
I'm experimenting with different types of perspective so please comment down below on which perspective you like the most.

First p.

I easily aced every entrance exam and exit exam for every grade school and kindergarten. Since that they offered a scholarship for Midtown High, but only activated when I'm 13, I started to borrow books of advanced mechanics to read, so I can learn how to make the Ironman suit or at least a jet. But I've hit a bump since my new body can only stay awake for a few hours until going hungry and sleepy.

Mom p.

I was amazed at how he aced every exam the schools threw at him, Midtown High even gave him a scholarship for when he's 13. After leaving he gestured us that he wanted to borrow books for advanced mechanics, I'm not sure does he understand what any of that means but he sure looks like he does. I'm worried that he's not getting enough sleep.

Hawkeye p.

Right after I've made the perfect sandwich Agent Coulson told me to put the sandwich down.

"Come on Coulson, perfect sandwich!", pointing at the sandwich.

"Well maybe the sandwich can have your salary."

"Fine, what is it?"

"Black Widow found something suspicious on her mission and we want you to follow."

"Can I bring the sandwich?"



I read the files on the way and found nothing out of ordinary until I saw the target's genius and the scholarship handed to him.

After they went back home Natasha kept an eye on them and I went back to the helicarrier to eat my sandwich, only to discover Coulson eating it.

"Clint, This really is the perfect sandwich. How did you make it?"

I sighed and went back to my room to rest.@@

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