"Don't worry, Boss Cheng, we can take over Heihe Shipyard now."

"The director of the Heihe Shipyard over there committed suicide. In the final analysis, he just couldn't accept Da Mao's collapse!!"

"It will not affect our overall situation at all."

Yu Bei said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll let Yang Xin and the others hurry up and take over the Heihe Shipyard, so as not to have long nights and dreams!!"

After hearing Yu Bei's words,

Cheng Hua nodded, then said in a deep voice.

Then came a phone call,

An order has been issued!!

"Go to take over the Heihe Shipyard now? Isn't Mr. Chen a little too... What do you say that the current director of the Heihe Shipyard, 20 Fred, committed suicide in public?! Okay, I'll go right away!!"

After hearing Cheng Hua's words, Yang Xin's expression changed drastically, and then he took a deep breath and nodded.

Finally, immediately,

He brought his subordinates on a special plane,

Headed towards the Heihe Shipyard!!

while on the other side,

The deputy factory manager also brought,

A group of Black River Shipyards are giving Fred his final funeral!!

At this time, the hole in Fred's head had been repaired by the doctor.

Except for the obvious lack of blood on the face, the rest are basically no different from normal people!!

And his white uniform,

It is also done by the deputy factory manager himself,

Wash off the blood on it!!

Everyone dug a grave for Fred directly on the square,

It was also Fred's own wish,

After reading the suicide note left by Fred, the deputy director also understood,

What kind of torture did Fred go through in this short period of two months!!

Perhaps it would be a relief for Fred to die now!!

"Mr. Factory Manager, rest in peace, I will lead the employees to live well..."

The deputy director looked at Fred lying in the coffin,

was put into a pit,

Then he closed his eyes, a tear flowed down, took a deep breath and said.

And the other employees of Heihe Shipyard also looked pale,

After all, Fred has been at the Black River Shipyard for so long,

He is still very popular with everyone,

Thinking of such a person dying here in vain,

Everyone's heart is full of sadness!!

But after the final funeral for Fred,

Everyone also calmed down,

Then I thought of my own future,

After all, they still have family members to support!!

"Mr. Deputy Factory Manager, what should we do now?"

"Yes, Mr. Deputy Factory Manager, otherwise, our Heihe Shipyard will be disbanded like this, and let us leave each other to find a livelihood."

"Yes, Mr. Deputy Factory Manager, it's not an option for us to stay here all the time, and we don't have any source of funds, and even eating is a problem!!"

A group of employees of the director of the Heihe Shipyard all looked at the highest-ranking deputy director here, and then asked, "I hope he can come up with a solution!!

"Everyone, actually, Mr. Fred still has one piece of news that he hasn't told everyone."


The deputy director of the factory did not answer the question,

Turning around and looking at the group of employees in front of him, he said aloud,

"At present, our Heihe Shipyard does not need to be disbanded, because in a short time, the Dragon Council will send their staff to incorporate our Heihe Shipyard. Dragon Kingdom has any retaliatory measures!!"

"As long as everyone wants to live a good life, then we must accept it!!"

"At that time, everyone's native place will be changed to Dragon Kingdom, that is to say, after Dragon Kingdom accepts us, we will all be from Dragon Kingdom!!"

After hearing the words of the deputy director,

Everyone was shocked at 360 degrees,

They never imagined that they would work here as well,

In just two months, I will change from a big hairy person to a dragon country person!!

What's happening here?!

"But, Mr. Deputy Factory Manager, what about our family members? They are still in Moxico!!"

"Yeah, what should they do? It can't be that we are from the Dragon Kingdom, and they have become the people of the big goose!!"

"Mr. Deputy Factory Manager, can I resign? I really don't want to be a member of Longguo!!"

A group of Heihe shipyard employees came to their senses, and then asked anxiously!!

Hearing what this group of people said, the deputy director also nodded, and then explained,

"I believe that Longguo must have their own considerations in this regard, and they will definitely solve these problems for us by then!!"

"Otherwise, there is no need for us to stay in this Heihe shipyard anymore!!"

"As for comrades who want to resign, they can also resign!!"

"We don't force it!".

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