Chapter 70: After Locks’s death, who will be the boss?

[Ask for self-determination].

“In this war, the Locks Pirate Regiment is no longer there, and those who can survive the Seven Great Fan Squads will not be able to return for a while and a half, so how many people you have on hand, how much power you will have after the separation of the family.”

Kaido did not shy away from saying the words of separation, and also frankly spoke of the dilemma that the entire Rox Pirate Regiment was no longer there. Wang Zhigang wanted to speak, but the golden lion stopped him with a single look.

“Also… This battle our home is exhausted, if the captain is alive, the island of the gods will be successfully destroyed, and he will soon be able to earn it back, but unfortunately everything failed, the chips were all lost, as the remnants of the Locks party, we must admit it, in other words… We are left with only the territory of the New World. ”

“I take a stand, all the turf under Locks’s command, I give up the right to receive, and as much as you can grab, it is yours.”

Whitebeard followed Kaido and said lightly, “I don’t want the turf either.” ”

Charlotte Lingling said, “I want Cake Island as a station, the other old ladies are not interested.” ”

This territory is really harmonious enough, and before it happens, three of the four thousand parts that hold absolute power have given up the right to receive the territory, and the golden lion feels that a big pie in the sky has hit him.

“Are you serious?”

No one cared how surprised he was, and no one cared about Locks’s turf except him. This is purely a difference in personal thinking.

Whitebeard was bound to leave, and he wanted the territory to be guarded by no one, but instead formed a pirate group he wanted, which was more important to him, and Locks did not leave more treasure, and he had nothing to choose except to get out of the house.

Charlotte Lingling is simple, she does not have the strength of a white beard and a golden lion, nor is she as smart as Kaido, and it is the right way to develop slowly on a piece of land.

It is that the Golden Lion needs a lot of territory, and needs to expand its power rapidly, so that his Flying Pirate Regiment can make a name as soon as possible. At this time, Kaido reminded, “Shiki, although the territory is yours, don’t find trouble for the Navy in the short term, if necessary, give up part of the higher territories of the New World and let the Navy re-enter the New World. ”

“Is it necessary for me to keep this promise?”

Golden Lion Heart said that this promise is not like nonsense, when will the pirate talk to the Navy about credit?

Kaido said helplessly: “You’re afraid you’re carried away by power, I can continue to give you advice, it’s all because everyone has the same identity, is the Locks remnant, not because of this, I need to care about your life and death?” ”

The meeting room of the cadres was momentarily quiet, and Kaido had spent three years educating the gang to let them know the benefits of respecting a smart person.

“Everyone else is good to say, Brother Newgate wants to travel through the sea, Lingling will go to Cake Island to develop in a low-key way, I will disappear for a while, only you can be active in the sea, and now you still think that the agreement with the Navy is not necessary?”

The golden lion groaned for a moment, “Kaido, I’m willing to believe your words, but you have to give me a reason, right?” ”

“Stupid lion, they all say that you know a lot about intrigue and trickery, how stupid you are now.” We punched the navy and the world government in the face, and this time we touched their bottom line, and if we don’t restrain a little, they will take care of us at any cost, you really think William. Doesn’t Gurrilian dare to do anything with us? ”

“Listen, the Island of the Gods incident we both paid a heavy price, it will take a while to repair, the Navy does not move now, does not mean that it will remain silent after that, and at that time, without me, Brother Newgate, Lingling, just the four of you… Can you beat the Navy? ”

Kaido said a lot of things in one breath, and everyone else was dizzy.

Fortunately, they understood one thing, after the Island of the Gods incident, the Navy would retaliate against the remnants of Locks.

The golden lion put his hands in his hands and leaned over to the table: “Are you saying that if we give the Navy some benefits, we will get some room for development?” ”

“Yes, the navy on the island of the gods only occupies a false name, and there is no benefit, and if they take advantage of this wind, they can immediately save some people’s hearts.” As soon as the time settles down, the garbage of the world government will drag them back and let the navy fall into internal friction, so that we can relax and you have time to develop. ”

Kaido finished all that should be said and slowly stood up: “I have nothing more to say, the base camp will give up from now on, let the captain sleep here well, I hope that in the future, no matter who mixes well, I will try my best to protect this place, just like that… I went to rest. ”

Saying it’s to rest, but in fact Kaido is giving Locks the finish.

Back in the room, Kaido picked up Shinji and dialed a number: “How is the situation?” ”

“Mr. Kaido, I think you should know how much West Sea has suffered in order to cooperate with you.”

“But you still haven’t refused the conditions we offered, the matter is over, it’s time to honor your promise, in a few days someone will come to you and give you a certificate of deposit, that’s the reward we promised, the account holder is called Marlon Brando, you go to the world government’s bank directly to sign up for the money.” 」

“Oh, what a generous pirate, I hope there will be opportunities to cooperate in the future.”

Kaido smiled, “There will be…”

After hanging up the phone, Kaido contacted the external forces that contributed to the incident in turn, giving away all the remuneration that should be paid, and harvesting a wave of friendship.

As for the money that Kaido used to pay for the payment, it was actually Locks’s inheritance, and Kaido told the others that there was no money because the rewards were paid afterwards, and only he and Locks knew about it.

Although it is said that the death debt of the person is gone, Kaido can completely disagree with this account, but there is no need to let the dead person bear the reputation of a debt that is not repaid, and it is not Kaido’s money, it is spent, and it can also attract some connections, which is also a good thing.

The gangsters of the West Sea and the mercenaries of the North Sea seem useless, but the huge network they form can connect the four seas and the new world!

“It’s time to go to the Land of Wano…”

After everything was done, Kaido lay in bed and muttered, and fell into a deep sleep.

However, for the whole world, the Island of the Gods event finally had a satisfactory result!

[Locks destroys the island of the gods, the Locks Pirate Regiment is torn apart!] 】

[Lieutenant General Kapu turned the tide and cheered for the hero!] 】

[The Navy awarded Vice Admiral Cap the title of Navy Hero, and we have heroes to guard the sea!] In just a few days, newspapers of all kinds have been sent out in an overwhelming way, telling the people of the world that the Rox Pirate Regiment has been defeated and the Navy has once again won the victory…

In the hospital of the Navy Headquarters, Cap was stunned and leaned on the bed in a daze, in fact, according to his physical fitness, it had been several days, and it was not easy to get out of bed.

But… He didn’t want to get out of bed, preferring to collapse in bed, and didn’t bother to move his arms and legs to receive any flowers and applause.

The Navy thwarted the plot of the Locks Pirates, and Lieutenant General Cap succeeded in sending the Captain of the Locks Pirates to the Rocks Pirates, Locks Thomas. D. Gibbek killed and made a remarkable contribution to the peace of the whole sea…”

Just when Kapu was in a daze, a woman’s voice suddenly came from his ear, and Kapu immediately returned to his senses. The woman’s mouth reads the newspaper that Kapu is clutching in his hand.

“Little Crane…”

There are not many female navies who can enter the senior ward, Lieutenant General Crane is one, Kapu is in this state, Sengoku has long told Lieutenant General Tsuru, so today she came.

“Still struggling with news reports?”

Lieutenant General Tsuru asked a little knowingly, she herself had read it and asked if Kapu cared about this. If you really don’t care, why did Cap pinch the corners of the newspaper in his hand…

The biggest similarity between men and dogs is that they expose their soft belly to people they like and trust, and Kapu is no exception, and the person who visits him is Lieutenant General Crane, and Kapu’s soft belly naturally shines to Lieutenant General Crane.

“Little Crane, do you know what a disgraceful battle I fought?”

Lieutenant General Crane’s face was a little ugly, but she did not avoid Kapu’s eyes, but also had some sympathy for Kapu.

As soldiers who joined the Navy at the same time, and everyone is the backbone of the faction of General Steel Bone and Air Force, the familiarity between them does not need to be said at all.

Karp is a strong personality, and a very humorous person, usually although reckless, but it does not matter, after all, his style is like this.

Now the humorous Karp has no smile on his face, and you can imagine how low his mood is.

“Kapu, you should understand that we can’t always tell everyone that the battle of the Island of the Gods was won by Lieutenant General Crane who won the battle with a group of pirates, and he tried to persuade Kapu, but he didn’t expect Kapu to shake his head directly after hearing her words.”

“Xiao He, in fact, I don’t care about this, do you know how I felt when I went to the Island of the Gods and found that it was just a battlefield?”

Lieutenant General Crane looked at Kapu and seemed to be about to catch a glimpse of what had caused Kapu to lose.

“I took people with me and crossed the seven blockade lines of the Rox Pirates… Seven ways! Tens of thousands of navies paved a road with blood in order to let me successfully land on the island of the gods, and they let me preserve my strength, no matter how difficult… They were all avoiding my shots, and it turned out that the Island of the Gods was a pure battlefield! ”

At this point, the topic is heavy.

Lieutenant General Crane sighed, “But at least you stopped Locks, it all makes sense.” ”

“Nonsense, I want to know that the Island of the Gods is just a battlefield, and I took the soldiers directly to the battlefield, and there is no need to rush so quickly!” At least with me, our soldiers will have a lot less casualties, and those seven blockade lines will not even have a single person who can catch my move, just so as not to let me consume strength, the soldiers will fight too hard. ”

··· Ask for flowers…

“Now put all the glory on me? Navy hero? Shit hero! When they made these decisions, did they ever think about the soldiers who fell at sea? ”

Just like the child vented his dissatisfaction, in front of the crane, Kapu was indeed softer, but there was also not so much restraint, and the evil fire was all scattered at a time.

The crane looked at Kapu, somewhat seriously, “Kapu, now is not the time for a child’s temper, do you want the world government to admit that the sacrifices of the soldiers are meaningless?” ”

This sentence was asked by Karp, and he was dumbfounded.

“No matter what you think, the truth is that in the island of the gods, Locks was killed, and a turmoil that threatened the world subsided, and all this always has to be carried by someone, and you… It’s the one who can carry it all. ”


Karp snorted unhappily, which meant that he was fighting with himself.

Lieutenant General Tsuru shook his head repeatedly, cut the apple for Kapu, and whispered a few words: “You, you are childish, no matter how to say that the end of the Island of the Gods has something for the world.” ”

“Great advantage, the Locks Pirate is destined to disband, there are no years of time, they can not develop, but unfortunately now the Navy can be messed up…”


“You only know that hiding in the ward, where do you know what happened outside, calming the turmoil on the sea, the naval strength is seriously damaged, the storm general is also seriously injured, hurt by the white beard to the foundation, rescued and not half the strength of the heyday, looking at the retreat, the marshal is also going to retreat…”

This news is shocking enough, the storm general retreats is nothing, the Warring States, Zefa they are all candidates for the general, at any time can be directly on top.

But the marshal is also going to abdicate…

This is likely to lead to turmoil within the Navy. Spike!

Kapu directly pulled off the bandage wrapped around his body, took the apple that the crane had cut in half, and clicked: “Don’t lie down, go to the steel bone big brother.” ”


Before Lieutenant General Tsuru could react, Kapu had already stood up and went to the locker room to change his clothes.

When he came out of the locker room, his hospital uniform was changed into his military uniform, and Iron Fist Karma was alive again. Kapu almost rushed out of the hospital, and the speed was fast, and Lieutenant General Crane was trotting behind him.

Along the way, all the navies saw Kapu and hurried to give way, and then stood up and saluted, looking at Kapu with a very admiring look, and several people shouted the words hero Kapu after Kapu walked away.

It’s just that Kapu is completely indifferent, or his words, the hero of the bullshit, this matter is what others say to him, anyway, he will not mention it again in this life, this is not an honor, this is the fate of the brothers!

The honor belongs to him, then the soldiers’ posthumous affairs should also be responsible for him, if you want to take this responsibility, then first guarantee the steel bone, empty the power of this department.

Although Karp has seen the hope of Steelbone Air to take over as Admiral, he is still ready to stand on his feet, and the side of a naval hero will at least make Steelbone Air take over as Marshal.

I have to say that Karp’s long-term vision once again proves that this seemingly reckless guy is still very smart. It’s just that the Navy is not the time to have a headache about this matter…

In the war room of the Navy Headquarters, Admiral William Gurillian and Admiral Steel Bone Air sat side by side, and the seats were arranged according to the size of the official position, and there were dozens of people, which were the elite backbone of the Navy Headquarters.

This time the meeting was presided over by Steel Bone Kong, and William Gurillian became a complete spectator, which forced people to grind it out.

“This meeting is mainly to make arrangements for the reconquest of the New World, Locks is dead, and we can blow the horn of counterattack.”

“There are about 100,000 troops still able to fight, G-4 Branch, G-3 Branch and its nearby islands and World Plus.”

Allied waters, as our first reconquest targets, after the reconquest of the defensive reconstruction work, will be by the staff to come up with a plan.

“Gentlemen, what has happened in this period of time is extremely beneficial to our navy, and I hope that everyone can make good use of this opportunity, and this rearrangement of the new world will mean the end of an era, and whether the people can rekindle their confidence in us…”

Meeting is such a situation, boring and tedious.

Don’t look at the death of Locks, there are many follow-up things, from the perspective of political needs, the erection of the heroic banner of Kapu, the Navy has already partially dissolved the impact of the Locks Pirate conquest of the New World.

As Kaido said, the Navy must have some ideas for the new world, and only such a quick response can bring them some practical benefits.

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