Reborn In The Difficult Years, Start The Game With Hand-Rubbed Mushroom Bombs!

Chapter 170: The Death Of The Director Of The Heihe Shipyard! Go With The Wind, My Faith! 【Seek Full

Fred listened to the chaotic sounds around him, but his heart was as calm as the surface of a lake.

After waiting for the surrounding voices to quiet down a bit, he put the horn near his mouth and said,

"From today on, everyone, all the employees of our Heihe Shipyard, including myself, will no longer have to go to work."


Fred's words were immediately like a stone being thrown onto a calm lake!

The entire workshop of Heihe Shipyard was boiling immediately!!

And before waiting for the workers to ask questions,

Fred went on to say,

"Because in fact, Da Mao was disbanded a month ago, and our country no longer exists!!"

For a while, the originally noisy environment became strangely quiet again!!

There was a daze on everyone's face!!

Everyone suspects that something is wrong with their ears!!

"It's a lie, how is it possible!? How is this possible!? We are the most powerful country in the world!! Why did it suddenly disappear!?"

"That's right, this is a lie, Mr. Factory Manager, do you want to deduct our wages? In fact, if our Dabao has difficulties and cannot pay wages, we can persist!!"

"Yes, Mr. Factory Manager, there is no need to say such a thing, even if we are in financial difficulties now, if we work together, we can overcome it, right?!?"

A group of workers came to their senses,

Then he said with a bit of embarrassment on his face,

But everyone's eyes are full of shock and fear!!

As if they had only to say so,

Then the truth wouldn't exist the same!!

Fred looked at the expressions of the workers in the audience,

Thinking back to how I felt when I first heard the news,

Then take a deep breath,


"Everyone, I didn't lie to you. This is a fact. The reason why you are not allowed to go out for the past two months is to maintain this situation. I actually want to see if we can move back to Yicheng, but now there is no Hope!!"

And after hearing what Fred said,

The workers finally came back to their senses,

Everyone's face turned pale!!

Especially for some elderly people, they can't help the sharp heaving of their chests at this moment!!

They basically spent half of their lives in this Heihe shipyard,

Who would have thought that they would not be dead by now,

But this country suddenly disappeared!?

How can this be accepted by them!?

Under such a strong blow,

Some people who are old or in poor health can no longer bear it,

Literally fell to the ground!!

And those workers who are still standing,

But he didn't pay attention to the fallen workers,

Everyone is trembling,

They didn't expose or question at this moment,

Some are just dazed and helpless!!

Before they came to this Heihe shipyard,

The family members are proud of their work,

Because they can bring big hair a boost in defense!

And they can also earn a lot of money,

This is at a very high level locally,

The most important thing is that they also have a stable screenwriter!!

Even if they are old, they can still allow their children to work in the Heihe Shipyard!!

But now the beautiful blueprint for the future has been directly destroyed,

Fred's words were shattered!!


Finally, at this moment, the group of dazed workers couldn't bear it anymore!!

Some people couldn't help but wept in a low voice and squatted on the ground, with tears and snot in their noses!!

And as this sad atmosphere spread,

The entire group of workers finally let out a sob!!

The deputy factory manager next to Fred also had a slight expression at this time,

The whole person can no longer stretch,

Tears flowed down my face!!

He understood that the cries of the group of workers in front of him shrunk to express their personal emotions,

If it gets bigger, it is the cry of the entire Heihe Shipyard!!

It is the last whimper before the whole Da Mao disappears in history!!

Fred looked at the scene in front of him, and his face was a little dazed!!

Then I don't know what to think,

After he came back to his senses again,

0 looking for flowers......

His face became resolute again!!

"Mr. Factory Manager, what should we do now? Do you want to tell the workers that we have to wait for Longguo to pick us up..."

The deputy factory manager came back to his senses, then turned his head to look at Fred, and said aloud,

But the words were not finished yet,

The deputy factory manager was stunned suddenly,

Then his face turned pale!!

Only at this time,

Fred pulled out a pistol out of nowhere,

Then aimed at his jaw!!

"Mr. Factory Manager, what are you going to do? Put down the gun quickly!!"

The deputy factory manager came back to his senses,

Then he yelled,

Prepare to step forward and take the gun from Fred's hand!!

But Fred had expected the deputy factory manager's actions long ago, and if he took a step back, he dodged away!!

"Mr. Factory Manager?!"

"Ah!! Mr. Factory Manager, what are you doing?!"

"This, this, this..."

At this time, the workers in the audience also discovered the situation on the stage, and everyone couldn't help screaming at once!!

"Okay, don't be so anxious, I've been thinking about this for a long time..."

Fred looked at the deputy factory manager, then smiled and said,

"I will not allow myself to become the factory director of a subordinate unit of Longguo. Of course, this is just a request I have made of myself, and you are free to choose.

"You have to lead the workers to live a good life. I have always seen your ability!! By the way, I left a letter in the drawer, which contains some experience in managing the Heihe Shipyard. You can read it one look."

"From now on, you are the director of Heihe Shipyard..."

"Mr. Factory Manager, you

The deputy factory manager was stunned for a moment!!

And at this time,

Fred finally pulled the trigger in his hand!!


There was a loud bang!!

With the workers screaming in horror!!

Fred's body fell directly into a pool of blood!!

Heihe Shipyard,

The last director of the factory during the Da Mao period,

Follow the faith in his heart,

Follow the banner in his heart,

Gone! Lost!.

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