Chapter 65: Karp’s True Combat Strength [Seek Self-Determination].

It was indeed unrealistic to kill this CPO strong man who was close to the strength of the general in one or two blows, but the Golden Lion and Charlotte Lingling did not take a lot of effort, in short, it was very comfortable to fight, while coping, while paying attention to the changes on the battlefield.

It was precisely because the two of them were idle enough that they had the opportunity to discover some very strange things on the battlefield, such as Kaidohua Dragon Pan in the sky is not shot

“Oh mud horse… This is the man who really wants to kill Locks, Lingling, and I believe you now. ”

The Golden Lion and Charlotte Lingling approached, and the Golden Lion couldn’t stop the anger of Kai.

Charlotte Lingling, of course, saw this situation and laughed bitterly.

Although she couldn’t understand why Kaido would be completely ineffective on the battlefield, she didn’t think that Kaido really showed this look, and she didn’t do it at all.

“Who knows what’s going on…”

“Why is he acting openly?”

“Two complaints, should I fight or have to continue fighting, I can’t figure out Kaido’s way, and the golden lion doesn’t have the courage to go to Kaido”

Learn. If you want to say that you are really serious in battle, you have to say that it is a white beard.

The Storm General has been famous for many years, and the shot is a variety of fierce moves.

“Storm Dragon Roar Cannon!”

“Heavenly Punishment Wind Blade Thousand Chopper Dance!”

“Annihilation Wind Crush!”

Manipulating the wind, the storm general will strike a series of extremely intense blows.

Whitebeard is stable, no matter how the storm general shot, he is a simple single punch, the air shock to solve all the troubles, a small range of space vibration, no matter how big the wind can not blow in…

Occasionally, Whitebeard can also slash out with a knife, making the Storm General embarrassed, and he can only deal with it, not care about counterattack. They also pay attention to Kaido, who is hovering in the sky.

The Storm General deliberately separated, so he sneered, “Whitebeard, you still give up, Kaido will not shoot, you Locks Pirate Group has a traitor!” ”

The white beard would get used to him, and as soon as he said that this white beard didn’t like to listen, he rushed forward, and Cong Yunche held it high, with a shock wave on the tip of the knife, and a knife split down!

That is, the storm general reacted quickly, immediately elementalized to dodge, this was not cut, but escaped less than two meters, the shock wave on the tip of the whitebeard knife was launched, and the strong wind transformed by the storm general shook a gust.


When he reappeared, there was already blood in the corner of the mouth of the Storm General. Covering his heart, the Storm General looked at Whitebeard in horror!

Although it is said that Whitebeard is very strong, everyone knows this, but after personally experiencing it, the Storm General realized that Whitebeard’s strength is far above himself.

I didn’t feel it just now…


The white beard snorted softly, and his hand was cut by the clouds, as if saying that you are a general is not enough for me to chop with two knives…

Of course, Whitebeard was also thinking, Kaido had already said that he would fight until the moment when Locks gasped, how could he change his mind now?

After a few seconds, Whitebeard shook his head and threw the thought out of his head, he didn’t think Kaido was the kind of repetitive villain, and there should be other reasons for this situation.

It was this stunned god’s kung fu, the Storm General thought that he had found an opportunity, directly elementalized and prepared to escape, instead of being dragged here by Whitebeard, he might as well sneak out first, as long as there is a chance to run out, it will bring huge losses to the pirates.

As a result, as soon as the white-bearded knife was waved, the storm general was sadly intercepted… On the battlefield of the Island of the Gods, there is actually nothing to say.

The cadres of the Locks Pirate Regiment collectively released water, and no matter how lively the fighting was under them, it was impossible to affect the war situation, to put it bluntly, today is the death of the subordinates, as long as Locks is alive, as long as the cadres are alive, this battle is the same as not fighting.

To put it succinctly, the most crucial thing in the battle of the Island of the Gods is in Locks, he wins, he wins everything, he has to lose, and his underwear has to be lost!

So against Karp, Locks was fully engaged, and he didn’t care what the others did, anyway, he hit Kapu, it was a little rude, let go of his hands and feet, and all kinds of combat skills were used.

What about Karp… First of all, holding his breath, all the way full of stomach gas and nowhere to sprinkle it, just waiting for Locks, followed by age, small age is also dominant, at least the body is not aging.

Karp is forty years old, just in the Pirate World, it is the peak period, and this physical state will drop a little in the later years.

Locks should not say, now also in his fifties, although the age in the pirate world generally has no impact, Whitebeard is still in the top of the war hard to fight the three generals, punch the red dog, the age of the top strong is not a big problem.

The problem is that if the two people are similar in strength, age is a major factor affecting the battle.

Don’t look at Locks mouth is a little ghost, that is to demean Karp, these two people plus a piece will be a hundred years old…

This was a very anxious fight, Kapu held a breath in his heart, although he was suppressed by Locks, but there was no major mistake, only a slight inferiority in strength.

“You’re also a member of the D clan, so why stop me?”

After not being able to take Cap for a long time, Locks became dry.

Karp stared at Locks, his fists clenched, and snorted coldly, “I’m the Navy!” ”

Just as the so-called Tao is different and does not conspire, what is the state of the D family, no one knows the specific details, anyway, from the perspective of what these people do, the D family seems to be its innate mission to change the world.

Locks S. D. Gibbeck… Munch S. D. Karp…

The two descendants of the D clan are not on the same standpoint, and there is obviously no way to communicate.

“Fist bone!”

The black fist broke through the wind, the voice whirred, Kapu did not want to say more, punched and struck, although he was on the weak side, but Kapu’s war will was very high!

Locks also reached out and punched it, and the momentum between the two of them collided fiercely!

It is difficult to know that it is difficult to appear in the navy who has the color of a tyrant, that is, the Warring States have this overlord posture, have the domineering spirit of the overlord color, and command the navy of thousands of troops, and then there is Kapu, just because he repeatedly refused to be promoted to general, you can see that Kapu’s mind is never in the official position.

Overlord color is like this, willing to be a dog, then there will be no such boldness, whether it is now or in the future, it is definitely a relatively free person in the navy, he has this qualification.

The two overlord colors touched, Locks obviously overwhelmed Kapu, no matter how to say that Locks is the uncrowned king of the world, the Valley of God is no less than his enthronement ceremony, Kapu’s overlord color is not on an order of magnitude compared to him, and it is also used to offset part of the oppression, as for the confrontation, there is no way to say that there is no way.

Two people touch the point!

Then there was another physical contest. Kapu uses the Six Styles, while Locks uses the fighting techniques learned between life and death.

You come with a finger gun and a firecracker, and I’ll give you a sandbag-sized fist!

Anyway, at this level, no one said that three moves and two styles can take down the opponent, the fight is who is more careful, and then say a little more detailed, more punches, less than two hits, this is the magic weapon to win.

From this point of view, these two are top-notch, no matter how strong the opponent’s attack is, anyway, it can be defused, it cannot be resolved in time, and there are no days and nights, and this battle cannot have a result at all.

Crash! Bang!


Just in the area where they were fighting, there were still some trees on the side, which were basically what the Dracobo people planted here as ornamental plants.

The trees are straight, the canopy is large, and the leaves are beautiful, one word describes it as tall.

The two of them fought, even if these trees were damaged, don’t look at the light punching and kicking, standing on the flat ground two people fighting around, whether it is fighting or cleverly defusing the opponent’s attack, it is not reflected in them, but the three classics on the side have been shaken into ruins.

There are countless trees that have been uprooted and knocked down!

Bang, such a movement, that is when the two people fight, either fight a little, or dodge away, the attack falls to the ground, anyway, as long as it is shot, there will be a terrifying sound.

How serious was this, as far as Roger and they lurked in the middle of the battlefield, all pointing at the trees and obstacles, and Locks and Kapu fought, forcing them to change several hiding places.

“My God, if the person who recruited us was Locks, I’m afraid we wouldn’t be able to please him.”

Jaba said that they were arrogant, and when they saw that the strong should be convinced, they really admired the fighting power displayed by Locks.

Like Roger and Reilly seeing this situation, they can’t help but gasp and sigh.

“Lucky we came, otherwise Locks would have been able to make a big fuss about the Island of the Gods and then retreat.”

Roger said very seriously, he can also see that Locks’s strength is not only above Kapu, even he is not Locks’s opponent, with Roger’s eyesight, you can see that the whole world sent people to find, just say that alone, Locks is invincible!

Drag him along, and want a man to defeat Locks completely, that’s wishful thinking!

It’s just that at this juncture, the Roger Pirate Regiment can’t go out, there is no concept of heroism, mainly the Navy and the Rox Pirate Regiment are still on the surface now, and the third party appears hastily, and there will be chaos on the battlefield.

For example, if two people fight, no one can help anyone, and suddenly a third party with an unknown intention comes and says that he is running to fight, and the two people who hit the red eye will not believe him.

Unless there is a gap, this is to come out to help, no matter what, the situation is very clear, everyone can see what is going on.

Roger rushed to help, it was really troublesome, he was afraid of disruption, and when the time came, he took his brother to mix with the rats in the bellows and get angry back and forth.

So that’s why Kaido searched for half a day in the sky, and Roger’s Pirates never appeared.

“Kill! The captain is going to win! ”

“Block them! The lieutenant general is going to win! ”

On this main battlefield of the navy and pirates, whether it is soldiers or pirates, that is the basis of this war. The high-level combat forces on both sides are entangled, and there are naturally people below to boost morale.

The others were tepid, Locks and Kapu were fighting fiercely, and the main battlefield could sense what was happening over there.

··· Ask for flowers…

Someone came out and shouted, the Navy said Kapu was going to win, and the pirates were saying Locks was going to win. Every second someone has to fall forever, blood everywhere, and the beach is stained red with blood. Corpses strewn across the ground!

Blood Drifting!

This does not explain how tragic this battle is, in short, no one is idle, but anyone who has a little strength will rush to the opponent, even if it is with teeth and with the arch of the head, it is necessary to kill the opponent.

If you can’t move, you can rejoin the battle with a little recovery, so find a place on the battlefield to get up, quietly recover your strength, and wait for the start of the next battle.

This is the time when it is like a flesh-and-blood millstone, when there is no stopping. Fight from day to night, from night to day.

And that went by for a day and a night…

At this point in time, look at Locks and Karp, both of them are more or less a bit awkward.

Locks’s shirt was all broken, revealing a large tattoo on his body, this body was blue and purple, all of them were fist prints and Kapu miserable, the head had let Locks open, the blood flowed down the corner of the eye, the eyelids had a twitch, gasping for breath, and the tiger’s face was staring at Locks.

After playing for a day and a night, the two did not distinguish between victory and defeat, and Kapu was really a loser, because he was often the attacking side, playing and fighting, no matter what, he was always moving forward, preferring to be injured and replaced, and he also had to fight with Locks.

So that’s a little bit more tragic.

The two of them were now fighting in a big pit, and the ground could not withstand their battle at all, and they collapsed for more than ten meters, with a diameter of several hundred meters.

The ground was now really a strong, rammed porcelain, and at first glance I thought the obsidian had been dug out of nowhere.


The battle is so fierce!

After a slight pause, this time it was Locks’s turn to take the first shot, the figure flashed, Locks rushed to the front of Kapu, and punched at the chin, Kapu did not react, and the person went to heaven.

Locks stomped his feet and jumped, both of them were in the air, Cap blocked his hands in front of his chest, and Locks punched again!

This person was like a shooting star, and with a single click, he directly smashed into the hinterland of the Island of Gods, and the moment he landed, the powerful impact force made Kapu roll out on the ground for a long time, and a slip of smoke and dust rose up.

They fight on the flat ground, not many people can see, once they go to the sky, it is different, it is impossible to be all people at a height of 100 meters, and the people on the ground will see.

Locks punched Kapu in the face, greatly boosting the pirates’ morale.

Immediately after Locks, Karp rushed out in the smoke, raised his fist and hit him on the head! Locks also punched back!

The two men exchanged punches and flew out backwards, which made Locks completely angry.

Anyway, he is also the world overlord, it took him a day and a night to fight Kapu, this has not yet been taken down, greatly delaying the speed of his destruction of the God Island, can Locks still wait?

Only to see the black fog rising from Locks’s body, a powerful gravitational force indiscriminately enveloping hundreds of meters around him, the sticky black smoke on the ground was covered, and all the rubble, trees, and battlefield ruins slowly disappeared into the black smoke.

Immediately after Locks’s big hand, the black smoke hole opened, and everything that had just disappeared into the black smoke spewed out from the black hole in the sky, like a meteor shower, straight to Kapu.

“Dark Cave Road!”

This may be the first time that Locks has demonstrated his fruiting ability in front of so many people. Most of the people on the battlefield were stunned.

“The captain is a fruit bearer?”

“What a fruit this is!”

“Oh my God, what is this?”


In the face of the attack from the sky, Kapu resolutely chose to face the front, he could not retreat, there was no way to dodge, because behind him, this large area, are all kinds of buildings, a look is inhabited.

What is the island of the gods, the dwelling place of the Draco, and Cap also came to assist the Storm General in protecting the Draco. Standing in front of this building right now, Kapu can’t go, he must protect here!

Hate to say hate, duty is duty, Kapu, a professional soldier in the traditional sense, he remembered his task very clearly, so he could only choose to protect here.

“Fist Bone Earth Meteorite Rain!”

One punch smashed to the ground, Kapu shattered the earth in front of him, countless stones floated in the air, Kapu punched one by one, hitting the rubble and the attack dropped by Locks to launch a bombardment!

Kapu can become a top powerhouse, and that is also a superiority. The real Great Sword Master has a skill called Cutting Everything, and Kapu can’t break anything. All the stones that shook him were thrown into the sky, and none of them were broken under his fist.

Rubble splashed in the sky and smoke filled the air.

But it is not to say that it is completely prevented, there are inevitably omissions, there are some stones, the trees are not blocked, and they are smashed into the building with a click.

Karp subconsciously glanced back, and the room was empty! Karp groaned in his heart.

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