Chapter 69: The New Sea Overlord [Seeking Self-Determination].

To put it bluntly, it is to guide everyone to determine a line of thought in the matter of Locks’s death, that Locks died at the hands of his own people, not the credit of the Navy… Up to now, Kaido’s ultimate purpose has been exposed.

He wants all the riches on the island of the gods!

But the gas is that this boy is not alone, he wants to say that he wants alone, no one else will help him, what he can say is that the effect of the Locks Pirate Regiment will come up at once, what kind of dead captain is pointed out by the light and righteousness, it doesn’t matter, the remnants of Locks, except for Whitebeard, the rest of the people are all staring at William Gurillian with their eyes shining.

“Yeah, why didn’t we run, and you didn’t win!”

“I think Kaido is right, the Island of the Gods is our trophy.”

“With so much treasure, why give it to you?”

Wang Zhi’s trio began to lose shape again.

But then again, the Golden Lion and Charlotte Lingling also reacted at this time, and the two looked at each other and said that Kaido had really looked carefully enough to almost forget about it.

As the palace of the Draco, there must be a lot of good things, they are all coming, this is to go without something, it is really a pity.

At the same time, they felt again that Charlotte Lingling was right when she said it, that once Locks died, Kaido’s shackles were gone, Kaido’s guy. What a lawlessness!

Kaido saw that everyone was on the same front, and his purpose was achieved.

“That’s the case, you choose.”

“The villain wins!”

William Gurillian had that in his head, what a hate, Kaido is so evil!

“Yes, choose!”

“Let’s go to war!”

“For the treasure!”

No matter how serious the occasion is, there is no room for teasing… Otherwise, the Wang Zhi trio would not have been very famous later.

“Any more requirements?”

Almost in the blink of an eye, William Gurillian calmed his mood, the superior was really powerful, and the ability to adjust Qingxu was unusually strong.

Kaido also showed a smile: “Hey, you have been so reasonable, isn’t this everything to discuss, we have looted the treasure and left, the captain’s body I have to take away, the navy can say anything to the outside world, we will not make any noise in the short term, the new world can be given to you.” ”

The exchange of interests has always been like this, but what Kaido said is false for the Navy…

What external publicity… The newspapers and public opinion are not all in the hands of the world government, what they want to say 090 is what it is, and the people of the world cannot disbelieve the world government and believe in a few pirates instead.

In addition, the cession of the new world is completely nonsense, Locks is dead, and no one in the entire Locks Pirate Regiment will be strong enough to maintain its rule, sooner or later it will be navy.

Only one, in a short period of time, this gang will stop some, this still has some value. Anyway, looking at Kaido’s current state, it seems that he can calculate the matter of the Locks Pirates.

“Don’t you believe it, even if I can’t be the lord of the Locks Pirates, they still have to listen to me, you say?”

Kaido seemed to have seen through William Gurillian, and Shunshi said a word.

Treasure is very important, very impressive, and what Kaido said is meaningless to others.

“It’s very upset, but Kaido is right, I listen to him.”

The golden lion wants to develop his power, lack of money and lack of people, it is precisely when he needs to lie down and concentrate on development, Kaido’s words allow him to take a treasure, and the golden lion will recognize it by biting his teeth.

“Kaido is my little brother, he has the final say, I listen to my brother.”

Charlotte Lingling was so skillful in saying this, as if she didn’t get any benefits.

Although Whitebeard did not speak, he also supported Kaido from the fact that his various actions were cooperating with Kaido. William Gurillian weighed the pros and cons and sighed, “This is the most humiliating day since I became a marshal!” ”

Instead, William Gurillian said to Zepha, “Take the people out of the Island of the Gods, and we’ll wait outside.” ”

Zefa’s eyes were red, “Marshal! ”

“Execute the command!”

William Gurillian now had a way to put the matter to rest, but unfortunately he did not.

Kaido saw this, and the wolf’s tooth rod also moved away from the top of Cap’s head: “Okay, you are benevolent, we are also benevolent, take people away.” ”

Kaido gave Whitebeard a look, and Whitebeard handed over the Storm General.

In fact, if the Navy repented at this time, it would be in trouble again, fortunately there was not so much to do, and the hostages were handed over, and William Gurillian was relieved.

“You’d better hurry, I’ll take responsibility.”

Kaido nodded, “Listen to you, just a moment, we’ll be done.” ”

William Gurrilian looked at Kaido and couldn’t help but sigh that after many years in the army, the most elusive goods he had ever seen should be this guy.

One moment there is a strong demeanor, the next moment like a little rogue, tough and not a face…

The navy withdrew, and the Locks Pirate Regiment was left on the Island of the Gods, the little brothers basically did not have to pay attention, those who could stand up were busy to rescue their companions, and the Golden Lion led a group of people to search for treasures in the palace of the Draco.

Whitebeard and Kaido stood outside to guard Locks.

“Kaido, why do you have to do this?”

To tell the truth, Whitebeard still does not understand, tossing and turning, for the sake of treasure, Kaido’s face is not wanted, this whitebeard can’t figure it out.

Also, in addition to the money needed to fund his hometown, Whitebeard actually has no concept of treasure, spending it when he has it, and grabbing it if he doesn’t.

Kaido smiled, “Thick-skinned, enough to eat.” The Rox Pirates are bound to fall apart, and reaping a windfall at this time is good for future development. ”

After a while, the golden lions returned, each carrying something on his back. Walking closer, the golden lion instructed the people to put things down: “Guys, how do you divide them?” ”

Kaido glanced at it and didn’t speak.

His non-speech made others very embarrassed, after all, this matter was provoked by Kaido, and the opportunity was also won by him, and it was very interesting for him to remain silent.

Seeing Kaido staring at himself, the golden lion was a little annoyed: “You… You see what I’m doing, everything is here, and no matter how greedy I am, I won’t be able to hack my own people, right? ”

Kaido smiled, “I don’t believe you’ll be so tasteless, you think too much, I’m just thinking of a suitable distribution plan.” ”

Charlotte Lingling spoke, “Kaido, anyway, the treasure is what you are fighting for, you are in charge.” ”

It’s quite strange, today Charlotte Lingling is like a middle evil, frequently showing goodwill. The others didn’t know what to say for a moment and a half, and waited for Kaido to speak.

Kaido looked at the things he had collected, and there were dozens of demon fruits alone, many good things, and countless treasures.

“First pick the gold and expensive choice, I see that there are four fruits in this I like very much, these four I want, the rest of the casual I just want to share a little.”

As he spoke, Kaido reached out and pointed out the demon fruit he wanted.

Dragon Dragon Fruit, Ancient Species, Brachiosaurus Fruit! Dragon Dragon Fruit, Ancient Seed, Swollen Head Dragon Fruit!

Dragon Fruit • Ancient Species • Triceratops Fruit!

Spider Fruit • Ancient Species • Gerst Rose Ancient Tarantula Form!

These four fruits are definitely the best of the animal fruits, and Kaido chose them because he wanted to establish a Hundred Beasts Pirate Group in the future.

Let’s see, I don’t think it’s a big problem, after all, the animal demon fruit is so precious, there are still many good things at the moment…

Charlotte Lingling picked up the licking fruit, squeezed the fruit, the biscuit fruit… Whitebeard wants a shining fruit…

As for the Golden Lion, he didn’t want any powerful fruit, but most of the treasure was in his pocket, and the Wang Zhi trio also planned to join forces with him, basically most of the wealth of the Divine Island flowed into the Golden Lion’s pocket.

The rest of the thing, Kaido and the three of them divided, there was nothing to do.

As he was about to leave, Kaido stopped the Golden Lion, “Scraw, the three of them are following you, remember to take care of the people, the Locks Pirate Regiment is gone.” ”

“Oh, what a troublesome fellow, got it!”

With William Gurillian’s sharp eyes, the remnants of the Locks dashed away, and even if the Admiral was unwilling for a thousand and ten thousand, he could only endure it now.

After waiting for the individuals of the Locks Pirate Regiment to go out so many boats for a long time, everyone suddenly realized a problem…

What’s next?

It’s a bit ridiculous, but that’s the reality, before just thinking about killing Locks and then the Isle of the Gods incident, but what to do next… No one has a detailed arrangement.

After all, no one is sure whether Locks is dead or not, except for Kaido, who also knows a little bit of the inside story, the others are purely gambling, and now that the bet has been won, people have been temporarily empty.

In the end, it is a temporary loss of purpose.

After all, they were not qualified to know what had happened to the top brass of the Rox Pirate Regiment, so they could only listen to the arrangements of the cadres, and now the cadres had no arrangements, and their men drove the ship directly to the headquarters of the Rox Pirate Regiment.

The golden lion and Wang Zhi and the three of them sat in the captain’s room, a cup of tea in front of one person, not because they didn’t want to drink, but they couldn’t find a suitable reason, and now the road ahead was uncertain, which made them very embarrassed.

“Three, since the Rox Pirates are about to split, and we have decided to join forces, then it is better to discuss it, the next step.” How do we do it? ”

Wang Zhi, as the think tank of the older generation, thought for half a day before saying, “It seems that you have to kill Kaido first.” ”

The golden lion was stunned: “What? ”

Good fellow, on the Island of the Gods, Kaido told himself to take care of these three, and people’s hearts and minds are shining on you, and your boy is actually going to kill him?

What a joke, even if we are pirates, then we must talk about the rules!

Seeing that the golden lion was very puzzled, Wang Zhi explained, “If you don’t kill Kaido, the territory of the new world will not be enough for those of us.” ”

The golden lion took a deep breath and hesitated.

His subconscious opposition to this decision did not mean that his grudge with Kaido was gone, but that he felt that it was inappropriate to attack Kaido at this time.

Anyway, Kaido did a lot of operations on the Island of the Gods and got enough original funds for himself, so he moved…

But Wang was right, there are so many territories under Locks’s name, others can’t manage it, Kaido must be able to control it, this will definitely not be a problem, as long as the people of the Locks Pirate Regiment can have this recognition.

“What about after taking down Kaido?”

“Rob the turf, kill Kaido, seize the turf, inherit the captain’s inheritance, aren’t we the new overlords of the sea?”

The Golden Lion nodded, “Oh… You make me think about it. ”

Besides, Charlotte Lingling and Long Bread also talked about it.

“Lingling, now.”

“Before we can leave with people, the golden lion is very ambitious and will inevitably do something to us.”

As the leader of Charlotte Lingling, the bread is not blown out in every way.

Charlotte Lingling is relatively simple, just tangled with one thing: “Walking is to be able to go, the key… I want to have a baby with Kaido, he’s so smart, our kids just have to inherit a little bit and grow up to be my strongest assistant. ”

Long bread is embarrassing not to work…

He watched Charlotte Lingling eat the children of the Lamb’s House as snacks, knowing that this woman was very strong, the potential was also very good, and she would be a generation of sea overlords, but this child-loving problem could not be stopped.

In the current situation, no matter how you look at it, Kaido is an extremely dangerous existence, and if you have contact with him, you will inevitably be implicated, but Lingling wants to have a child with him.

How can this be done?

“Lingling, I advise you to give up, Kaido is not someone who can threaten by force, you want to have children with him, unless he is willing, otherwise… Not at all. ”

Charlotte Lingling was a little sorry: “Oops… Not happy… Snacks, I want to eat something…”

The long bread was hurriedly obtained, for fear that she would be guilty of food sickness.

In fact, Kaido is very clear about the current situation, but he doesn’t want to care about these things, and when he finishes his last thing in the Roxx Pirate Regiment, he will lie dormant, and it can even be said that in the next few years or even a decade or two, he will not make any big moves on the sea.

Anyway, the cadres were all full of worries, and by the time they reacted, the fleet had already arrived at the base camp.

“How did you get back?”

The people of the Golden Lion family were very embarrassed, and they had not yet figured out what to do next, so they returned to the base camp. The crew also hurried to explain that they did not know where to go, so they could only return.

There was no way to do it, and the golden lion knocked on Kaido’s door.

“That… Back to the base camp, you also come out, let’s discuss something with a few thousand parts. ”

Perhaps Kaido’s plans in the past have brought a lot of benefits to the Locks Pirates, and even the Golden Lion wants him to advise the group again.

Kaido nodded, “I have to talk about it, let’s bury the captain before that.” ”

Just in the base camp, find a good place to make a cemetery for Locks, and the cadres will casually miss it in front of the grave, which is the end of the matter.

Kaido was the last one, pulled out the gourd he had brought with him, and poured a gourd wine in front of Locks’ grave.

“Captain, all the way, this is the wine of Hachnos Island, I think you should enjoy it.”

When the wine was finished, Kaido left his wine gourd with Locks and turned to walk toward the cadre’s conference room. With such a turn, Kaido’s entire spirit changed dramatically.

It used to be like saying that he was a sword hidden in the sheath of the sword, but now this is the sharp blade out of the sheath, and the sharp edge is exposed!

The cadres lined up, Kaido stood in the C position among the people, and everyone brushed away in unison, which was really a scene of all the evil people. When they got to the cadre conference room, they subconsciously sat down according to the seating order when Locks was still alive.

Kaido took the lead in speaking: “I know what everyone thinks, now tell me what I know, and when I am finished, everyone will decide for themselves.” ”

As the planner who was fully responsible for this battle, Kaido actually had an absolute say in the matter of separation, but his focus was not on how to divide the family, otherwise he could get a lot of things.

But to know that it is bound to be strong, Locks’s legacy looks rich, in fact, it is also a hot potato, there is no need to scramble, the more you get, it is not a good thing.

The aftermath of the attack on the Valley of the Gods is now coming gradually, and the Navy will surely enter the New World again, and whoever gets the legacy of Locks is the target of the Navy!.

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