Chapter 66: Roger’s Pirates Join the Battlefield [Seek Certainty].

That’s going to be bad!

To know why Kapu came here, he held back all these nests along the way, including the root cause of this battle, it was all directed at the Draco! Looking back now, the house is empty, there are no Dracos in it…

The feeling is subtle.

Honestly, Kapu was a little reckless, but he was not a fool, since he had been on the island, he had felt that the atmosphere on the island was not very right, but he was bent on fighting Locks and taking off Locks’s head, so he selectively forgot about it.

Again, some things Cat just pretends to be deaf and dumb, even if his heart is clear, but he will never bring it out on his face. The key to pretending to be deaf and dumb… I can’t hear it, I can’t see it!

As long as you don’t let him see it, it’s good to say anything, just lie to yourself!

But now I can’t cheat, and I see this empty house, the island of the gods… The draco dwellings… I can’t find a Draco who is jumping around alive!

So what is this battle fighting for?

Roger in the shadows could hear the sound of everything, and he immediately caught Kapu’s mood swings!

“It’s time, get ready to strike!”

Karp stood where he was, stunned for a moment.

His current state, to put it bluntly, is that he was suddenly sucked out of something.

Don’t look at the fact that there are no Dracos in the house, but for Kapu, what is the point of fighting until now?

He and Locks fought for a day and a night from the beginning of the war, and supported him countless times and then fought bravely, but all of them had a heavy sense of responsibility! The admirals desperately sent him to the Island of the Gods and asked him to rush to support, in the end, to protect the Draco.

Get it around, Dracos are not on the Island of Gods, and those unsuspecting naval soldiers have all sacrificed… It all seems to have become a joke!

For him, there is nothing wrong with war being the means of solving problems, and he agrees with this view, but it is not possible to fight a meaningless war.

The current Battle of the Island of Gods is a complete waste of feelings. Isn’t this just a joke?

The people who need protection have been evacuated, and they have taken the lives of so many excellent navies when they are finished. If people don’t look at things from different angles and ideas, the results will be different.

The island of the gods is placed in the eyes of politicians, which is more symbolic than practical, and must be preserved.

Roger had the same idea, so after he went to the island, even if he knew that this place had become a pure battlefield, he was willing to stop Locks because he thought of it.

Karp is different, he has a long-term vision, but he has his own reason for being a person, not that he can’t think of it, it is suddenly other emotions that overshadow this thinking, he has not turned this corner for the time being!

What Cap saw, Locks saw as well.

Seeing is seeing, and Locks and Cap’s reactions are diametrically opposed.


Locks looked up at the sky and smiled, annoyed and regretful…

He simply wanted to slaughter the Draco, and as a result, now Mao hadn’t fished a single one…

He could laugh because he wanted to laugh at this group of navies too much, and he was actually guarding this empty island of gods. It didn’t matter that his laughter was there, it was his laughter that affected the outcome of the battle.

Whatever the situation was, Locks made a big move from a distance, and then began to laugh wildly, but Kapu did not move.

Hard not to… Lieutenant General Kapu was killed?

Of course, the pirates are in good spirits, even if they are tired, they can stand up and fight for another three hundred rounds, the navy is not done, this morale blow is too serious, it can be said that it is a plummet!

The wind direction of the battlefield is like this, there is a little mistake, immediately can expand the results of the battle, almost in the blink of an eye, the navy fell into weakness, and the overall rout is also in the blink of an eye!

“All steady!”

“I’m still alive!”

The Storm General felt that the wind direction on the battlefield was not right, and immediately forcibly got rid of Whitebeard, even if it was hard to resist Whitebeard’s attack, he also rushed to the sky.

With a roar in the sky, the storm will try to calm the morale!

It has to be said that the influence of the general is still very high among ordinary sailors, and the shout of the storm general gave the navy a glimmer of hope at that time.

At this moment, Kaido, who had been idle in the sky for a day and a night, appeared behind the Storm General.

“You give me down!”

As soon as the tail flicked, the storm general could not react and directly let Kaido fight down. The navy on the battlefield was momentarily quiet, followed by an even greater shock!

Right inside the Island of the Gods, many pirates suddenly appeared!

“It’s finally time for us to play!”

“Choke me to death, this navy can’t do it!”

“Come and come, let’s have a good fight!”

Kaido took a look, huh… Acquaintances are really many, Reilly, Jabba… Roger Pirates and these guys all came out. No wonder the sea can’t see them, and they thought they wouldn’t come, the lovers have already arrived!

The Navy was stunned at once, and there was no hope at all.

The battle itself against the Rox Pirates was already on the verge of defeat, and now that so many people suddenly appeared, how could the Navy fight?

Four words to describe, the military heart is turbulent!

On the other side, Locks watched Roger emerge from behind Karp.

“Karp, when you beat me, it was much worse than it is now.”

Roger laughed and teased Kapu, from the time when Kapu was stunned just now, Roger felt Karp’s mood change, otherwise he wouldn’t let everyone come out to help.

If he doesn’t come out again, Karp is really going to be ruined.

Locks certainly won’t give Kapu time to adjust his mentality, and with his strength, killing Kapu is not a problem. So… Roger is here!

Kapu looked at Roger, confused, he knew that Roger would not attack himself, after all, as an enemy, this little understanding is still there, Roger is not the one who takes advantage of people’s danger.

“How did you end up here?”

The same question, Locks also wants to ask, how did you appear on the Island of the Gods?

Roger pointed his knife at Locks and chuckled, “I’ll stop him, once the Island of the Gods is destroyed by him, his ambitions will envelop the entire world, and when the time comes.” This world is not fun. ”

Just this sentence, it is a wake-up call! Yes!

Although the Island of the Gods is very mysterious, its symbolic significance is no less than that of Mary Joa, and it really made Locks destroy this place, even if there is no Draco’s life as a medal, it is a terrible news for the world.

A simple calculation, what kind of things will happen later, is this not obvious?

“So you’re here to help?”

Karp calmed his mind and asked in a deep voice.

Roger smiled, “I’m just going to stop him, what you want to think is your business, join forces, one-on-one no one is his opponent.” ”


Kapu was amazed that Roger was able to admit at this time that he could not do Locks.

You must know that Roger this guy is a proud man, but he can say such things, not to mention that Karp values him so much.

Although the Navy and the pirates are incompatible, but now that they can only cooperate, Karp is also helpless: “I didn’t expect that you and I would actually fight side by side.” ”

“Are we friends…”

Roger smiled, and everything was in words.

At this time, Locks’s expression is not so beautiful, somewhat sinister.

“Gore D. Roger…”

“It’s unthinkable that you’ll be here…”

Locks also said that he could not guarantee that an accident would happen, and he thought that a few people with two hearts on his ship would be over, but he did not expect that Roger would also be killed.

“Kaido said that you are very strong, I have not believed it, come on, even if the two of you join forces, I will let you know that Lao Tzu is the king of the world, I Locks… is the strongest! ”

As soon as the Roger Pirates joined the battle, the scene changed dramatically.

Let’s not talk about the Roque They are going to fight, just speaking of the ordinary navy, they thought that the Roger Pirate Regiment was coming to attack them, but unexpectedly, as soon as the Roger Pirate Regiment people came out, they went directly to the Roger Pirate Regiment.

“They… Is this helping us? ”

“One Piece Gang Navy?”


Most navies really can’t react, and their brains are completely insufficient. This thing is so strange, who can have this psychological preparation, Kaido has!

Seeing that Reilly and Jabba were about to join the battle, Kaido directly changed into a half-orc form in the sky, and without further paddling, he directly rushed down from the sky.

“Descend III to lead Nairo!”

Legend has it that there is a stick that falls from the sky!

A terrifying wind pressure instantly enveloped Reilly and Jabba’s heads. The two looked up, hey, the old acquaintance Kaido hit down! This quickly dodges… Boom!

Kaido smashed directly on the ground, and countless black lightning bolts quickly spread out like snakes that snaked around, and the shock wave generated by the attack directly shattered the earth for nearly a thousand meters.

Almost all the people around who participated in the battle were affected by this move, and all the people who flew around for a time were people. Reilly and Jabba also struggled to defuse this violent blow.

By this time, many people understood why Kaido had always preserved his strength and could not stay in the sky.

Whitebeard secretly sighed, saying that it was really long-term, how did Kaido think that Roger’s Pirates would appear in the Valley of the Gods?

The golden lion was also surprised, after all, Kaido and he had gone to solicit Roger, Kaido also attended a banquet organized by Roger, the question had seen this side, how did Kaido calculate that Roger would appear at this time?

Otherwise, why would he save his strength?

As far as these questions are concerned, they can’t understand these people after beating them to death and then reviving them. Reilly and Jabba were waiting in a tight line, looking at Kaido with a grumbling in their hearts.

After all, the Roger Pirates have also been watching the battle for a day and a night, Kaido’s actions are also very obvious, they did not come out, Kaido did not move, they emerged, Kaido became a roadblock, this is to say that there is no connection, it is impossible in any way.

“Shouldn’t Kaido have been waiting for us in the first place?”

Such an idea came to the minds of the two of them.

Anyway, it feels like Kaido’s horror has increased by another level…

“I urge you to be honest, this battle does not belong to you.”

Kaido saw the old acquaintance, the greeting was over, and it was natural to chat.

“Captain Order, Stop the Locks Pirates.”

Reilly smiled and said this, ready to fight with Jabba.

Kaido sighed, “Then do it, don’t let me down, you can’t go anywhere!” ”

Speaking of a thousand ways and ten thousand, the Island of the Gods is already the place where Locks buried his bones, and no matter what, this final battle will fall on Locks.

Kaido was also determined to pay attention to the fact that no matter what step of development he reached, as long as he was still there, he would not allow anyone else to blend in except for Cap and Roger, two enemies that Locks must fight head-on.

The moment he said he would fight until Locks gasped, it wasn’t an empty phrase.

Not to mention Reilly and Jabba, even if there were a few more people, anyway, as long as anyone on the Island of the Gods dared to mix with the battle on Locks’s side, Kaido would stop it.

Even if it is the last thing that can be done for Locks, the end of the king is always wonderful, even if it is said that Locks is a friend who is not inferior to Kaido, it is a good friend to be a friend… Call!

Three people at the same time, out of a movement! This shows how fast it is.


As soon as the iron rod fell, Reilly and Jabba raised their hands to block, which almost became a replica of the last battle.

There was nothing new at all, still so fierce, still so deadlocked, Kaido was steady, but he couldn’t take down Reilly and Jaba.

This is exactly what Kaido wanted, and the best effort game is like this, everything that should be done is done, and everything is left to fate.

However, Kaido’s battle is still quite painful, after all, both sides know the roots, and each shot will be in the brain several times, then the fight is worth it?

It’s a wonderful and ornamental one! Kaido is brave and domineering, and his courage is unmatched!

Reilly, Jabba cooperate with tacit understanding, complement each other!

If this is not the Island of the Gods, the battle between these three people can be regarded as a personal performance. Everyone played their strongest strength, that is called a wonderful!

It should not be said that there is no point in a person who is strong, that is, a group of people get together, everyone is so good, this is called chess opponents, will meet good talents.

Anyone can show their best and best side.

The battle of these three people alone, as long as it is someone who has the opportunity to see it, can’t help but shout good. This is the spark that the world’s top combat power can collide!

In contrast, the battle between the other cadres of the Locks Pirate Regiment was a bit watery.

Wang Zhi has not changed from the beginning to the present, and he still fights with the lieutenant general, and the two lieutenant generals who fought with him are about to cry, and they are not so playful.

How to say that after a day and a night, fools can see how big the gap between them is, if Wang Zhi is a fierce male lion, then these two lieutenant generals are poodles with teeth…

The disparity in strength is too great!

But even so, Wang Zhi’s battle could not be ended. Don’t talk about him, the rest of the people are the same.

It is that the level is not the same, and the effect is not the same.

Like Golden Lion 4.5 and Charlotte Lingling, they’ve played those two CPO powerhouses like idiots. These two even vomited blood belts dangling, people are not like people, ghosts are not like ghosts.

Dead can’t die, they are dead, Golden Lion and Charlotte Lingling looking for who to act?

So just look at the CPO these two in front of the Golden Lion and Charlotte Lingling, that is called a hard work, very tough, even if it is like this, still dare to shoot at the enemy.

Then there is the white beard, although the white beard also paddles, but he is not so dirty, should he fight or fight to the death, if it were not for the storm general has two brushes, now he can go out of the funeral.

That is, Whitebeard deliberately released water to delay the battle, otherwise… The Navy had to give General Storm a funeral.

Speaking of the entire God Island battlefield, because with the addition of the Roger Pirate Regiment, the Navy really reduced some pressure, and at first it was worried that the Roger Pirate Regiment would have any conspiracy.

However, watching them fight with the Locks Pirate Regiment to the death and be eager to beat the brain pulp out, the Navy was also at ease. Anyway, now that Roger’s Pirates are helping them, this is considered to be comrades-in-arms, and the two sides are gradually starting to cooperate…

“Fist bone!”


“The darkest hour!”

The demolition squad led by Locks began to operate, and the three of them were fierce as soon as they came up, and the palace of the Dracos could not withstand the aftermath of such a battle and collapsed directly.

Locks was now covered in black smoke that completely enveloped him like a gauze coat. This move is an amplification state developed by Locks through the Dark Fruit, called the Dark Warrior Mode.

Know that the negative ability of the dark fruit is not only not to let the eater into the water, but also the more disgusting part is that the eater cannot be elementalized, and the damage will be doubled!

As the world’s top strongman, of course, Locks would not be stupid enough to let this negative effect become his weakness.

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