"However, sir, I still need some help.

Yu Bei took a deep breath, took a picture of the design in his hand on the table, and then a light flashed in his eyes,

"I want to transfer Uncle Deng, Mr. Qian, and our comrades from the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base back from the Northwest Satellite Base. After all, their research on nuclear research is also extremely deep, and their progress on this project will be much faster! !"

"No problem. Now the work at the Northwest Satellite Base is on the right track. I heard from them that there is basically no need for human intervention. As long as you follow the procedures, you can realize the plan you said at the beginning within a year! !"

Before waiting for old master Qin to speak, Cheng Hua immediately rushed to speak.

"That's right, Yu Bei, I'll call over there right now, and I believe that Comrade Deng Zhixian and the others will be able to come over soon." "360" Old Master Qin also said.

When Yu Bei heard this, he nodded excitedly.

Everyone at the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base is finally reuniting again!!

"Xiao Deng, tell me about our work situation recently.

The other side is at the Northwest Satellite Base.

All academicians gathered together,

Elder Qian sat in the middle, looked at Deng Zhixian and said.

Deng Zhixian nodded, stood up,

"Everyone, I will now report on our recent work."

"At present, our satellites have been launched, and there are about 20 of them. According to the current progress, there should be no problems with the 35 satellites planned to be completed in the north before the end of the year."

"In addition, in terms of function development, we have implemented functions such as weather forecasting, and the current service in this area has been well received by users."

Deng Zhixian said solemnly,

The other academicians also listened excitedly, each of them is very proud of the current development of the Beidou seven-star satellite system!!

Because according to this progress, they are likely to complete Yu Bei's arrangement ahead of schedule!!

"Finally, I would like to thank everyone for their contributions. Without your contributions, our project would not be able to achieve such efficiency!!"

At the end, Deng Zhixian closed the report notebook, looked at the academicians in front of him with a smile and said.


And as soon as he finished speaking, the others immediately started applauding!!

Qian Lao couldn't help but nodded with a smile.

Since he temporarily replaced Yu Bei in charge of the Beidou Seven-Star Satellite System Project,

He seems to be much younger!!

For many things, he also has his own new views!!

He even feels that his current scientific research level needs to be improved a lot before graduation!!

"Okay, everyone has really worked hard during this period. Since our project is on the right track, everyone should take a good rest during this period. You can also ask for leave to go back and visit. It's okay."

Thinking of this, Mr. Qian couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and then said,

He didn't want these people in front of him to be the same as those at the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base.

The current situation is different, they naturally have the opportunity and ability to visit their own people at home!!

When a group of people heard Mr. Qian's words, their eyes lit up.

Just when they were about to say something,


Just at this time,

Suddenly a staff member ran in holding the phone, and Nian said eagerly,

"Mr. Qian, the boss is calling!!"

Hearing what this staff member said,

Mr. Qian was stunned for a moment, then quickly took the phone,

"Hello, Boss Cheng? What's the matter?"

"What?! Want to transfer us?!"

"This...Mr. Cheng, although our Beidou seven-star satellite system is on the right track, we still need artificial macro control after all. Once there is no one..."

"What!? You said this was requested by Yu Bei!?"

"Can... controllable nuclear fusion?! You said that Yu Bei wants to engage in controllable nuclear fusion?!"

Hearing the words on the phone,

Qian Lao was shocked all of a sudden,

If it wasn't for my inconvenient legs and feet,

I'm afraid I've subconsciously stood up!!

Deng Zhixian's eyes widened when he heard Mr. Qian's words!!

I even suspect that I just heard the wrong words!!

Controlled nuclear fusion?!

How can this be?!!

"Okay, okay, I see, I will discuss it with this side, and I will reply to you later!!"

After Qian Lao came back to his senses, he forcibly suppressed his ups and downs,

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Deng Zhixian seriously,

"Xiao Deng, an order came from the headquarters, saying that Yu Bei has launched another project of controllable nuclear fusion, and wants us to help him!!"

"Really controllable nuclear fusion?!"

Hearing Mr. Qian's categorical words,

Deng Zhixian couldn't help but widen his eyes,

After taking a deep breath,

Weirdly shouted!!

And the other academicians are also shocked at this time!!

As the same Advanced researchers,

They know that naturally they can also understand the concept of controllable nuclear fusion!!

"Mr. Qian...how is this possible?! How is it possible to achieve controllable nuclear fusion!? Nuclear fusion is quite powerful. Isn't our hydrogen bomb the nuclear fusion that we want to use?!"

come to my senses,

As one of the hydrogen bomb researchers, Deng Zhixian couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then asked with a shocked face!!

"That's right, that's what I thought too, but ah, I heard from Boss Cheng that Yu Bei is very sure about this project!!"

After hearing Deng Zhixian's words, Mr. Qian also nodded, but his expression was a little hopeful.

"I, you also know that this boy Tian Bei can always bring everyone a miracle of 0.7!!"

"I think we should go and have a look!! If Yu Bei can really produce controllable nuclear fusion......"

"Little Deng, you should be able to understand what this means!!"

At the end, Qian Lao's body couldn't help shaking!!

And Deng Zhixian also imagined the scene after the realization of the controllable nuclear upheaval,

The whole person is also excited, and the eyes are full of bloodshot eyes!!

subconsciously licked his lips,

After Deng Zhixian took a deep breath, he said,

"If we can really achieve controllable nuclear fusion, then our Dragon Kingdom will realize true energy freedom!!"

"We will be able to break through the limitations of production relations!! Maybe we can really realize our ideals!!",

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