Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 144 Yu Bei: I Want To Add An Aircraft Carrier Formation To Longguo! 【Seek Full Order】

while on the other side,

Yu Ci and Li Yue are sitting on the stool,

Waiting for Yu Bei to come back for dinner.

"Oh, Xiao Bei is so busy now that he doesn't even have time to have dinner with us. Thinking back to us, when Xiao Bei was still in high school, the family of ten had such a lively meal!

Li Yue looked at the dishes on the table that had been reheated two or three times,

Immediately he said,

The tone is a bit complaining.

"It's coming again, it's coming again. You said that our Xiaobei is now a major general and the chief engineer of so many projects, how could he spend so much time eating?!"

When Yu Ci heard what his wife said, he immediately frowned, and said displeasedly,

"You woman, don't complain here. If Xiaobei hears about it, how much pressure will it cause him? If he is under too much pressure, our Dragon Kingdom will lag behind in development!

"It's not bad now. Isn't our satellite system the number one in the world? I heard that one month's income is equivalent to the annual income of many small countries in Black Continent!!"

"Besides, didn't we just win the World Resource Military Competition? Our Dragon Country is actually not short of money now, is it? I feel that it is similar to 007's life in the Beautiful Country, but some buildings are not as beautiful as theirs in the Beautiful Country. But there will always be!!”

However, Li Ming pouted and said.

"What life in the beautiful country? How do you know what life in the beautiful country is like?"

However, Yu Ci keenly captured the information in his wife's words, and said with his eyes wide open.

"What do you mean by that look in your eyes? Of course you can watch it! Recently, there is a movie in the beautiful country that is very popular, and many people are watching it. I asked you to watch it together last time. You said you didn't watch it, did you forget? "

Li Yue frowned and said.

"Oh, is that the movie??"

Yu Ci suddenly remembered something,

eyes sparkle,

"Seldom watch those movies in the future, they are all corrupting thoughts."

"Dad, Mom, I'm back.

And at this moment,

Suddenly Yu Bei's voice came to mind,

Yu Ci and Li Yue's eyes lit up immediately,

Then Li Yue hurried forward,

Open the door.

"Xiaobei, why did you come back so late, have you eaten yet?"

"You can't just think about work all day, but also pay attention to your body. After all, your body is the capital of revolution. Have you heard that? Look at you, you have lost a lot of weight these days!!"

Li Yue said distressedly.

Hearing Li Yue's words, Yu Bei's heart warmed slightly. She thought that she had eaten at the Supreme Command Center last time.

But looking at Yu Ci sitting there,

Already the apparently hot and hot meal,

He just smiled and said,

"Didn't eat."


Hearing Yu Bei's words,

Yu Ci, who had kept his back to Yu Bei and said nothing, was obviously relieved.

Then he said,

"Since you haven't eaten yet, why don't you come here quickly, this dish has been heated up several times, just wait for your kid to come back to eat!"

"Okay, come right away!"

Yu Bei smiled and said.

Then he sat down at the table.

"By the way, Xiao Bei, what are you doing lately?"

After taking a sip of wine, Yu Ci asked.

"Didn't Da Mao fall down recently? We are discussing how to divide the benefits.

Yu Bei took a mouthful of food, and then said aloud.

Hearing Yu Bei's words,

Yu Ci subconsciously froze for a moment,

Then reacted,


"Yeah, this big hair is down!! It used to be such a powerful country, you said that Peter is usually so smart, how can he be so stupid? He actually went to imprison the children of the leaders of the alliance countries!! Isn't this a disturbance to the hearts of the people? Rich!?"

Hearing Yu Ci's words, Yu Bei smiled, and then said out loud,

"Dad, you are wrong. What Peter did was just a (afbc) trigger. He is familiar with the reason for survival. The behavior of the leader of the Confederate States has nothing to do with it!!"

"Oh, tell me how Da Mao and the others managed to fall so quickly?"

Hearing Yu Bei's words, Yu Ci frowned, and then said.

"The first is that there are problems with their economy. I will not elaborate on this. In short, their corresponding system is not suitable for economic development."

"The second is external reasons. They have been secretly doing things in the beautiful country. I heard that they plan to use the method of cultural invasion to change the minds of some people in Da Mao. It turns out that they succeeded in doing so. After Bourne went out , Don’t those old fellows in Moxico rebel?”

Yu Bei said with a smile.


Whether it is Yu Ci or Li Yue,

Hearing Yu Bei's words,

All of a sudden, my eyes widened!!

especially the latter,

His face is even paler!!

Yu Ci took a deep breath, frowned, and then asked tentatively,

"Yu Bei, what exactly does this cultural invasion mean?"

"What do you mean by cultural invasion? Literally, it means that the beautiful country uses some movies, novels, and various output methods to convey their worldview

To achieve the purpose of changing people's minds!!"

"It's called culture invasion!!"

When Yu Bei heard what his father said, he smiled immediately, and then explained.


Hearing Yu Bei's words,

Yu Ci gasped!!

Subconsciously looking at his wife Li Yue,


At this moment, Li Yue was already trembling with fright!!

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Yu Bei frowned when he saw his mother like this, and then said.

"Yu Bei, let me tell you one thing, your mother may have made a mistake.

Yu Ci said in a deep voice,

Then he told about Li Yue's movie watching.

"Xiao Bei, how do you say this should be done?"

Li Yue asked with a pale face.

When Yu Bei heard this,

Only then did I understand the reason for the strangest behavior of the two of them!!

Can't help but smile,

Then said,

"Parents, why are you nervous? It's not illegal to watch a movie!"

"We have considered this situation a long time ago. We have acquiesced in allowing these films to flow in. After all, ordinary people have the right to choose for themselves! As long as we do well enough, then all this will not be a problem!!"

"And next, our Dragon Kingdom will make big moves!!"

"That's good, that's good, because of the action? What kind of action?"

Yu Ci breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked again.

"I want to add the strongest aircraft carrier formation in the world to our Dragon Kingdom!!"

Yu Bei's eyes sparkled, and he said. .

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