War as started, I was assigned to be leader of my own unit since they were spreading us thin around not only Iwa but against Kumo and Kirikagure which wanted to take advantage of all the chaos to get hold of some territory by attacking the at the edges of the land of fire territory. I got assigned with a 3 cell team of gennins under me as their chunnin leader. I was not the only one since team guy was led by a chunnin Hyuuga, I notice thought that Ebisu was not on the team but instead Raido was on their team taking his place. Looks like Ebisu was anbu so he had his own unit.

My team of gennin were Anko, Gekko and Popo. Our mission was to confront against Kirikagure shinobis that were wreaking nearby villages by the borders between Amekagure and the land of Fire. Looks like not only did Kiri send the 7 swordsman to try to take some territory from the edges of the borders but also sent other troops based on anbus to kill off our war potential. Mostly aiming at our gennin corps units.

Looks like from the positioning of my Sarutobi ,ThunderGod logo on Rin. Their team got assigned to demolish the main bridge that connects Kusakagure to the land of fire just like in the cannon. While our team was near the edge of borders between Amekagure and the land of Fire. Giving us also part of the action against shinobi's of Iwa since they have to travel by Ame to invade Kusakagure(hidden grassvillage).

Once we got in contact to the main base situated on the border we encounter several ninjas that were injured on some of the tents. It looks like they were using this base for injured shinobi's that had confrontation with the Kiri and Iwa forces.

We didn't stick around for much since we got assigned to patrol a area that covered some small villages that could be targeted by enemy forces. I ordered Anko to use her snakes to patrol ahead of us to detect potential enemies. Gekko used his Chameleon jutsu also while scouting on the direction assigned to him. As Popo would put strategic explosion tags and wire traps to cover some of our tracks if we were being followed by enemy ninjas.

Not long after mid-day did we encounter some conflict as we ended in a confrontation against a Kiri anbu team of 5. I could sense all of the Anbu were at least mid-chunnin level chakra as their strongest, which I assume is their captain had at least Mid- Jounnin chakra. Since this was going to be experience, to play it safe I commanded to retreat, as we attracted the enemy to a more favorable location.

As the leader it was my mission to keep the Anbu captain busy while my team got in charge of the other anbu. I knew they were not completely ready, well maybe only Gekko could take them on. But the others needed to gain experience. To equal the leveling field or more to put it in our favor. I summoned Uloong to keep a eye on my team and assist when needed while I was busy with the Anbu Captain.

I didn't wanted for them to have a advantage so the moment he release his clones I release my own Ice jutsu. Icy Wind Great Break Through, which is similar to the Wind style-Great Breakthrough but this technique, freezes anything in his path within 2 to 5 seconds of impact or contact with it. Freezing the Anbu captain's water clones and then shattering to ice particles of snow.

Not wasting time the other Kiri Anbu's started using their signature move Hidden Mist jutsu.  Making it hard for my team to locate the enemy. Good luck for us we were already used to the location were we baited them too. So we had a general idea of our surroundings.

I knew my team was going to be fine since Uloong was with them and he was just like me a sensor type, even better than me. So all I had to do was focus on my target. Since the whole place was in dense mist. I used my echolocation training from the silent killing techniques to make the less noise possible. Likely my enemy also studies it since he was a Kirikagure anbu ninja.

I could here already the clash between my unit and the enemy clashing since I heard shurikens and sebons clashing. Looks like Gekko decided to finish fast since I could hear some Sonic Slashes in between the clashes. Then the sound of Blood spilling was heard. I manage to clash with my sword against the Anbu Captain, I could hear him laughing, as he thought the one that most likely fall was one of my comrades.

I knowing the better didn't wanted to waste time neither as I released Ice chakra from my sword to my surroundings. Freezing anything in contact, making the Anbu Captain's kunai into a popsicle along his right hand. This was done so fast that by the time the Kiri ninja reacted he couldn't feel his right hand as it brittle and fall off his arm to the ground.

Seeing that he was in a disadvantage he gave a weird whistle. Most likely it was a signal to retreat, but did not notice that at the same time some explosions occurred. Dispersing the mist, and showing two Kiri shinobis all mangled up because of the chain explosion release from a traps laid by Popo. Another corpse of kiri laying on the floor surrounded by snakes which were still biting the dead victim. And one decapitated missing his head with blood flowing all over the floor.

Popo look tired and had cuts and scrapes all over his body, it also looked he was missing one of his pinky finger on his left hand, Pop also had allot of blood all around his body but if you notice closer none of it look like it belong to him so most likely it belong to the exploded corpses. Anko looked like her injuries were lighter since only some scrapes and some bruises were seen. As Gekko looked fine and unharmed while cleaning his sword edge.

The Anbu Captain seeing that he was now surrounded by me and unit tried to flee but we guided him to one of Popos traps making him go boom and scattered into pieces. Having location advantage and traps set up ahead of time gave ups a easy win on this confrontation. That's why I set it up for Popo our explosive expert to set certain locations with explosive tags as we travel, since we could use them as bait or as location for advantage battles.

We reported our confrontation to the base we were assigned too while also informing  about our traps and explosion tag areas, so no future friendlies would get hurt by them, and also used them for their own advantage when retreating from enemies. We got some well-done Kudos and gave us some short break to recover from our scouting. We did not manage to find Popo's missing pinky finger, so Popo now as a new nickname given by Anko as [9 fingers]. Not really original but more on the insulting side.

As I was resting I was thinking about what was occurring on the other fronts. I remember that on their way to the bridge team Kakashi got ambush by Iwa ninjas. On the confrontation Kakashi got injured on his left eye. But that might as well change since Kakashi is more powerful than in the original cannon, and don't forget that Minato is their sensei so they might actually pass it with flying colors and not losing Rin this time. Either way knowing Madara was behind Rin's abduction by Kiri, it will still happen but maybe with more reinforcements since Kakashi is stronger.

Rin first got kidnapped by Iwakagure ninjas, in that confrontation after trying to rescue Rin, Obito dies crushed by a boulder. Then Rin get Kidnapped again this happened after they were about to return, this time by Kirikagure Anbu ninjas who also seal the Sanbi on Rin, as a plan to release it inside Konoha to cause disaster and destroy Konoha all set up my Madara.

All of this happened within these 3 days that Konoha got involve in the war. Also one of the shortest we have involved with since it ended with a peace treaty after Minato on the 3rd day massacre about 1000 Iwa ninjas on the frontlines.

So by now Obito is presume dead since it's already the end of the 1st day, and most likely ended that way since I know Madara is behind most of this and he needs a successor. Don't know if Kakashi got Obito's left sharingan or if this time he died with both eyes.

(By: Author, guys I am planning on modifying Obito's way of death, this time the side that got crush by the bolder was his left side, and Gifting Kakashi his right sharingan instead. This eye is the short range Kamui eye. And this time Obito will have the Long range Kamui. Changing his fighting style.)

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