Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 150 Forced Implementation! 【Seek Full Order】

"It doesn't matter?! What are you talking about, kid! Do you know that if the money we earn through the Beidou seven-star satellite system can't buy external resources, it's almost like waste paper!!"

As soon as Yu Bei finished speaking, when Yu Bei heard his words, he immediately jumped up in a hurry!!

After all, the meaning in Yu Bei's words, no matter how it sounds, it seems that he never thought that such a situation would happen!

"Ahem, Dad, what are you in a hurry for? I mean, if they do this, I still have a solution!!"

However, seeing his father in such a hurry, Yu Bei couldn't help coughing in embarrassment, and then said.

"You'd better be!! Then why don't you hurry to the Supreme Military Command Center and tell me your method! It won't save the bosses from discussing for so long and can't come up with an idea!"

Hearing what my son said,

Yu Ci was relieved,

Then he said out loud.

However, Yu Bei didn't know what to think of, and looked at his father playfully,

"Dad, what you mean is that you think the bosses can't think of a good solution, right?"

Hearing Yu Bei's words, Yu Ci was taken aback for a moment, then his face flushed, and he touched his nose subconsciously,

"Stinky boy, don't talk here!! Hurry up and get out!!"

As soon as he spoke, he kicked Yu Bei's ass!!

Yu Bei could only take the blueprint of the tokamak and rush directly towards the supreme military command center!!

On the other side of the Supreme Military Command Center, after the group of old men finished saying those words, a group of generals gradually became quiet,

"Okay, everyone, do you have any other opinions? If not, then let's stop here."

Mr. Qin glanced around at the group of generals around him, and then said aloud.

A group of generals lowered their heads when they heard Mr. Qin's words, but they couldn't come up with the most suitable solution for this situation!!

Seeing a group of generals like this,

Old Master Qin also sighed in his heart,

Nodding his head, just as he was about to announce the end of the meeting,

Yu Bei walked in directly!!

"Chief, I have a solution."

Yu Bei smiled, then looked at Mr. Qin and said.

And when a group of generals saw Yu Bei coming, their eyes lit up, and then a smile appeared on their faces!!

"Brat, you are finally here. Your dad has been saying that you are busy these days!!"

Cheng Hua also smiled, and then said to Bei with a smile.

"Yeah, Yu Bei, without you, there is one less person who came up with this idea!!"

"That's right, that's right, Yu Bei, tell me quickly, how should we pay back now?"

A group of generals asked aloud,

Elder Qin also looked at Yu Bei with a gentle face,

"My method is that there is no method. Let's just forcefully implement this plan. As for their sanctions, we don't need to worry about it!"

Yu Bei smiled, and then said,


A group of generals heard Yu Bei's words,

The original smile froze all of a sudden,

Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes,

Then took a deep breath,

Somewhat overwhelmed!!

What does your method mean there is no method?!

What kind of bullshit is this?!

Even Cheng Hua, who had always trusted Yu Bei, couldn't help frowning, then took a deep breath and asked,

"That... Yu Bei, what do you mean by that?"

"Literally, let them sanction us!!"

"We'll just have this thing!!"

Yu Bei smiled,

Then I took out the blueprint of the tokamak device from my pocket!!

Seeing this design drawing, Mr. Qin suddenly seemed to think of something, and then he couldn't help but his eyes lit up and said quickly,

"Yu Bei, is this what you mean by controlled nuclear fusion!?"

"Controlled nuclear fusion!?"

A group of generals couldn't help but their eyes lit up when they heard these words!!

"That's right, Boss Cheng, this is the basic device for controllable nuclear fusion—the tokamak device!!"

Yu Bei smiled, and then said,

"The reason why their beautiful country and other countries have the courage to sanction our dragon country is because our resources are not well developed, and they can use this to choke our necks, but as long as we put controllable nuclear fusion If it is done, then our energy problem will be fundamentally solved!!”

...asking for flowers......

"When the time comes, we won't have to rely on importing materials and energy from those countries, and we will be able to achieve energy self-sufficiency!!"

Achieving energy self-sufficiency!?

When a group of generals heard Yu Bei's words, their eyes widened immediately!

You must know that the population of their Dragon Kingdom is the largest in the world!!

Coupled with the booming industry and various industries now,

The energy required is simply an astronomical figure!!

If we want to achieve self-sufficiency in energy, that... is simply too scary!!

"Yes, once this controllable nuclear fusion is realized, we will have an artificial sun!!"

Yu Bei nodded, and then explained some of the effects of controllable nuclear fusion.

A group of generals were fascinated by listening to it, and their faces were filled with expressions of excitement!!

"Okay! If that's the case, then we don't have to worry about the attitude of those Western countries and beautiful countries anymore, let's download those resources!!"

"That's right!! If we really achieve controllable nuclear fusion, wouldn't we become the first country in the world that no longer depends on nature!?"

After a group of generals came back to their senses, they all said excitedly.

Yu Bei just smiled and said nothing.

"Okay, Yu Bei, then hurry up and do these things!! If you need anything, just ask, we will definitely support you with all our strength!!"

At this time, Mr. Qin couldn't help but took a deep breath, and then said aloud.

Yu Bei also nodded,

Then I don't know what to think,


"Speaking of which, Chief, I still need some help.

"I need more people to help me!!"

"Now that the Beidou seven-star satellite system is on the right track, I want to bring back Mr. Qian and Uncle Deng. They also have extremely high attainments in nuclear energy. With them, controllable nuclear fusion can be realized earlier! Of!".

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