Reborn in the Shinobi World as a Sarutobi

59 ch59 Team 10 chunnin exams

The day of the exam came, team 10 all going together to register. They encountered some anomaly on the 2nd floor. They found 2 chunnin in disguise bullying and tricking gennins from entering a fake class room since the exam was actually on the 3rd floor. They didn't even pay attention to them seeing the ruse being use to diminish participants even from registering. If they couldn't see through such simple genjutsu and transformation they didn't deserve to even register at all.

While traveling to the 3rd floor to register they stop to see Team 7 which comprise of Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura being stop by a green spandex with a bowl cut. Yelling and challenging Sasuke Uchiha as he was the rookie of the year.  The ninja presented himself as Rock Lee the strongest Taijutsu prodigy within the gennins. This got the attention of team 10 since they were no slackers on taijutsu training because of their teacher Asuma.

Different from canon Naruto didn't interfere and ask for attention as always but got pissed off when Rock Lee started flirting to Sakura. Which Sakura straight up ignore him as she felt disgusted at Rock Lee's advances.

Sasuke still is the prideful and arrogant prick denied Lee's challenge. Only accepting if Lee could defeat Naruto, would Sasuke even accept his challenge.

Lee without a second thought accepted his conditions Naruto accepting them as well since he didn't like Lee flirting to Sakura.


The moment Lee got in position to fight, Naruto rushed at Lee as he vanish at fast speed toward him. This surprise Lee but didn't manage to get off guard as he block Naruto's Straight punch. Which packs quiet the weight on it. Naruto didn't stop there as he did a follow up with a round house kick using the initial momentum. Lee had to block that too since Naruto was rushing him non-stop. Lee having to back away some distance from him. Lee didn't expected Naruto to be good at taijustsu since most of his attacks seem random but in away manage to connect and synchronize with every move. He never had seen this type of fighting style before.

Rock Lee now taking it more seriously attack back with his Leaf style whirlwind kick at full power and speed. Naruto as if expecting it dodge it and did his own version of the kick managing to direct hit Lee on the face sending him flying back not by much thought. Naruto notice there was something weird since he put a lot of power on the kick but manage to barely send him away just about 2 meter back.

Naruto: "You are wearing weights aren't you?" exclaim as he started to stretch his leg he just kick Lee with.

Lee: "That I am, I don't need to remove them to defeat you, but I am indeed impressed at your taijutsu. How do you manage to read my moves so easily? Are you a taijutsu specialist too?"

Lee: "Well since I can't waste time I should get serious" said as he vanishes from sight as Lee unlocks the 1st hidden gate.

Naruto not managing to stop Lee from kicking him in his chin sending him flying up in the air as Lee performs the Hidden Lotus on Naruto. But before impact several Naruto clones pop up trying to stop the collision. Looks like Naruto at last second manage to perform the Kage Bushin using his clones as cushion for the impact. Lee got surprised by this since he didn't manage to see Naruto perform hand signs for his jutsu.

(Naruto as become so proficient on his Kage bushin that he only requires one tiger hand sign to perform Kage Bushin at expense of wasting more chakra but that is something he doesn't lack.)

Naruto standing up a little dizzy as he canceled the rest of his clones that didn't got massacred by the impact of the Lotus technique.

Naruto: "I can keep going all day! I won't lose believe it!" he said with a confident smile.

Rock Lee: "I commend you for your resourcefulness but this time I won't fail." He said as he was ready to rush Naruto again with the same move.

But at the moment he was going to connect his kick against Naruto, smoke appeared between them as Mito Gal was revealed stopping Lee's kick and also Naruto's kick as it look Naruto was planning on timing a counter kick.

Mito Gal: "Lee…..What is the meaning of this!" she said in a serious tone making Lee shudder.

Rock Lee: "I am so sorry!! Gal sensei!! I just couldn't hold myself back I wanted to prove I could match even genius with my hard work!"

Mito Gal: "Lee you know it was forbidden for use that move. Now I have to punish you." She said as she punch Lee's face and send him flying to the wall smashing it and making some wall fragments fall from it.

Rock Lee: "I am so sorry sensei!"

Mito Gal: "Lee I know how passionate and youthful you are. I'll let it pass this time!" she said as he hugged Lee while Rock Lee cried on her arms.

Mito Gal: "Lee, as punishment you should run around the village 3 times!!"

Sakura: "Not to interrupt but the chunnin exams is starting soon."

Mito Gal: "You are right! Lee because of that you should run 6 laps then instead! Consider it a challenge before entering and registering!" she said to Lee.

Rock Lee:  "Yes ,Gal sensei! I'll do my best!" he said as he vanished to accomplish what was set by her teacher.


Mito Gal: "And you there are my Rival's students I see." She said as she vanished and reappeared behind team 7.

Shocking most of them since even Sasuke had his sharingan 3-tomoe active since the start of Lee's fight. Even with his sharingan on he didn't manage to see Gal's movements.

By this time Team 10 had lost interest and kept on going to register. Ino was impress at Naruto since he look like such a goof but was a decent fighter. Choji was unimpressed while he was munching on his BBQ potato chips. As Shikamaru had a thoughtful expression as he was analyzing the fight between Lee and Naruto, already trying to set up counter measures against them.


Upon arriving after registering, they notice the room was packed with several shinobi's from different places. There were 2 teams from the land of Sound, and it look the teams consisted of 4 members similar to the teams set up from Konoha. Ino wanted to talk to them since she wanted to know how they train over there since either way you could consider Hidden Sound Village a sister village to Konoha in a way since it was founded by Lord Danzo.

When they approach them they didn't seem on guard and were expecting a friendly conversation. They presented themselves, the mummy kind of looking guy name was Dosu Kinuta, the girl with black straight hair with her khaki shirt was Kin Tsuchi, Zaku Abumi had short black hair spike up similar to kakashi in a way and he wear also a brighter khaki shirt with a Kanji on his front shirt representing the symbol for "Death", as their last member was a girl with red hair she look like the medic of the team, she also presented herself as Karin Uzumaki. All of their team wears also a grey and black camouflage scarf around their necks.

This got Shikamaru thinking if she was related to Naruto since he also had the same last name, but he didn't like to snoop around and then get in more trouble some situations so he just let it go. While they were presenting themselves to them the second team of the sound village also approaches them.

This team consisted of three members and it look like they were the seniors of the previous team since they look older. Jirōbō was a large and imposing young man, towering over the rest of his teammates. He had fair-skin and narrowed, slanted orange eyes, usually depicted with a stern look on his face. Jirōbō had three tufts of orange hair on his head: a mohawk of sorts that ran down the middle and two similar styled tufts of hair at the side. He looks like he was the power house of his team.

Tayuya was a fair-skinned girl with a slender build and is the shortest member of her team. She had brown eyes that were accentuated by her eyelashes extending into the corners of her eyes and was usually sporting an impassive expression on her face. Tayuya's most distinctive feature was her long, untamed red hair, that falls past her shoulders with long parted bangs framing either side of her face and one between her eyes. She was wearing some grey and black camouflage short pants as everyone else from the sound was using.

Kidōmaru was a dark-skinned shinobi with black, shaggy hair tied into a ponytail and black eyes. He was the second-tallest member of the team he had a confident grin on his face. Uniquely, Kidōmaru also had six arms most likely a type body Gekkei kekkai. He wears a purple shirt with a yin and yang symbol with his grey and black camouflage pants. Looks like Kidomaru was the team's medic since he carried several white pouches around his waist. As you could see they were filling with bandages and stuff like a first aid kit on one of his pockets. Having 6 arms must also help speed up on bandaging and doing medical stuff.

They seem friendly enough but at the same time they look professional since they knew everyone was competition. So they put a strong front in front of the other village's teams.


Soon after the introductions they got interrupted since the proctors of the exams arrive and divided everyone so they could start their written exams.

Team 10 didn't have any trouble since Shikamaru, Ino and Guy were pretty smart. Choji just waited for Ino to possess his body to answer the questions for him so he didn't had to worry.

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