Chapter 81: Worthy of being the Sea Thief of the Age of Locks [Subscription Required].

Roger probably said his guess, but also told Oda about what kind of situation will occur in the route after Mizusan Star Island, such as unpredictable weather, magnetic field chaos and other things after saying this, Roger is still a little hesitant: “The biggest trouble should be the red road sign history text, I have a piece in my hand, the remaining three pieces are where I know, but there is a red road sign history text, which is in the country of Wano Mitsuki Oda smiled: “You don’t have to worry about this, That piece of historical text can not be found, I have an extension in my hand, put together the rest of the historical text, directly translate it. ”

“What? Do you actually have this kind of thing? ”

“Of course, as something that the Mitsuki family has been guarding for generations, how could I not have Takumoto, just so that I don’t have to clash with Kaido in the Kingdom of Kazuno.”

The final voyage of Roger’s Pirates begins quietly without everyone’s knowledge.

More important than that, however, is that Kaido has received some information from his men these days.

According to the investigation and countermeasures of the intelligence network, Kaido’s side has received a number of reports from the world government’s intelligence agencies infiltrating Kaido’s control to collect intelligence.

The most interesting thing is that these people think that their infiltration is very secretive, and they don’t know that Kaido has already figured out what they ate at night.

Pillar by pillar, piece by piece, was thoroughly listed, and Kaido looked at the table full of intelligence and began to analyze.

In the end, the CP organization of the world government is also a professional intelligence agency, and its work is still very planned.

“Three days ago, someone infiltrated the island of St. Leanus, the farthest radius within the radiation range of the Kingdom of Wano, and the news of the secret inquiry into the Kingdom of Wano was noticed…”

“Two days ago, there was a lackey activity of the world government on Korofang Island..”

“Today, there are already people active under the waterfalls outside of Wazhi.”

Kaido suddenly laughed.

This is when he is blind, so blatantly under his nose, it seems that he has not educated these people in ten years, and they have forgotten how they once suffered losses at their own hands.

“Interestingly, this is only a little bit of activity, actually received such a high treatment, the Navy and the world government are still really concerned about me, if there is no return of the courtesy… I’m embarrassed. ”

Just as Kaido was looking at the intelligence and preparing to arrange for someone to deal with these trivial matters, Xia Qi found Kaido.

“Boss Kaido, there’s new intelligence.”


“Admiral Sengoku and Zefa of the Admiralty Headquarters brought people into the New World, and my spies in the Chambord Islands watched with their own eyes as they set out to target us.”

Kaido smiled, “I’ve already guessed this, can I get their specific information?” ”

Xia Qi smiled, “Of course, but not so detailed, Sengoku leads the team… It is impossible for my people to inquire carefully, the strength of the intelligence personnel is still too weak, but what can be learned at present is that the two generals came with two naval monster rookies, and there are several lieutenant generals, whose strength is average.”

I have to say that Kaido once took Xia Qi with him as a perfect choice.

With his advanced thinking, coupled with Xia Qi’s intelligence talent, it is really difficult to find an opponent in this regard.

It can be said that the intelligence system under Kaido’s demons, although it is not as deep as the accumulation of the eight hundred years of rule of the world government, is really not vain in terms of business ability.

It was at this time that Kaido’s ‘broken’ system came online.

“God-level option triggered!”

“Option 1: Face the naval encirclement and suppression, reward: esper species, fish and fish fruits, and the ability of the Green Dragon form is increased to the extreme!”

“Option two: Escape the navy’s encirclement and suppression and get out of sight again.”

“Reward: ‘Ultimate, Turtle Shell Divine Skill!'”

Well, this turtle shell god skill does not know how many backdoors it has taken, this has already appeared in the reward option how many times, it is also strong.

Unfortunately, this choice is a single choice, and Kaido does not have to think about it to know that he should choose to face the naval encirclement and suppression.

Although the development of the country of peace is not bad, the Hundred Beasts and Pirates under the Demon has not yet formed the scale of dominating the sea.

But Kaido did not panic, his basic plate was too stable, even if this battle was lost, as long as the country of peace was not completely destroyed, it could play a blood-making effect in minutes, and money was not a problem at all.

As for the strength of the men: Not being able to dominate does not mean being weak.

The quality of his own individual soldiers, Kaido is too good in mind, as long as the main combat effectiveness of the Navy is controlled at that time, at least it is also an invincible situation!

As soon as he made his choice, Kaido felt a powerful life energy sprung up in his body!

It should be known that after the awakening of the animal demon fruit, it will bring strong recovery ability to the eater, and the quality of all aspects will also be greatly improved.

This all-round improvement is not available to the Superhuman and Natural Systems.

Invisibly, Kaido’s body emitted an invisible wave, and Xia Qi had no chance to react at all, and was directly knocked out of the room.

Falling to the ground, Xia Qi was stunned for half a day without reacting, not knowing what was happening, but it was clear that the strength of Kaido’s boss had been improved again.

After half a day of immersing himself in this refreshing pleasure, Kaido came back to his senses. Thinking carefully about the choice just made, Kaido’s eyes lit up!

I really did not expect that the options provided by the previous system would have a completion indicator, and only when the indicator was met could the reward be obtained.

This time, the reward was actually issued in this way, which can be said to be pure welfare! Pulling open the panel, Kaido couldn’t help but swallow his spit.

Host: Kaido Talent: Monster Constitution One You have a monster-like physique, whether it is strength, reaction, immunity, resilience… They are dozens of times that of ordinary people!

Abilities: Armed Color Domineering [Extreme], Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering [Outstanding], Overlord Color Domineering [Extreme], Esper Species, Green Dragon Fruit [Extreme]

This panel of data looks too comfortable, with three extreme abilities, it is even stronger than Locks.

After all, Kaido’s strength is also the world’s top power, and he has a very clear understanding of the power of Locks at that time. Thinking of the original Locks, the three-color domineering spirit is at the ultimate level, but the fruit ability has not yet reached the extreme.

Although Kaido was a little weaker, it had no effect at all.

He already had such a talent as a monster physique, and after two improvements in fruit ability, his physical strength was now beyond common sense.

Even if Locks were to come back to life, I am afraid that he would not be his opponent, after all, Kaido has such a strong capital, he can make countless mistakes, but his enemies do not have this condition.

Moreover, the fruit of the esper species awakened, and even with the green dragon form, the various natural forces that Kaido could control were also strong and had made breakthrough progress in both quality and quantity.

This green dragon of his… In this world, it can be said that it is truly deserved.

Looking at Xia Qi, who was sitting outside, Kaido said, “Just broke through, didn’t control it, are you okay?” ”

“Boss Kaido, I’m all right!”

“Well, you go and inform me that all my combat strength under the demon is in a state of combat readiness, and this time when I fight with the Navy, I don’t want to start a war with the country, we take the initiative to attack, so that they can see how powerful we are!”

Taking the initiative to push the battle line out is both Kaido’s confidence in his own strength and his first step back to the sea.

Although he had never left this sea in the past ten years, the people who knew him on this sea were already a little strange to this former sea thief.

Since the Navy has sent a great stage, Kaido can’t wait for someone to kill the family before performing on stage, right? To put it bluntly, it is mainly the construction of the country of Heartache and Peace.

The fight with Roger a few days ago, and then said to repair various losses, the overall toss was put into a small 100 million, giving Kaido heartache.

This is still the whole battle, only he and Ember two people go all out. If the navy were really put into the country of peace to fight, it is estimated that the loss of money would be too much to fight this money-losing battle.

To say that Kaido took the initiative to push the battle line out, the deepest feeling must be that the Warring States and Zefa who have entered the radiation range of Kaido’s influence and Zefa sailed on the sea with a fleet of nearly 10,000 people, which is not small. On the main ship, Sengoku and Zefa stood side by side, and both of them were quite sighing.

“Who would have thought that in the past, such a lineup of ours could directly go to the siege and suppress Locks, and now we can only deal with Kaido alone.”

Zefa really didn’t know how to describe the feeling in his heart.

After all, he was the first person to fight Kaido, and it was he who later let Kaido’s surprise attack on the Island of the Gods cause the navy to lose the initiative. Now I want to meet Kaido again, and my heart is full of all kinds of emotions.

Sengoku sighed, he had less contact with Kaido, but his brain was enough, reaching out to play with the telephone worm that had not moved for a long time.

“I want to… We shouldn’t dwell on this now, I’m afraid Kaido already knows we’re coming. ”

Zefa looked back, Sengoku explained: “These phone bugs were handed over to me by Brother Steelbone, saying that they were intelligence officers of the CP organization, and they would provide us with detailed information, and the last contact was a few days ago..”

Zefa then understood: “No wonder you have been looking at the telephone bug in a daze these two days, it is because of this.” ”

“I feel it is necessary to inform the fleet that it is now in a state of combat readiness, which is already the periphery of the Wano Kingdom, and Kaido may respond at any time!”

After the Warring States finished speaking, Zefa consciously went to make arrangements.

This is a matter of the division of labor between the two of them, the Warring States is now a well-known wise general within the Navy, and the battles commanded by him are really very rare failures.

Moreover, the battles commanded by the Warring States have always crushed the opponent with excellent strategies and tactics, and even if his strength is very strong, he has not shown much.

Zefa partnered with him, and that was to say that he was completely at his disposal. Although they were all generals, Zefa was still very convinced of the Warring States.

After all the ships have received the instructions, the fleet of nearly 10,000 people has entered a state of combat, which should carry ammunition and carry ammunition, personnel ratio, and firepower arrangement.

Every aspect is like a sophisticated machine, quietly functioning. Seeing them busy, the Warring States felt a little relaxed in their hearts.

This battle is not easy to fight!

Even if there is a suspicion of cowardice before the battle, both Sengoku and Zefa know in their hearts that this battle may become the most difficult battle in this life.

Long story short, after another day of sailing at sea, this is close to the country of Wano, and at most there is a half-day trip to see the waterfall of the country of Wanokuni.

The closer to the country of Wano, the more tense the atmosphere became, and as the navy was preparing to take turns eating, suddenly the sea was windy.

The salty sea breeze whistles, and this smell makes people unconsciously so annoying!

It is said that these are all people who are accustomed to staying on the sea, especially… Navy, smell the sea breeze can get bored, then what is the Navy?

But things are so strange, the smell of the sea breeze today is not right!

People have a sixth sense, and smelling this sea breeze makes people have a premonition that something is going to happen! But that’s right.

Because in just a few moments, the real sea breeze blew, followed by the dark clouds of black pressure in front of this fleet slowly covered.

Then there were the fine raindrops falling from the sky, and before it was a thousand eyes, it was said that the weather in the new world was fickle, and there was no sign at all like now.

“Prepare for battle!”

At this moment, the Warring States suddenly roared, so loud that it was almost like a bronze bell, and there was no one in a naval fleet of such a large size who could not hear the roar of the Warring States.

Although the enemy could not be seen, the excellent quality of the navy allowed every navy to enter the combat state at the first time. Right next to the main ship, there are two smaller ships, the warships of Sakarsky and Polusalino.

At this moment, Sakarsky stared at the sky deadly, his left arm directly turned into flowing magma, black smoke rose, and the hot breath spread out on the ship.

“Did Rear Admiral Sakarsky find the enemy?”

“Where is the enemy?”

“Sure enough, it is a monster-like newcomer Major General, and this momentum is really rare: 3….”

The navy on the warship sighed one after another, and they could not see the enemy, and now they could only say a few words in the vigilance to ease their nervousness.

Sakarsky said in a deep voice, “Raise your spirits, don’t die, I will stop the enemy’s attack for you!” ”

Even with the Iron-Blooded Navy, Sakarsky understood the difference between preserving strength and sending him to death.

Don’t look at the war on the top, he was thinking of exterminating the white-bearded remnants, that is why he knew that he had that ability, and the navy also had that ability, which is what he did.

Even if he is a hawk, his care for his subordinates is still in place, otherwise when fighting for marshals, there will not be so many people jumping out to support him.

“Even before I saw the shadow, this breathtaking momentum has already been passed on, worthy of the sea thief of the Locks era, come on…..just let me see how strong you can be!”

Sakarsky has all kinds of emotions in his heart, whether he is excited or excited, he has already felt Kaido’s breath from these changes, and he is extremely looking forward to whether he and Kaido have a chance to fight!

Of course, he was far more than the only person who was aware of these things, not to mention the two great generals Sengoku and Zefa, even Polusalino, who was also a major general, also felt it.

Wings with a mouth, a hanging Lang Dang look, or that frowning line.

“How scary Kay is..”


There was a flash of thunder in the sky, and the oppressive atmosphere on the sea reached its extreme.

With the frequent appearance of thunder and lightning, a dark shadow also appeared among the dark clouds.

“No, people who don’t have enough strength quickly hide in the cabin!”

The ship’s highest-ranking commander gave the same orders almost at the same time!

The navy of nearly 10,000 people said that it was strictly disciplined, but under this order, it also looked a little flustered!

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