
After a gunshot,

Fred fell into a pool of blood under the eyes of everyone!!

The employees of the Heihe Shipyard also recovered from their daze when they saw this scene,

Immediately afterwards, the whole scene became a mess!!

"Doctor!! Doctor!! Come here quickly!!"

The deputy factory manager was also stunned at this time,

After recovering,

Just screaming for the medical staff to come over quickly,


In such a noisy and chaotic situation,

His voice was directly drowned out!" "Eight 10"!


The deputy factory manager looked down at Fred, who was directly pierced through the head,

Although I know that 99.9% of this is hopeless,

But he still wants to try it!!

Seeing that the doctor couldn't be called, he directly hugged Fred in his arms,

Then shouted and let the chaotic crowd get out of the way,

And he himself rushed into the infirmary with Fred!!

"Quick, see if there is any help!!"

The deputy factory manager put Fred in the infirmary covered in blood, and then hurriedly shouted.

The medical staff of Heihe Shipyard were terrified when they saw this step, they didn’t know what happened!!

He simply checked it out, and immediately shook his head with a pale face,

"It can't be done, the deputy factory manager can't save it at all, the bullet directly pierced through the head!! What happened??! Could it be that there is an enemy??!"

The doctor looked at the deputy director and took a deep breath, then asked aloud.

After hearing what the doctor said,

The deputy factory manager collapsed to the ground all of a sudden,

Then he couldn't help laughing out loud,

It's just that this laughter sounds extraordinarily miserable,

And tears were streaming down his face!!

"Enemies? How can there be any enemies? Your own people are the real enemies!!"

The deputy factory manager said while crying and laughing.

After hearing his words, the doctor's expression changed drastically!!

On the other side, the news of the suicide of the director of the Heihe Shipyard also spread all over the world!!

After all, at this critical juncture,

All eyes are on the brightest bead in the legacy of the old man!!

And when such a big thing happened at this time, it is naturally impossible to hide it!!

The anxious mentality of the Western powers suddenly relaxed a lot,

It seems that the Heihe Shipyard is still very resistant to such things as wanting to be incorporated by the Dragon Kingdom!!

"Okay, I got it, let's see how Longguo and the others deal with it!!"

And the beautiful White house,

After Hanks heard the final report, his eyes lit up, and then he nodded.

After all, there is naturally no way for Dragon Kingdom to prevent Dragon Kingdom from exercising their actions.

But at this time, if the Heihe Shipyard itself initiates any protest against Longguo,

Of course they are happy to see you!!

How much trouble can be caused to Long Kingdom at this time,

Then what a mess!!

"Okay, I see, I'll tell them tonight..0"

And the other side is in Dragon Country,

After Cheng Hua hung up the phone, he took a deep breath and looked at Yu Bei and said,

"It's not good for Yu Bei. Something happened at Heihe Shipyard. Their current factory director, Fred, committed suicide in public. Will it affect our acceptance of Heihe Shipyard!?"

Cheng Hua's face was solemn, after all, this matter is too bad!!

After hearing Cheng Hua's words, Yu Bei smiled, then shook his head and said,

"Boss Cheng, don't worry, nothing will go wrong."

"The suicide of the director of the Heihe Shipyard is their own internal matter, and according to my research, they will never resist on any basis!!"

"What we need to do now is to rush to take over the Heihe shipyard. Now I am studying how to reduce the size of the controllable nuclear fusion 3.6!! As long as this is realized, then we can immediately create a nuclear fusion aircraft carrier. !!"

"Okay, then I know, I will arrange for Yang Xin and the others to quickly take over the Heihe Shipyard. This matter cannot be delayed, otherwise things will change if it is too late!!"

After hearing Yu Bei's words,

Cheng Hua couldn't help but took a deep breath,

Then he said out loud.

After all, for this kind of thing, he still thinks it is better to be on the safe side!!.

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