Reborn in the Marvel universe

11 Preparations for the invasion II

Sorry I haven't uploaded this for so long, my school is wrapping up 2nd quarter and 1st semester so I got a hella lot of homework and I haven't got time until now, so I'll make it up by uploading this longer chapter.


After I landed the helicraft on the building roof, I showed Shuri to her room since she got tired after packing all her stuff overnight. I left Shuri a note that I'm visiting a friend.

I flew my helicraft in cloak to Queens, New York.

I switched the helicraft to hanger mode and rang the doorbell at a familiar house.

"I got it Aunt May, you don't need to get up."

"Hey, Pete.", I was a little surprised as I didn't see him for one year and now he looks like the MCU Spider-man.

"James, and here Harry and I thought you forgot all about us after you became famous."

"Why would I. Just a bit busy, that's all."

"Peter, who's there?"

"It's the James I told you about."

"Really?", Aunt May came down the stairs.

"Aunt May, you're sick go back up."

"No, I'm baking cookies for our guest and nothing is stopping me."

"You really don't have to.", I said, "I'm just going to catch up with Peter then I'll get going."

"No, stay. Peter needs some friends that can help him with school. He's been ditching classes lately."

"I'll stay but for Pete, not your famous cookies he always talks about."

"Oh, I'm flattered."

After Aunt May baked the cookies, me and Peter convinced Aunt May to go back to bed. I went to Peter's room, then I started the real conversation, "So, Spider-man how's the cookies?"

"How did you know?"Peter asked in a panicked voice.

"Just came by to give you a new suit and telling you that I bought your house."

"You did what?", Peter asked in a confused tone.

"I bought your house so you don't need to pay the rent anymore"


"Yes, I'll also teach you how to make other kinds of webbing and send Aunt May and Uncle Ben on a vacation to tokyo to make sure they won't be killed by aliens."

"Say what now?", he asked looking even more confused.

"New York is going to be attacked by aliens so I need you here to evacuate to civilians when that happens."


"Now I'll need you to go on a patrol with me."

"But, you don't have powers."

"Who said I don't?", as I said those words, my clothes' nanobots covered me up and turned into the look of my original suit, but this time it is a skin tight suit as it gives me more flexibility.

"What the…"

"I call myself Zero, since I can absorb anyone's powers and now with the nanobots I can be anyone.", I said as I changed into Peter.

"Wow.", Peter said as he was changing to his costume.

"Wait, don't change into this one, go back to my helicraft, I have a new uniform for you."

We got out to the backyard and I signaled the helicraft there.

"I don't see anything."

"Well," I said while the helicraft still in cloak landed let out a rope ladder.

"Peter, this is your new suit, It can amplify your powers and lets you use the other kinds of webbings I told you about.", I said as I held up a classic red and blue Spiderman outfit.

"Whow.", Peter said as he puts on the suit, "Wait, what do we do now?"

"We're going on a patrol, around New York City."

The helicraft dropped us off one of the buildings.

"So Parker, how's life going so far?"

"Oh, I started dating Gwen Stacy, there's a new science teacher, Mr. Warren teaching science and Flash stopped putting me in lockers."

"How's Harry?" I asked.

"Well his dad isn't home saying he has some business to take care of and he won't be in town for some weeks. Harry overheard something about the Project Goblin." Peter said as he swinged from building to building, "Don't tell him about me being Spider-man."

"Of course not.", thinking to myself, "Didn't I delete all their Super Soldier data, security footage and backup data for the last ten years? How did they make that breakthrough so fast?", searching through the Oscorp database that I downloaded before, I've found some interesting names:

1. Otto Octavius, aka Doc Ock as head of chemistry & genetics department

2. Phineas Maison, aka The Tinkerer as head of technologies and innovations department

3. Roderick Kingsley, aka Hobgoblin as head of security department

These are powerful spidey villains so I can imagine how did they accomplish things in 1 year when it should take 10 and a expect Sinister Six plot coming.

Third Pov.

After swing through two blocks, there is a broken prison cart, in the middle of the road.

"Um," Peter trying to remember the superhero name of James said, "Zero, there's a broken prison cart!"

James snapped back to reality, they both swinged towards the crime scene.

"Titania, my love I've come to rescue you."

"Oh, thanks.", Titania said as she kissed Absorbing man on the lips.

"Stop right there!", a policeman raised his gun on the criminal duo.

"Can you take care of that, honey."

"Sure thing", as the absorbing man swang his wrecking ball towards the policeman.

A black figure ran up and saved him and sang out loud, "

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