Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 108: 9A Tank! Cheng Hua: Faster Than A Car, Is This A Tank? ! Awareness Of The Beautiful Cou

"Which tank should I choose?"

Recalling the mainstream tanks of the previous life.

Yu Bei couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After all, the mainstream tanks in the previous life were all excellent!!

Like Leopard 2, M1A3 and more!!

Just pull one up to now,

It's all dimensionality reduction strikes!!


Since the fighter jets first adopted the fighter jets from the beautiful country,

Then the tank should use Dragon Kingdom’s own!!


If even the tank is beautiful,

This team looks no different from the beautiful country team!!

Thinking of this,

Yu Beixin also made a decision inside,

Then a gleam flashed in his eyes,

breathed out,


"If that's the case, then only you - 9A tank!!"

9A tank,

Among later generations, this is the ace team of the Dragon Kingdom Army!!

The total weight of the battle is 55 tons, the length is 7.6 meters, the width is 3.5 meters, and the height is 2.37 meters!!

such a body shape,

So far it's been a monster!!

Moreover, the 9A tank is equipped with an advanced diesel engine with a maximum output of 1,500 horsepower.

There is also a hydromechanical integrated automatic transmission device, the maximum road speed can be 80 km/h!!

Coupled with the CH-1000 fully automatic hydraulic mechanical comprehensive transmission system,

without any exaggeration,

Even this tank can race with some heavy trucks on the road!!

125mm smoothbore gun,

All these tanks can be shredded with one shot!!

And his defensive armor is also very thick, which can withstand all-round fire from enemy tanks, anti-tank missiles and armed helicopters!!

The effective fusion of firepower, mobility, protection and information has been realized!!

And in terms of fuel consumption,

The 9A tank is also equivalent to the cost performance!!

If these things are mass-produced,

If you make a torrent of steel like Omo,

This will definitely raise the level of the Dragon Kingdom Army to a new level directly!!

At that time, the Dragon Kingdom tank team,

It will be where the sword points,


Dragon Kingdom will be able to truly redefine the steel torrent,

As for Da Mao's steel torrent,

In front of the tank group of Dragon Kingdom,

Will be as fragile as a thin layer of paper!!

"Then let's start tomorrow..."

Thinking of this, this light flickered in Beibei's eyes, and he exhaled.


After washing up,

Just fell asleep.

the next day.

It was when Bei started to read books to accumulate energy points,

the other side,

The secret port of the Dragon Kingdom Navy.

"Report! The company account information system technology has been fully mastered!!"

"Report! The company's gun system technology has been fully mastered!!"

"Report! The company's positioning system has been fully mastered, and the Beidou seven-star satellite system has been successfully upgraded!!"

Good news came one after another,

Yan Yun couldn't help but flush with excitement!

After these days of hard work, he finally led the team to conquer all the technologies of the company except the nuclear power system!!

"Great! Comrades! We have achieved a great victory!!"

"I believe Yu Gong and Boss Cheng will be proud of us!!"

"Thank you comrades for your dedication!! We are the first aircraft carrier in the Dragon Kingdom, each of you is a hero!!"

Yan Yun took a deep breath,

Looking at a group of researchers in front of him, he said.

After a group of people celebrated intermittently,

Yan Yun reported the situation to Cheng Hua overnight,

Ask Cheng Hua to approve funding,

Start building the ship frame of the first aircraft carrier in Dragon Kingdom!!

And Cheng Hua naturally did not have any hesitation,

A direct sum of scientific research funds came over!!

After Yu Bei learned of this,

Didn't say much either,

After all, as long as it does not involve power issues,

What boat racks, other systems are great!!

And the frame of the boat,

There is no high-tech content,

Even if he does it himself,

It can't increase the speed much,

Just grind it out slowly!!

And this time,

Yan Yun can lead the team to do this,

Naturally, he also took on some pressure for Yu Bei,

At that time, when the frame of the ship is completed,

Yu Bei made time again,

put controllable nuclear fusion,

And the controllable nuclear fusion shrinkage technology has been developed,

Just remodel it!

To say the only thing that Yu Bei has some regrets about,

That is, even though Da Mao's internal situation is jittery,

But all in all it hasn't collapsed yet,


No matter what he said, he must find a way to get Da Mao's Heihe shipyard here!!

Of course,

Although there is no chance now,

It doesn't mean there will be no chance in the future!!

After all, it is in Beixin's must-have list,

Heihe Shipyard is on the list!

Half a month passed in a flash.

After such a long time of accumulation.

Yu Bei has gathered enough energy,

And exchanged the design drawings and related knowledge of the 9A main battle tank!!

"Huh———— finally got it out!"||!"

Yu Bei looked at the blueprint in front of him,

Nodding with satisfaction.


He went directly to the National Defense Department to find Cheng Hua.

"Boss Cheng, let's make money. Our steel torrent can start!!"

Yu Bei said with a smile.

Cheng Hua looked at the tank design in front of him,

Everyone's eyes lit up!!

To know that Yu Bei had acquired fighter jets and bombers before, he only had a half-knowledge.

But this tank is different!!

Back then, he started to show his talents as a tank soldier!!


Upon seeing this design,

he will understand,

This tank was designed by Bei,

It is definitely not comparable to the mainstream tanks of other countries now!!

"Wait!! Yu Bei, are you making a mistake?!"

Cheng Hua, who was carefully checking the relevant data, suddenly seemed to have seen something unbelievable.

take a deep breath,

Then he pointed to the tank blueprint,

squinting his eyes,

"You......... Can this tank run at 80 mph?! Grandma is a bear, many cars can't run at this speed!!"

"This tank is more than 50 tons!!"

"That's right, Boss Cheng, our tank can run so fast!"

Yu Bei thought Cheng Hua wanted to say something,

Hearing this, he immediately smiled and shook his head,

Then explain it,

"Boss Cheng, the engine of this 9A tank is not an ordinary engine!!"

"The engine I designed is a 12-cylinder four-stroke cooled and supercharged diesel engine. The cylinder diameter is 142mm, the piston stroke is 130mm, and the cylinder volume is 17 liters!! Normally, the rated power is 1103kw, and it can burst out 1500 horsepower!!"

"Such a powerful power can naturally give our tanks an unusual speed!! This will greatly improve the marching speed and mobility of our tanks


Although I can't understand some of Yu Bei's technical terms,

But this 1500 horsepower Cheng Hua can still understand!!

This is downright scary!!

To know,

Even Da Mao's current mainstream tank T-54 horsepower is only in the early 600s!!

You have a total of 1500 horsepower when you come up!?

It is directly more than twice that of the T-54!!

If nothing else,

In terms of photodynamics,

This directly exploded Da Mao's T-54 main battle tank!!

How scary!!


In such a contrast,

Cheng Hua couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva!!


My whole body couldn't help but tremble with excitement!!

"Good boy!! Yu Bei, you really... If this tank is really made!! I must touch it myself!"

Cheng Hua rubbed his hands excitedly,

Finally, I don't know what to think of,

Suddenly he asked again,

"Yu Bei, your engine is so good, isn't it fuel efficient!!"

"We don't have a lot of oilfield excavation now, but we can basically achieve self-sufficiency. There is a huge demand in all aspects of this industry. If the oil consumption is too high, then we will be a bit difficult to deal with!!"

"After all, the blockade is tight for us here, Da Mao and the beautiful country control most of the oil production in the region!!"

"Don't worry, Boss Cheng, the fuel consumption of this 9A tank is very cost-effective. It's not as exaggerated as you think."

"In addition, oil and gas resources are indeed a problem, but I believe that as long as we can win the first place in the World Resources Military Contest, we will be able to get a big piece of the pie in terms of oil and gas!!"

Yu Bei smiled and said.

"That's good! You are right, as long as we can win the first place in the World Resource Military Contest, we have the right to choose resource allocation!!"

When Cheng Hua heard Yu Bei's words, he first breathed a sigh of relief, then a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he nodded.

Seeing Cheng Hua like this,

Yu Bei smiled noncommittally,

Then he stretched out his right hand, rubbed his thumb and index finger together,

"So, Boss Cheng, pay me..."

"Hahahaha! Okay, pay for it!! Immediately start the 9A tank project!! We still have industrial capabilities in tanks!! Only money, plus your technology, I dare not say anything about fighter jets, but this tank....."

"Hey, within half a year, I will be able to make our tanks reach the level of Da Mao!!"

"When the time comes, let Da Mao see what a real steel torrent is!!"

Cheng Hua heard Yu Bei's words,

Suddenly burst out laughing,

Then picked up the phone,

Immediately issued orders to tank factories everywhere!!

And threatened that money is not a problem!

What Cheng Hua didn't expect was that,

It wasn't long after this word was released.

The Air Force, the Navy, they all called immediately!!

Asking aggressively why they don't have that much funding!!

This made Cheng Hua look embarrassed,

It can only increase the investment of funds for both sides!!

"...This group of guys! It's like a shark that has seen blood! It's coming after the smell!!"

After hanging up the phone,

Cheng Hua smiled helplessly.

Yu Bei also smiled and said, "Boss Cheng, when did you become like a miser? Isn't the Beidou Seven-Star Satellite System just to improve our military strength and the people's living standards?"

"Cough, I know. This is the habit of putting money in the bag, and don't like taking it out! Alas, it's still

Scared of being poor..."

Cheng Hua said awkwardly.

Seeing Cheng Hua like this,

Yu Bei also couldn't help laughing,

Then I don't know what to think,

There is a gleam in the eye,

"However, it is also a good thing for the Air Force to prepare the fifth-generation aircraft as soon as possible! I guess after so long, the beautiful country may also find a clue.

"Huh? How did it involve the beautiful country again? What did they find?"

Cheng Hua was a little overwhelmed by Yu Bei's jumping thinking.

"Boss Cheng, I believe Meiliguo must have informants on Da Mao's side, that is to say, they will know what happened to the friction with Da Mao at sea sooner or later.


Yu Bei said.

"You mean they will take action after they know what happened?"

Cheng Hua reacted, frowning slightly.

"There will definitely be actions! It's just that with Meiguo's character, it's not certain whether she will directly participate in it or not!"

"However, these are all digressions. We just need to hurry up and improve our own strength. It doesn't matter whether he is a beautiful country or a big hair, and the soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it!!"

Yu Bei rubbed his chin, analyzed briefly, and then said.

"Well, you are right, but you still have to be vigilant! If the beautiful country really wants to make any moves, it will definitely be on the side of the cherry blossom country! I will let the navy and the others pay attention at any time!

"In addition, F22 must be established as soon as possible! The training of pilots must also be accelerated!!"

Cheng Hua nodded when he heard Yu Bei's words.

while on the other side,

It was when Bei and Cheng Hua were analyzing the current situation (Wang's good).

Beautiful white house.

Hanks was sitting in the commander's office looking at the documents.


Admiral Mike walked in with an aggrieved face!!

"What's the matter? Mike, what's the matter? You don't look well?"

Hanks put down the documents in his hand, looked up at Admiral Mike, and said.

"Mr. Tong, this Dragon Kingdom is simply too despicable!!"

"Do you still remember the friction at sea between us and Da Mao?!"

Admiral Mike took a deep breath, calmed down and said.

"Why don't you remember? Our company account was emptied by Longguo that time..."

Hanks twitched his face and said.

Admiral Mike nodded,

"After our investigation by the people on Da Mao's side, it turned out that Da Mao and the others went crazy because they were suspected of our fighter jets sinking a frigate!!"


How pitiful, when I heard Admiral Mike's words, my eyes widened and I stood up straight away!!

"Mike, have you issued such an order?!"

Hanks took a deep breath, then asked.

"How is it possible!! Mr. Tong, I have never issued such an order, and no one, including my subordinates, would make such a stupid move!!"

Admiral Mike quickly denied,

Finally he went on to say,

"Mr. Commander, the most important thing is...

"When those fighter jets similar to ours appeared, none of Da Mao's ships detected their existence!!"

When Hanks heard Admiral Mike's words, he suddenly thought of something, and his pupils shrank suddenly!!

Then he looked at Admiral Mike,

"You mean..."

"That's right, I doubt what Da Mao and the others said is true!!"

Admiral Mike took a deep breath, then nodded Li firmly,

"Longguo and they really made an invisible plane!!".

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