Reborn in the Shinobi World as a Sarutobi

58 ch58 Asuma's Monkey Sage Mode

Instead of trying to look the most human.

On Monkey Sage Mode you turn more into a monkey instead. Is the opposite of the Perfect Toad Sage Mode. During these years I was slowly modifying my body to that of a sage body. The first stage of it is a mutation or permanent transformation giving me a sage body alongside it the side effect is growing a permanent Monkey tail. My monkey tail is wrapped around my waist like a belt and the fur on it was color Dark Blue almost black fur. To achieve this I had to temper by body allot alongside drinking the Sage Peach Wine for several years making the process be slow. There was no such thing as a shortcut, for I had already mastered the 5 elements to a high degree alongside Yin and Yang chakra during these 12 past years.

My body had also been under gravity seals and at the moment I had reach x100 gravity. I succeeded just some weeks after I got my team 10. My team didn't notice or question about my new weird fur belt, well maybe Shikamaru did ask about it on his private SwordGod training time. I just told him I was a blood line giving me an extra limb kind of thing since I could control my tail as if it was an extra hand.

This tail also gave me an increased boost in my chakra reserve multiplying my base power x10. My chakra reserve now surpasses even that of the Yonbi in just the amount and quality. Because of that I had to use the 4 element chakra suppression seal on myself to hide my enormous power, just to show that I got Kage level chakra instead of a Yonbi level chakra reserves. Since most likely it would alarm Konoha and the other villages thinking we had another Tail beast within our borders.

The quality of my body also improved allot, my body is similar type to Goku's when he mastered Super Sayajin 2. Making all my muscles prominent, define and intimidating. For that reason I no longer use long sleeves on my Jounnin Uniform and use short sleeve Black T-shirts and Black anbu/jounnin pants alongside my green flank Jounnin jacket with my handkerchief with the Fire emblem of the Shinobi Twelve on my waist. Showing my incredible chest and arm muscles to flex on my students, or brag to my fellow Jounnin comrades.

Uloong said to me that the hard part was over since the process to evolve my body to sage body was the hard part. Now just training on meditation and absorbing giant reserves of nature chakra was going to be easier now that the body was completely transform to sage body. Reaching Perfect Sage Mode Stage 2 was not going to be a problem.

Took me 2 weeks straight without sleep and total focus to accomplish [Full Body Monkey Sage Mode].

While being in my Perfect Monkey Sage Mode, on that part it is similar to the toad sage mode where I need to store allot of nature chakra on my body to be spend later on. So just like Naruto in the cannon I got some Kage Bushin living with Uloong on his mountain meditating and absorbing as much as they can in case of an emergency. Since that is the fastest way to store nature chakra and turn it to Sage chakra. The second option is moving meditation where I integrate the Monkey Katas with my Tai chi special breathing exercises allowing me to continuously absorb nature chakra while at the same time turning it to Sage while even in combat but the process is slower compared to meditation but good enough if I don't got time to meditate giving me an edge while fighting.

And then is the final stage where I used Perfect Monkey Sage mode and fuse myself with Uloong using the Fusion Dance. On this mode I cover all weakness since Uloong is the one absorbing and converting Nature chakra to Sage chakra for me while also multiplying my power x4 of my original. Making all my attacks more destructive, on this mode my hair is no longer Dark Blue Black or White, but on this mode I look like a SS4 with Blue Fur and Hair resembling SSGSS from Dragon Ball Super making my hair and fur glow neon electric blue. Power wise on this mode I believe I surpass Kaguya on pure power by a big margin an adding on all the skills I have learn during the years I believe she is no match to me on this form.

Konoha did have some incidents, while we were out on the mission on the land of waves. I found out from my dad some of Orochimaru's research facilities got infiltrate and some info of the [Impure Resurrection Jutsu] research improvements were stolen. Even with all the security upgrades somebody manage to steal the jutsu. I suspect the only one capable was Zetsu since he is the only one that could copy even the dna of individuals and the only way to detect him would be like Naruto in his Sage/fox mode where he can detect malice and evil/negative emotions.

So when I got inform about this, me and Orochimaru had to upgrade the seals defense mechanism protecting his facilities. Making it impossible for molecule displacement, and we also lock the space on his research facilities, so space jutsus couldn't work in such places. This could stop Tobi and Zetsu from no longer infiltrating that way. Took us about 2 whole months to make such upgrades on all his facilities but at least it would be worth it. Since even if they stole the [Impure Resurrection] the other alarms alert them on time stopping them from stealing any other researches we had, like the [AS] project or the Artificial Gekkei Kekkai project alongside the Foreign Sharingan Project and others we been working during the years. If you wondering about why barely added such protective measures and not earlier was because we did had some counter measures but looks like the infiltration was made manually, meaning that Zetsu kidnapped one of the researchers and took his place transforming into him even in the cellular level, something Zetsu or to be precise White-Zetsu is capable off. So adding a type of barrier to detect evil intentions could be added but then again, Orochimaru as his own intentions and could trigger the alarms. So it would be contradictory adding them.

Knowing that Zetsu now owns the [Impure Resurrection] I know that he most likely is planning himself already for the 4th ninja war. Also it looks like they were after all being aware of me in some way. It is not coincidence the infiltration happened on the 2 weeks my team was not in Konoha. Knowing this it put me in alert so I also put some security measures around the Sarutobi compounds and homes. I don't want Zetsu trying to pull a kidnap or attack on my house or family. So I also added some displacement seals and space confinement seals, so only I would be able to teleport in and out, and not outside forces would be able to do it without my permission.

I also warn my dad about it, to be on high alert and to put some security on the grave sites of the Hokages and important people. We don't want somebody pulling out the previous Hokages and using them against us in the future. Knowing that my dad heeded my advice and sent extra security to do rounds on the grave sites.

On good note Jiraiya had visited a couple of times more often since Kushina was still alive she kept in contact with him since he is Naruto's godfather. Starting Naruto in early training teaching him the summoning jutsu to call upon the toads alongside with the training of the Rasengan.  While he was visiting he notice me and invited me for a toast among men, or at least that's what he told me. He notice the moment he saw me that I also had attain sage mode. So he started discussing with him about my experience compared to his. Since Jiraiya deals with information gathering he obviously was curious about the Monkey Sage Mode. So we discuss it for a while, he being impressed at the requirements and effort one had to do especially by tempering the body to such extremes to attain Sage body for that specific sage mode.

After our discussion he told me he was also looking for Tsunade since Hiruzen assign him to do it and also to convince her to return to Konoha. Looks like my dad wanted to push the position of Hokage to her, for that he had made allot of convincing to Jiraiya giving him info about the progress being done on the medical facilities in Konoha and also showing that her Medic ninja integration program she vouched years ago is finally in progress. If he couldn't get Tsunade to be Hokage at least to return and become Head of the Medical department, since of late Orochimaru was more focus on the Research Department more than on the Medical and he couldn't do both.

After our discussion he left since he had his own things to do. Most likely his research for his novels or information gathering he has been doing for Konoha.


Team 10 has been doing well on their training, as we accomplished D-rank missions on the mornings, and had done about at least 3 C-rank missions in these 4 months. Mostly protecting merchants traveling to other villages or towns. Fighting bandits and even some low level rouge ninjas along the way. Shikamaru no longer is as lazy as he now does self-training on the SwordGod style in the morning as I am told by his father but finds a schedule where he accommodates his cloud watching hobby. Thanks to his daily training Shikamaru as reach Advance rank on SwordGod finally capable to unleash Sonic Blade attacks. As for his Nara Shadow Techniques we had been working on turning his shadow manipulation into Shadow swords that come out form his shadow capable of piercing and cutting the enemies while also paralyzing them while being in contact with his shadows.

Choji, as gain allot of muscles, thanks to all the weight and gravity training we been doing for him. After training on his body flicker I added the training for Extreme Speed since it was a requirement for AirWalk/AirJump of the King's Techniques. I wanted Choji capable of switching directions in mid-air since that could be a big opening of his since he had a big body. Also when he finally reaches the Body Expansion-Muscle Bomb Compresion, combine with his AirWalk he would be literally a real Super Sayin capable of flying and having incredible taijutsu smashing all enemies at incredible speeds.

For Ino well her chakra reserves had increased by allot and her control is exceptional since Ino can do Rasengan with both hands at the same time with no effort taking half of a second to form them on both hands. As for her Clan techniques we finally had some improvements, she can partition her mind into 4 others at the moment capable of taking control of 4 individuals at the same time while also controlling her own body. She also learned some genjutsu from Kusei since we been working with him to help for her training in exchange I invited Kusei for free meals as a bribe.

And Finally for Guy Hatake we been improving his taijutsu training also with gravity seals x3 and tempering his body with the Lighting Armor Jutsu, Guy capable of using the 2nd stage of the armor helping temper his body to be stronger, he just needs to take it farther to finally master the 3rd stage where he is envelop completely on Lighting to increase his defense to the max. On his medical skills we had been working on refining his chakra scalpel and also working on extending their reach, so instead of Chakra scalpel it would be called Chakra Sword since the reach is already at the 1 meter mark. Combine with the Lighting Armor we got a pretty decent imitation to the 3rd Raikages Hell Stab jutsu.

I did inform my team about the upcoming chunnin exam and that they were qualified to participate. Since Ino took the reign of the team, they kind of got drag into it except for Guy since he wanted to participate willingly. Had to bribe Choji for him to comply since I invited him to a restaurant of all you could eat buffet. Shikamaru had no other option since everyone decided and he knew I would have tell her mother if he denied as I knew he hated nagging women and he found them troublesome.

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