
"Oh, its a boy!"a voice said.

James, remembering some of his past, closed his eyes and the memory fades away.

"I was thinking, I'm Jade, your Hime, so how about James?"


Time flies by fast, as two years has passed in a little house in Jamestown, New York. A two years old birthday boy, sleeping peacefully. Before he wakes from his sleep, his powers manifest, and the memories are unlocked in the form of a dream.

"What happened!", James thought as he woke up. He tries to speak but all he could say is, "mama", "mama".

"Mamas' here. Oh, who's the birthday boy? Who's the birthday boy?"

"Dada" James says as he was thinking, "So it seems that my new throat isn't fully developed yet."

"Hime! James just said your name!"

"Really?", saying like he just woke up.

James figuring out how to communicate with his parents, "If I can't say it then I'll just write it down."

James wrote down his name and drew down the whole periodic table. Astonished his mom ran to wake his dad up

"Honey, your son just drew down the whole periodic table!"

"I know when your lying babe."

"No, I'm telling the truth."

James listening to his parent's conversation walked to his dad's chest and wrote down all the keys in the keyboard in reverse.

"James don't draw on my chest."

"Honey, go wash up."mom said, understanding what James wants to do.

After a couple of seconds his dad came shouting back, "Did James really did that?"

"Uh huh."

"We gotta get sign him up for school."

The parents drove off to sign James to school. While a mysterious shadow appeared on the roof of another house. "This is agent Black Widow, reporting from scouting mission, something interesting happen in the house from across the H.Y.D.R.A. base, request to follow."

"Stand down agent, Barton will proceed."@@

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