Reborn in the Shinobi World as a Sarutobi

44 44 Meeting with Rin, Ebisu and Ren Journey to the Land of Rain.

(This happened while Asuma was studying in the Medical department)

While I was hanging out in the medical facilities I encounter Rin more than once. Since she also practice medical ninjutsu and help out the nurses with the patients in the hospital. At most we started talking about medical knowledge as we interacted. We kind of became acquaintance to each other while being there. So by the end of my medical research, since my 3 months of free time was over before coming back to ninja duties. I decided to give her a gift as a friend.

I gave her a medical pouch with seal storage inscription capable of storing about 10ft^2square of space. It also had a small Hirashin logo of the Sarutobi clan I added since like that I could keep track of Rin's location. For if Rin does died like in the cannon I would be able to save her. I and Orochimaru had been working on our surgical skills and on transplant patients. Is amazing, it's so much easier since chakra can help allot in the final stages of the procedures.

A problem we did encounter is that if we transplanted something like the heart of another to a patient who needed it. Even if they were the same blood type compatible, if the user had a different affinity to elemental chakra. The new recovered patient would lose the ability to use chakra all together, well not totally but it's like they would have to restart training from the beginning, also they would have to learn to master their new elemental chakra since the previous one would no longer be their main one but more like a secondary type now.

This indeed took us by a loop for both I and Orochi, since this could open new windows of how transplanted organs could affect the chakra network and its compatibilities. Well with this type of skills we would be capable of bringing back to life Rin even if she gets her heart destroy. Since Orochimaru had collected some hearts and store them for future use and research, we had plenty of all blood types.(now that I think about it this reminds me of the Akatsuki member with the 5 hearts, each had a elemental affinity I wonder if this is something similar to that.)



(This is in the point of view of Ebisu)

The training in Root was more mentally challenging than physical on my opinion. We had to fight to the death with other ninjas that we were sent to eliminate as part of a test to check our skills. We got team up in pairs of 5 members per team. Lucky or unlucky for me I was team up with a Uchiha, I couldn't miss those red eyes. Looking at his height since he was taller than me, I also notice his body posture and composition. I couldn't believe it but it looks like he resemble allot to Ren Uchiha, the reason I couldn't be right up front known his identity was because us Root were all the same type of plain white mask and black poncho short cape with the red stripes on it. We were allowed to wear anything we desire underneath but usually it resembles the anbu uniform for the most part. Another thing we required to wear as Root was a Black Short sword that was cut straight on the tip of the sword. Making it look square in the end of it making it look more like a type of machete or kukri long blade. We also got some sword manual to practice which surprise it resemble the SwordGod style but it was different and these sword techniques emphasize compactness and effectiveness within only 13 moves of this sword style. From my squad we were only given code names, I was named [King] the guy I suspected was Ren Uchiha was code name[Joker], my other 3 members that I couldn't recognized were [Clubs], [Spades], and [Ace]. Our team leader was [Ace] since he was or sounded like he was in Root for a while. He had already mastered to a certain degree the 13 sword moves of Root. Looks like the new comers were me[King],[Joker] and [Clubs], looks like [Spades] was moved from a previous team that lost his members so they floated him to this new assemble group.

Allot of our missions was to hunt down missing nin from other villages as they also gave us a bingo book to follow. We used these missions to sharpen our skills and team work strategies. I notice most of the training was self-taught or cross train with the older members of Root. Our spar with the others in these underground training facilities were all about attacking with the intention of killing. Thanks to having at least 5 members we would sometimes have other teams on watch to prevent from actually dying. Recently we had gotten ourselves some medical scrolls that were only release to us Root. I overheard this one's were develop and were prototypes to use Mystic Palm with the use of this scrolls. Making training more efficient and also more severe.

I also manage to make a type of name for myself while in Root since I release my own training manual to Lord Danzo so they could systematically train the other members. Lord Danzo name them the 6 King techniques based on my Root Anbu code name [King]. Once the members of Root manage to master my techniques we would allow them to learn 3 extra ones only exclusive to us since we were releasing my 6 moves to also the regular Anbu.

After some effort I had manage to master this 3 extra moves, Death Claw(same has Death poke but with all the fingers in a shape of a claw), Kings Gun this moves combine all the 6 techniques to unleash a barrage of unstoppable punches capable of piercing holes and even create vacuum blade bullets to obliterate anything in his path from any angle.

Dust Eater, this move used Paper Dodge, Extreme Speed and Death Claws in a unorthodox way combining the moves by swinging the body creating a move call Cat walk.

With Cat walk compared to Extreme Speed, you could say extreme speed is more linear and predictable while Cat walk is just as fast but you move your body in weird angles and patterns at the same time capable of running almost touching or kissing the floor. When that happens it turns to Dust Eater where you are such at low angle and fast speed you just swing your arms with the Death Claw (optional since we could use our short swords given to us by Root). Ripping apart any limbs from the opponent. This happens in an instant and such a low angle the eyes can't caught it by the time they do they would be missing their legs or whatever part you aim at.

From our team I was the one that excel at the 6 King moves, well what you expected I was the creator of the moves. I was considered the Tai Jutsu specialist in our group. [Joker] was the second best at following learning the 6 king moves but he prefer using his short sword, metal wires, kunai, Fuma shurinkens and explosive tags.

[Clubs] is 5'7"ft tall with I assume short brown hair, he being new and since he didn't train his tai jutsu has hard was only good at using Extreme Speed, Paper Dodge and Airwalk/AirJump. [Clubs] use only the short sword and shurinkens since he was new and didn't have any repertoire of moves except for maybe him knowing Fireball jutsu and Gale palm which he used to assist his team mates to initiate attacks. [Clubs] love to use Gale palm to help us launch us at crazy speeds to cut distance between enemies. This has saved us several times before also for retreating or distraction.

[Spade]is about 5'2"ft tall he had no hair, looks like he shave it, he was very methodical, he used poison sebons that could immobilize you within 5 to 10 seconds once it hit your blood stream. He only could use Paper Dodge and Death poke but he knew how to pull it well off in conjunction with his sebons and poisons. Since he couldn't use Extreme Speed and/or Airwalk/jump he was considered the slowest from our team. But he was very tactical about distance and positioning covering for that weakness.

[Ace] our team captain is about 6ft tall with short black hair and wear standard anbu uniform under his cloak, that all I could say about the man. He learned Paper Dodge, Extreme Speed and Airwalk/Airjump only. Since he used mostly more his pure brute strength in combination with his effective 13 moves sword skills in conjunction with Kunai. The captain was also proficient in Water, Earth and Fire jutsus. One essential skill he taught us to all members in his team was Earth Style: Head Hunter jutsu, since it was necessary for spying or running away successfully.


Recently we been having allot of missions getting rid of anti Konoha protesters or instigators. I didn't know the village had such enemies. Being under Root I have seen how other saw Konoha, they didn't like how we portrait ourselves has heroes after the wars. It just looks like sore losers in my eyes so getting rid of such political leaders that oppose Konoha needed to be uprooted. So we had to do some unmoral things, they were necessary if we didn't want to have future enemies opposing the village I love.

Information gathering also had been part of our missions too. We got assign with other teams to infiltrate the land of Rain and gather information, looks like Iwakagure had been invading the land of Rain as a excuse that the Rain shinobis been looking for trouble in the land of rock. Acting as bandits attacking some of the villages on their borders. Konoha had let them do what they wanted but ask to send assistance to the injured. Iwakagure denied our proposal to assist. Which had made the Hokage and the council suspicious of Iwa's movements. So they have sent us the mission to infiltrate the land of Rain to get information of Iwakagure movements in conjunction with the Hokages Anbu.

Before the mission since we were new we got integrated with a silencing seal put by Danzo to make sure if we were to be captured we won't reveal Konoha's involvement. We got some replacement headbands stolen from some Rain ninja who died in the battle field just in case underneath our masks. Another team led by Danzo himself looked like he was going to suppress a rebel group that was against Hanzo from Amekagure who called themselves as Akatsuki lead by a Yahiko. Lord Danzo wanted to gain favor from the Demi-God Hanzo to later suppress any incoming invaders from Iwa or the other nations to Konoha since Amekagure was position in between the major 5 elemental nations.



Looks like Iwa was just using the excuse as a way to invade the land of Rain and get to Kusakagure (Hidden Grass Village) to invade and set a forth on Kusa as a strategic point to invade Konoha. We manage to get important information but without losing some Root members. [Spade] got captured, captain [Ace] let it be as our priority was the delivery of the information to the Hokage since Lord Danzo was on his own expedite mission. I felt bad for [Spade] but this was the risk of the job being part of Anbu. We knew he couldn't spill anything since we all got branded by Lord Danzo with seals to not spill anything; those seals even protected us from mind invasions from the Yamanaka clan techniques. How do we know it works?  Well looks like Lord Danzo right hand man that always accompanies him is a Yamanaka or at least I believe. It's hard to know with everyone using masks and code names.

The problem of [Spade] being captured is that most likely Iwa would find it suspicious. Either way [Spade] will be remembered. Once this information reach the Hokage it also got divulge to Sunakagure who at the time is on alliance with Konoha. Looks like Sunakagure had been having troubles lately since some months back their 3rd Kazekage had been missing. Finding all this activities from Iwa they suspected they were in the involvement of their missing Kage. At the moment presume death.

A week later Suna use the excuse as a allied force to attack and stop Iwa from spreading more to the land of fire and declared war to Iwa. Because of this not only as war started but Kumokagure(Hidden cloud village) declared war on Sunakagure as an ally of Iwa. War was declared so Konoha being allied with Suna had no other option but to step in to the war.

Ninjas were being conscripted into service as also retired ninja were coming back. Looks like Lord Danzo also had a mishap in his prioritized mission. Since only Him and his 2 of his trusted subordinates manage to return but injured. All of the units that left to suppress the rebels of Amekagure didn't return, meaning they died on the confrontation. Luck for us it looks they manage to kill the leader Yahiko from the Akatsuki organization suppressing a future threat.

Or mission was not easy since we almost died several time while retreating and fighting Iwa shinobi's. Looks like Ren[Joker] even manage to awaken his sharingan to the max since he didn't had the regular 3- tomoe and even went further when he saved the captain from a multiple jutsu attack. His eyes look like they turned to the shape of a windmill shurinken and the next thing I saw was that the Captain [Ace] was away from harm and in his place was the leader of the iwa ninjas at the time who was the one giving us the most trouble. The Iwa Captain died by the hands of his own team mates. Looks like his new ability gave him the skill to switch people from places similarly to substitution but with a mere sight.

Thanks to that we survive at that time, Ren after that was to exashted so I had to carry him all the way back home.

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