All the generals heard Mr. Qin's words,

Also came back to God,

Then they all applauded for Yu Bei,

Afterwards, there were other issues to be discussed in the meeting,

It was announced that it was over at around six o'clock in the evening.

And Qin Han also stayed alone in Yubei for a while, explained some problems with Yubei, and looked at Yubei again and said,

"Because you can tell me now, where do you want the resources of Da Mao? After all, Da Mao has such a large territory, and now all the alliance countries have declared their independence. If we want to obtain some resources at this time , we still need to plan a little bit!"

Hearing please look at it, you messed with Wei Wei a bit, and then it was just for fun, but you can understand Qin Han's mood,

After all, this is not a trivial matter. As the supreme leader of the Dragon Kingdom, he must first plan for the overall situation!!

"Chief, I haven't thought too much about it yet, but there are a few points that we must do."

Yu Bei took a deep breath, and then said,

"First, we must get the Heihe Shipyard located in the west."

"Our navy is also in urgent need of development. If we can win the Heihe Shipyard, this will be a huge development opportunity for our Dragon Kingdom Navy!!

"I can also use this Heihe shipyard to really make our aircraft carrier, I mean nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!!"

Hearing Yu Bei's words,

Qin Han froze for a moment,

Then the eyes couldn't help but sparkle!!

"I have visited this Heihe shipyard, and it is indeed a first-class shipyard in terms of industrial technology and other aspects!!"

"Even before the Company was built in the United States, this shipbuilding technology has always been at the forefront.

"However, if you want to get this Heihe shipyard, I'm afraid it will take some effort. After all, this Heihe shipyard is really far away from us. It is so close to those big western countries. I think maybe they also want to get this Heihe shipyard. Shipyard!||!"

"If you put it in the past, it's really not easy to take..."

When Yu Bei heard what Qin Han said,

Nodding emotionally,

Thinking of the time in the previous life,

Longguo also purchased a big hairy aircraft carrier shell,

But because it's too far away,

It was directly detained by Husky Country!!

A buckle is a year and a half!!

Wait until it is shipped back to the country,

The aircraft carrier shell is rusted!!

"However, the situation is different now, Chief, we are so powerful now, there is no need to play tricks with those people!!"

"Tell them directly that we are going to order the Heihe shipyard!!"

Yu Bei came back to his senses, and then said aloud.

Hearing this, Old Master Qin couldn't help being a little excited!!

"Okay, you're right! Let's have a showdown with them, and they don't dare to do anything!!"

"It's a big deal and we'll send our flight formation to the west for a turn at that time!!"

Mr. Qin took a deep breath, then nodded.

Then he suddenly remembered what Yu Bei said just now, and asked,

"By the way, Yu Bei, the Heihe shipyard is the first thing we must get, what about the second thing?"

"The second..."

Hearing Mr. Qin's words,

Yu Bei also took a deep breath for a while,

eyes sparkle,

My face became heavy!!

"Chief, although Da Mao and the others have helped us a lot in the past few years, we have given them enough in return."

"But you also know that there are some things that they forcibly snatched from us!!"

"These things that originally belonged to us, we must take them back!!"

Yu Bei took a deep breath, then said in a deep voice.

Hearing Yu Bei's words,

Old Master Qin's complexion also changed slightly,

Then he sighed sadly,

"Yu Bei, are you talking about the lost land?"

"Yes, Chief, these lost lands are not only a symbol of shame for our Dragon Kingdom, but also have a lot of resources on these lost lands!! They can support the development of our Dragon Kingdom!!"

Yu Bei nodded, and then said.

See what Yu Bei said,

Mr. Qin also nodded,

Then hesitated,

still speak out,

"Although it is said that some things are historical leftovers that were created by Wan over there before, logically speaking, we should be responsible for recovering these things."

"It's a pity that our Dragon Country has been blocked all these years. Whether it is economically or militarily, it is far behind Da Mao and the Beautiful Country, so these things have not been resolved!"

"Actually, if we really try to solve it, there is no way out, and even for me, it will be a matter of great merit!! But it is too cruel for us Dragon Kingdom people, and we can't just think about it when we are full. Fighting [let alone put the hat of the joint efforts of the people of the whole country on my head!"

Mr. Qin's words were extremely heavy,

But you can also hear the emotion in it!!

The highest military commander of the Dragon Kingdom,

To all the people of the Dragon Kingdom,

Deep in love!!

When Yu Bei heard what Mr. Qin said,

I was a little choked up for a while,

Wanted to say something but couldn't.

After all, what Mr. Qin said is true,

Even if these things are not brought back in the end,

No one can criticize this old man who looks "honest and kind"!!

He is thinking about the people of the entire Dragon Kingdom!!

Yu Bei did not speak,

Mr. Qin didn't speak either.

Did this silence last for nearly half a minute? Qian Zhao 012804005 Fei Lu 004530590]

And at this time,

Only then did Mr. Qin shake his head,

broke the silence with a smile,

"Hey, this person talks a lot, it's useless to talk so much, anyway, we decided to take it back now!! Wash away our shame!!"

"Okay, Yu Bei, I won't say much, do you have anything else to say?"

After Mr. Qin finished speaking,

He patted Yu Bei on the shoulder and asked.

"No more, chief, I will write down the list of specific resources and hand it over to you.

Yu Bei shook his head and said.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you!!"

Hearing Yu Bei's words, Mr. Qin showed a gratified smile! Words!

Yu Bei nodded, then turned and left.

And looking at the back of Yu Bei leaving,

Elder Qin couldn't help sighing,

"With this son in the Dragon Kingdom, why worry about not being revived...

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