Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 152 Reunion! Everyone At The Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base!

"Energy Freedom!?"

After hearing what Deng Zhixian said,

All the other people present could not help but take a deep breath,

There is a shocking light in the eyes!!

If energy freedom is really realized by then,

Then it means that the productivity level of their Dragon Kingdom can be greatly improved,

And this kind of improvement is almost unlimited!!

Could it be that in such a scene, everyone's breathing became short of breath!!

"Mr. Qian, Mr. Deng, then you should hurry up. Now we know everything about the Northwest Satellite Base anyway, so leave it to us!!"

"That's right, Mr. Qian, Mr. Deng, hurry up, as long as we can produce controllable nuclear fusion, then our Dragon Kingdom will really take off!!"

"Yeah, leave it to us here, don't worry, nothing will go wrong!!"

After a group of academicians came back to their senses, they said to Qian Lao and Deng Zhixian with excited faces.

Elder Qian and Deng Zhixian nodded excitedly after hearing these words from the thirteen academicians.

The former took a deep breath, then looked at the academicians and said,

"Okay, since that's the case, then I'm counting on everyone!! You must complete Yu Bei's goal before the end of the year!!"

"That's right, everyone, thank you for your hard work!!"

Deng Zhixian also nodded and then said.

Ever since, Deng Zhixian immediately pushed Mr. Qian and walked outside!!

They are going to Kyoto immediately to join Yu Bei!!

the other side,

Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base.

The workload here is not as great as before. After the nuclear and hydrogen bombs were built,

The staff here are usually responsible for completing some small projects!!

Sometimes according to the previous design drawings, a few nuclear bombs and hydrogen ejections are being made,

The rest of the time is basically nuke maintenance!!

And the group of people who followed Yu Bei and Mr. Deng before became veterans of the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base at this time.

Basically, they don't need to come forward for some small things,

What they are responsible for is only some important technical guidance and planning!!

Lin Ye made a cup of tea,

After taking a sip, seeing his brothers,

said aloud,

"Oh, I don't know what Yu Gong is doing now..."

"It's a pity that my ability is not enough, otherwise, if I stay with Yu Bei, I really think I can learn a lot!!"

"That's right, but there's nothing we can do about it. After all, we are not people with outstanding abilities. Do you think that even Qian Zhilao and Deng Gong have gone to the Northwest Satellite Base? Speaking of which, the Northwest Satellite Base is far away from us. It's so close here, we can go and see Qian Zhilao and Deng Gong whenever we are free!!"

Wu Cheng at the side couldn't help but sighed immediately when he heard Lin Ye's words, his eyes sparkled.

"Why don't we just go there tomorrow? Anyway, we don't have anything else to do right now!! It's been a long time since we've seen the money man and Deng Li!!"

Lin Ye's eyes lit up when he heard Wu Cheng's words, and then he said aloud!!

"That's fine!!"

Wu Cheng also nodded immediately.

"Okay, don't talk about these things, I still miss the days of doing research with Yu Gong!!"

Wang Zheng said with a look of nostalgia,

Otherwise, as if I remembered something,

Looking at Lin Ye,

"By the way, your illness..."

"Sick? What's wrong with me? Are you talking about a family disease? I'm afraid that the employees promised us that they could cure our illnesses, which means that Yu Gong still doesn't have time to spare. Once he is free, we can be free!"

Lin Ye was stunned for a moment when he heard Wang Zheng's words, then he reacted and said aloud.

Wang Zheng nodded, and when he was about to say something,

Suddenly the phone in front of me rang,

Lin Ye, as the main person in charge of the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base, immediately answered the call.

"Hi, this is the Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base. Boss Cheng? What are you doing on the phone at this time?"

Lin Ye answered the phone, and after hearing the voice on the other side, he was stunned for a moment, and glanced at his colleague.

And the group of colleagues were also shocked, obviously they didn't understand why Cheng Hua was calling at this time?!

"What!? You said that there is a new project at Yu Gong that we want to go to?!"

"Okay, okay, I understand Boss Cheng, don't worry, we will be there soon!!"


After hearing what Cheng Hua said next,

Lin Ye seemed to have seen a treasure all of a sudden,

eyes light up,

Then I immediately agreed!!

After hanging up the phone,

Lin Ye looked at the others seriously,

"Comrades, we have a new task now. If we go to Kyoto quickly, he has a new project that needs our help!!"

"New project?!"

When a group of people heard Lin Ye's words, they immediately became excited and looked at Lin Ye expectantly.

"What project?!"

"Controlled Nuclear Fusion!!"

A light flashed in Lin Ye's eyes, 180 took a deep breath and said!!

"Controlled nuclear fusion?!"

After hearing Lin Ye's words, a group of people couldn't help but gasped!!

They are all staff engaged in the nuclear industry, so naturally they have some understanding of nuclear fusion,

They even participated in the development of hydrogen bombs, but what is the concept of controlled nuclear fusion?!

This is against the sky!!

"That's right, it's controllable nuclear fusion!! You don't have to think so much now, let's prepare quickly and go to Kyoto right away!!"

"The things here will be handed over to other people first!! Anyway, everything is on the right track now, and there is no need to worry too much!!"

Lin Ye took a deep breath, then looked at a group of people with flickering eyes and said.

"Okay, then let's go back quickly, just so I can go back to see my wife and children!!"

Wu Cheng nodded, and then said aloud.

Ever since,

A group of people immediately went back to their room and started packing up their things!!

And Lin Ye couldn't help taking a deep breath outside, and then a smile appeared on his face,

Anyway, at least this is an opportunity!!

The original group of people in their Northwest Nuclear Bomb Base can reunite again!!.

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