"Hahahaha!! That's great! Mr. Tong, I didn't expect to trip Da Mao so easily!!"

"Yeah, last year Da Mao won the first place in the World Resource Military Contest. Originally, we thought that Da Mao would take advantage of the trend and even surpass us. Unexpectedly, time has changed. In just one year, the so-called steel alliance It just collapsed!!"

"It's God helping our beautiful country!! This is giving us a chance to become the world's largest country!!"

And on the other side in the beautiful country,

Inside the White House Commander's Office,

All the upper echelons are cheering!!

After all, before this, Yin Mao had always been a boulder pressing on their chests!

Just when they were thinking about how to move the stone away,

Who would have thought that this stone would collapse by itself!?

Hanks' face also softened a lot,

It can be said that the big hair has collapsed now,

No matter what I did during this period,

But the biggest credit will definitely be counted on him!!

And he will surely become one of the most successful leaders in the history of the beautiful country!!

This is an honor that no amount of money can buy!!

"Okay, everyone doesn't need to be too excited, what we have to consider now is how to get greater benefits from this drastic change!!"

"Now that Da Mao has fallen, his resources are like fat meat, ready to be watched by all countries!!"

"Our beautiful country does not do business at a loss!! We must swallow all those resources that can be swallowed!!"

"In addition, we need to set another goal. Otherwise, without the deterrence of Da Mao, the western countries may not be able to truly unite with us. As for this self-standard, I believe everyone knows it in their hearts!!"

"That's Dragon Kingdom!!"

"Our strategic direction in the future is to develop towards the country of restricting dragons!!"

Hanks breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the others, smiled slightly and said.

A group of people heard Hanks' words,

Immediately calmed down,

then nodded,

Everyone knows that the current Dragon Kingdom is booming,

After arriving, will the situation develop into the same situation as Da Mao,

Nobody can tell you that!!

So a group of people started to discuss!!

And the same scene is happening in other places,

Including Dragon Kingdom too!!

At this time, the Dragon Kingdom Supreme Command Center was beaming with joy!!

Every general's face is extremely rosy, as if it is Chinese New Year!

Weidu knows that the powerful Da Mao is for them,

It really helped a lot in the early days,

But the more you get to the back, the big hair is like a demon, and it will stretch its claws around!!

Devour everything around!!

A dead Big Brother is a really good Big Brother!!

"I didn't expect such a big change to happen in just one or two months!!"

"Yeah, today Mao's collapse is really a big relief for us!!"

"Thanks to Yu Bei, if there is no Yu Bei, we really can't say it!!"

A group of generals said with emotion, and finally turned their attention to Yu Bei.

"Yu Bei, thanks to you, if it weren't for you, Da Mao would have come to this point | I'm afraid it won't work without a landowner for ten years!! Our Long Kingdom will be under Da Mao's hands for another 20 or 30 years! !"

Mr. Qin stroked his beard,

Looking at Yu Bei with a smile, he said.

And when Yu Bei heard old master Qin's words,

Immediately, I couldn't help being slightly surprised,

It can be said that this is completely in line with the historical development trend!!

if not yourself,

Without these variables,

Da Mao can really survive another 20 or 30 years!!

"That's right, Yu Bei, it's really thanks to you, otherwise our Long Kingdom would still be living in belt belts!!"

Cheng Hua also nodded with a smile,

"Yu Bei, tell me what you think, what should we do next?"

After Cheng Hua finished speaking, the others also kept quiet,

Looking at Yu Bei expectantly,

Waiting for Yu Bei's speech.

"Then, first of all, we will face two problems.

When Yu Bei heard Cheng Hua's words, he smiled, and then said,

"The first question, what we have to do now is to eat up Da Mao's inheritance!!"

"As for what it is, I have already thought about it now, and I will make a list later, and when the time comes, I will give it to you in person.

"Okay, this is what it should be. We have worked hard to get what we should have for the collapse of Da Mao!!"

When Mr. Qin heard Yu Bei's words,


Then he asked,

"What about the second question?"

"second question."

Yu Bei smiled and continued,

"The second question is about the relationship with the beautiful country."

"The beautiful country must now regard us as 450 as the first goal. Only when they set us as the goal can they continue to unite. Other western countries

So as to continue to control their economic lifeline!"

"However, this question is not so urgent. After all, the beautiful country is still very strong in terms of comprehensive strength, and now that Da Mao has fallen, they can also be called the number one in the world for the time being!!"

So we can ignore this for the time being, anyway, no matter what attitude their beautiful country has towards our dragon country, we still want to develop, and our goal is not the beautiful country, our goal is to make progress!! No matter what the situation is , will not stop moving forward!!”

Yu Bei let out a breath.

When the other generals heard what Yu Bei said,

All of a sudden, they were stunned for a moment,

Then I couldn't help but my chest rose and fell!!

What Yu Bei said just now,

Let this group of experienced generals feel excited and passionate!!

Yu Bei's words mean,

That is to say, the Dragon Kingdom is endless!!

"Okay, well said, our Dragon Kingdom will never end!! Do not compare with others, only compare with ourselves!"

Mr. Qin also came back to his senses at this time, and then said!!.

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