hua's smile froze for a moment, he took a slight breath and said,

"Yu Bei, what do you mean...

"Mr. Cheng, what I mean is that we have to set a good goal. This time we must win the first place in the World Resources Military Competition, and then we will use the momentum of this first place to enter the fifth rank!! Squeeze the curved island go out!"

"To realize the final revival of the Dragon Kingdom step by step!"

A light flashed in Yu Bei's eyes, and he said firmly.

Hearing Yu Bei's words,

Cheng Hua's pupils couldn't help shrinking,

Afterwards, the drunkenness disappeared all of a sudden,

The chest can't help but rise and fall rapidly!!

Unable to enter the five chiefs,

The fifth leader is still replaced by someone else's top name,

It has always been the knot in the heart of the Dragon Kingdom!!

after all

Syndication is the stage of the world!!

As long as you can't enter the joint organization,

Even if the Dragon Kingdom is called a big country,

It can only be a regional power,

The voice in the world is still not too loud!!

"Yu Bei, you are right! Things are going so smoothly these days, which makes me a little impetuous. The revival of our Dragon Kingdom is still far away!!"

Cheng Hua took a deep breath,

Looking at Yu Bei, he said,

"What shall we do next?"

"Let's develop the army first, Boss Cheng, what do you think of Da Mao's tank team?"

Yu Bei smiled and said.

"Big Hairy Tank?"

Cheng Hua was stunned for a moment when he heard Yu Bei's words, then thought for a while and said,

"Not to mention, when it comes to tanks, Da Mao is indeed very good, that is, the last time we tested the hydrogen bomb, there were many tanks, and they could even be repaired and put back into service!!

"I still remember a few years ago when our relationship with Da Mao was not so tense. I used to go to their red venue to watch the parade. The torrent of steel was really powerful and shocking!!"

Speaking of which,

A gleam of memory flashed in Cheng Hua's eyes,

The expression also became a little emotional.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's start developing our new tank as well."

Yu Bei smiled and said.

"Study our new tank? Do you mean to compete with Da Mao's steel torrent?"

Hearing Yu Bei's words, Cheng Hua's eyes lit up!

"No, Boss Cheng, we don't need to compete with Da Mao's steel torrent."

"What we're going to do 000 is...."

"Redefining Iron Torrent!!"


As soon as Cheng Hua finished speaking,

Yu Bei shook his head,

The light in the eyes flickered.


Cheng Hua heard Yu Bei's majestic words,

Immediately I couldn't help but gasp!!

Redefine Iron Torrent!?

This is too big a word!!

Seeing Cheng Hua's stunned look,

Yu Bei subconsciously patted Cheng Hua's shoulder,

Then said:

"Boss Cheng, you don't have to think about this, leave everything to me, and I will let you know when I'm done, and we will definitely create a torrent of steel that is stronger than Da Mao!!"

After speaking,

Yu Bei left.

But Cheng Hua came back to his senses,

Then he couldn't help showing a gratified smile on his face,

I looked at my clothes that were wrinkled by Yu Bei,

"Brat, it's not big or small!!"

And after Yu Bei returned home,

went straight to the shower,

Wash off the smell of alcohol all over yourself!

Then he sat down at the desk,

Think carefully!

What he said to Cheng Hua earlier was not a drink!

On the contrary, after learning about the World Resources Military Competition,

He began to think about the development of tanks!!

After all, this is a bend that a country's army cannot get around!!

But now there is a problem in front of the North,

That is so many advanced tanks of later generations,

Which one to choose!?

Dragon Kingdom new steel torrent,

What is it going to be built with!?.

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