Third p.

The next day, T'Challa took James and his parents to a safari. they saw some rhinos near the border tribes and T'Challa explained for half a day, why the Black Panther is the absolute greatest animal ever.

Over the duration of two weeks, Shuri and James went on a couple of dates as a couple. Of course, Ramonda(The Queen) convinced T'Chaka it is okay, since Shuri has already turned down all the other people that T'Chaka and Ramonda had set up for her over the years, saying they're not smart enough, and now she's found that person to fit the criteria. James and T'Challa also became good friends, as now they've agreed to spar a little.

First p.

T'Challa and I went in to the training room to spar a little.

At first I only used some boxing techniques as T'Challa only used defense. When I started kicking T'Challa's side, he dropped down and swift his leg to my last leg. Luckily my spider sense warned me and I did a mid air backflip to dodged it and landed. T'Challa seems a little shocked by my move, but wasted no time as he charged to me, I did a mid air flip to go to the back of him, while touching him with my fingers to get his powers, I didn't take his memories, privacy and all. He seems to have predicted that move as he punches me in the gut without alerting my spidey sense. I quickly recovered and charges back to him, he jumps up to dodge, as I did a flying kick in his stomach. T'Challa and I landed as we shook hands and declared it a draw.

I didn't see T'Chaka at all, I assumed that a outsider coming to Wakanda means a lot of paperwork.

I went back to my room to turned on the TV and get an update on the outside world and saw the Stark Expo being attacked by HAMMER drones.

I knew the Avengers Initiative will start soon, so I thanked King T'Chaka for his hospitality and left for my helicraft. I left my parents in Wakanda knowing it would be safer here.

My visit here, made a lot of improvements for Wakanda, so I hope that Wakanda will open up earlier.

When I was about to leave, Shuri ran towards the craft with a suitcase and said, "I'm coming with you."

The Queen was shocked but she said, "Just go, before the King comes back."

As soon as we took off into the air, I switched the controls to autopilot. And Shuri and I shared a deep kiss.

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