Chapter 82: Kaido has been killed by the General?

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Unlike pirates, everything has to be explored by themselves, how to become stronger, how to train.

The existence of the naval training camp allows every naval soldier to clearly understand the cultivation system on the sea. Whether it is domineering, physical skills, or swordplay anyway, the navy has definitely achieved the ultimate.

So basically the navy that came out of the headquarters had heard the word overlord color, and when the order came, the clever people had already reacted.

If you can get the commander to issue such an order, it is obvious that the enemy who is currently appearing has a powerful overlord color domineering spirit! As the black shadow gradually became clear, the huge green dragon appeared from the dark clouds.

As the moment the head of the Green Dragon probed out of the dark clouds, the thunder flashed in the dark clouds, and the torrential rain directly pressed the navy with a strong wind, followed by Kaido’s incomparably powerful overlord color domineering oppression!

Even if the military pays attention to the prohibition of orders, the commander orders it, and the under-strength sailors quickly enter the cabin, but it still does not help!

The navy that had entered the cabin had not escaped the oppression of this terrible momentum at all, and one by one all fell into the cabin, all unconscious!

Even the elite who stayed on the deck, who thought that their strength was good, still had some people dizzy, and a fun super fell directly on the deck

“Hey, hey, that’s a bit of an exaggeration.”

Polusalino’s eyes were filled with shock.

He saw with his own eyes that his carefully trained subordinates were actually unconscious under Kaido’s momentum!


Don’t see that so far, Kaido has not opened his mouth, but Sengoku has to stand up.

As the only general in the navy with overlord and domineering power, only he can compete with Kaido. Standing at the bow of the ship, the Warring States can be said to be in full swing, pushing their overlord color domineering to the extreme.

In the air, Kaido and the Warring States Overlord color domineering spirit instantly collided fiercely.

It’s just that… Even if the overlord color domineering spirit of the Warring States is fully urged, it can only take care of some warships, and compared with Kaido, it is really dwarfed!

Kaido’s overlord color domineering spirit directly enveloped the entire fleet of 06, and with the rolling thunder in the sky and the torrential rain, the sense of jade compulsion was even stronger to an elusive point.

Coiled in the sky, Kaido felt the strength of the Warring States Overlord color and couldn’t help but smile.

Honestly speaking, who has the domineering color of the overlord, who is not yet a king’s posture, how many people can lean down to be small?

As the owner of the domineering color of the Warring States, it can also obey the command of the world government, which is the only one of the best sons and daughters.

Kaido also felt rare, so he touched him, but this touch also made Kaido feel a little disappointed.

Because it was tempted at once, the overlord of the Warring States was domineering, and he had reached the level of genius to an extraordinary degree, and there was no meaning at all. Simply saying hello, Kaido also did enough pomp and circumstance, looking at the Warring States and saying, “The Warring States of the Buddha? Unfortunately, your qualifications, to the world government as a dog for a long time, your overlord color is really weak. ”

The Warring States brain gate on the green muscles burst out, supporting the Overlord color domineering also requires physical strength, in order to protect the navy present, the Warring States is also sparing no effort, at this moment there is really no way to fight with Kaido.

After a stalemate, Kaido put away his Overlord color deterrent and just watched.

Don’t look at him to give up, but at this time, the psychological oppression he brought to the Navy was even stronger than just now! There are naturally some people in the Navy who can’t stand it, how can Sakarsky’s fiery temper watch Kaido flaunt his martial arts

“Big Spitfire!”

Stepping on the moon, Sakarski jumped directly into the air, closing the distance with Kaido, and raising his hand was a big spitfire!

As one of the fruits of the natural system, the most powerful attack and destructive fruits of the magma fruit, the derived move is also very open.

Only to see a lava fist directly hit Kaido, as the distance grew, the size of the lava fist also grew rapidly, and it was Sakarsky who was controlling it at any moment!

This move can be said to be Sakarsky’s most skilled move, powerful enough to evaporate an iceberg that is dozens of times larger than the giant clan in an instant, and after this move is used, there are some subsequent changes, once it bursts, it will split into dozens of careful lava bombs, and its power can also destroy large warships!

It can be said that Sakarski’s hand is called a strong one!

“Major General Monster has struck!”

“Great, stay in this state and soon be able to put Kaido on a crusade!”

“Major General Sakarsky is the most reliable!”

The other ships, still awake, watched with excitement. They don’t know Kaido, but they know Sakarsky well!

As one of the three monster rear admirals who emerged in that issue, Sakarsky’s combat effectiveness can be said to be word of mouth in the new batch of navy!

Everyone knows how powerful Sakarsky is, everyone knows that this future achievement will not be low, even if he becomes a general, it is only a matter of time!

Polusalino looked at Sakarsky without holding back, and was the first to exit Kaido, saying to himself, “It’s really a guy who can’t suppress his temper or is still so violent…”


The lava fist approached Kaido one step closer, and it looked like it was about to fall on him for a moment.

Kaido grinned and opened his mouth to spew out, and a storm spat out of his mouth and blew directly into Sakarsky’s lava fist!


Kaido spewed out storms, but it wasn’t that simple, it was a bad wind derived from the ability of the Green Dragon Fruit! No less powerful than the storms of the past storms.

As soon as the storm and magma came into contact, everyone was dumbfounded by Sakarsky’s ferocious attack, which was directly blown out by Kaido’s mouthful of wind!

The lava cooled instantly, and even Sakarsky himself did not react.

“On. Are you kidding! ”

“It actually blew out!”

“I must be dreaming!”

How excited it was before, how dumbfounded the Navy is now.

Kaido didn’t think he had done anything terrible, but instead teased the hot-tempered Sakarsky.

“Yo, the faces of the Navy, it’s terrible, making such a big Mars, are you going to light me a birthday candle?”

Polusalino suddenly felt that his stunt had been plagiarized, how could he also say that it was terrible, and people with great skills often had a bad temper!

Who is Sakarsky, that is a navy with the name of Iron Will in his bones.

From the perspective of being a soldier and eating pay, the first part of the Navy’s due diligence must be counted as Sakasky! Looking at all the things he has done, it is an authentic military style.

Some people may say that he recklessly slaughtered O’Hara’s scholars, or that he deliberately plotted to divert the knife in the back of the Great Spiraling Spider.

But these things are all put together to see, in fact, it is very clear, to the edge of the sky, soldiers to obey the order as a duty! Under the order to slaughter demons, erase O’Hara This is the military order, what is inhumane, nonsense!

As for using trickery… It’s time to start a war, is the means important?

So all emotional factors aside, Sakarsky still has merit.

It is precisely because of such a personality, such a way of dealing with the world, coupled with the influence of lava fruits on the able, Sakarsky’s temper is not very good!

Kaido mocked him in front of him, and it was really hard for Sakarsky to accept.

His own attack was defused, he didn’t think so, fighting a war is nothing more than this, soldiers will come to cover the water, very normal things.

But can’t stand the garbage disgusting people.

Even if Kaido’s strength is very strong, and the gap between himself and the enemy is huge, Sakarsky still has no way to let himself endure this evil breath!

“Kaido! Die! ”

With a loud roar, Sakarsky struck again, still a big fire-breathing blow, and the lava fist released was so big that it was almost as thick as the figure after the Kaido dragon.


The scorching storm dispersed, the lava giant fist rushed straight towards Kaido, this blow Sakarski is still very confident, after all, the first shot just now did not know the depth of Kaido, now more or less can guess how many pounds of the other party’s strength, and then unconsciously strengthen the output of strength!

Kaido glanced lazily, still very dismissive!


With a squirt of air and another bad wind blurted out, Sakarsky’s attack fell silent again, and the fire was extinguished again.

“I Nyima.”

Sakarski is so angry!

The lava fruit in his own hand does not dare to say that he is invincible all over the world, at least few people across the sea can compete with him.

Today he failed twice in a row, and he couldn’t hang on to his face!

As the so-called drum, Sakarsky did not say that he lost confidence when his attack failed, but on the contrary, he was full of war spirit and prepared to fight with Kaido to the death.

The posture was all pulled away, and Sakarsky was full of anger and viciousness. Brush!

In the blink of an eye, a shining golden Buddha jumped in front of him!

“Sakarsky, back off! This is not an enemy you can deal with! ”

The Sengoku were originally on the side to prevent Kaido from suddenly erupting and expanding the losses of the navy.

Unexpectedly, from the appearance of Kaido to the present, one after another hit the morale of the Navy, especially Sakarsky rushed up and sent his face to Kaido’s hand for him to hit.

This kind of thing, again and again, not again and again!

In any case, Sakarsky’s current reputation in the Navy is not bad, whether it is a new soldier or a veteran who has served for many years, they know that there is such a supernova figure in the Navy.

First, the record is fierce, and second, it is often frightening to show his hands in front of people.

Now that he had lost so much face, he would strike at the navy that had come to fight Kaido today, and once morale fell, it would be difficult to say who the deer died.

“Warring States General…”

Sakarsky was still a little reluctant and was preparing to defend two sentences, but the result of the battle stopped him with one sentence.

“Shut up, withdraw, and look at our fleet!”

Lowered his voice and scolded, others could not hear it, Sakarsky could hear clearly, and when he looked back, he suddenly felt ashamed and embarrassed.

The navy stood where they were, stunned, obviously unable to believe that they had been sent red by Kaido so easily, and Sakarsky quickly retreated!

As far as what happened in front of him, Kaido ignored it and just watched coldly.

No matter how to say that he is to come and take the lead first, his people are still behind, the navy is not in a hurry, he has nothing to be anxious about. Merely. The commotion can’t stop.

“Warring States.”

Are you still worried that I will kill him, rest assured, I will not be to a junior, how to kill him… I’m ashamed.

I don’t know who to bump onto, anyway, who blushed and whose own.

After Kaido transformed into a green dragon, he casually opened his mouth and said a word, it was like thunder in the sky, the sound was loud, and no one on the sea knew it, and no one knew it.

The admirals looked at Sakarski, who had withdrawn, and the expressions on their faces were very complicated.

Sengoku is also very embarrassed, he and Kaido have not had much face-to-face, but just listen to the descriptions of colleagues, and know that Kaido is not a grandson of Grandpa Rao, strength is only one of his characteristics, the most infuriating thing is this guy’s dirty mouth, who meets with him, everyone will come back and scold this guy.

It’s not good to fight well, 060 will spray some garbage talk unless there is nothing to do, and he can’t be killed.

“You less! Buddha’s Shock! ”

Since the flying body was in mid-air, Sengoku could not have chatted with Kaido, and raising his hand was a shock wave.

Seeing the slightly whitened transparent impact coming towards him, Kaido did not dodge, just like he did not see it, standing up the dragon’s body, which was ready to resist this blow.

He didn’t react, but the navies rekindled hope, or thought of something exciting. One by one, they clenched their fists and exchanged their heads and ears like cheers.

“The Warring States General has struck!”

“The Warring States General is the fruit of everyone, the ability of the Great Buddha form, it is said that this fruit is extremely powerful, and Kaido will definitely suffer a loss at this time!”

“I heard that the Warring States General once smashed a mountain directly with a single blow of the Buddha!”

“Then don’t we have a good chance of victory?”

There are people who say anything, this battle is also relatively idle, getting around is nothing more than a fighting general, no matter how these ten thousand people can’t attack in groups like on land, do a feat, what ants bite the elephant, in addition to dry watching, then there is only a string of gossip.

Just listen to the sound of a bang in your ears!

The dark clouds in the sky were all stirred up in chaos, and an extra smoke screen appeared for no reason, covering the entire sky, making people unable to see what was happening above.

“What’s the matter, did the Warring States General succeed?”

“Kaido was too frightened to move, I’m afraid he has already been killed by the general!”

Just when there was a lot of discussion, the golden light in the smoke screen appeared, and the Warring States who incarnated the Buddha slowly appeared from it, and the whole body was full of Buddha light, looking mighty and extraordinary, and the word justice on the back cloak was even rendered by the Buddha’s light, glowing with a faint golden light!

This picture is directly imprinted on the hearts of every navy, there are generals like this, and these little soldiers immediately feel extremely excited!

Just these gossip, there is no way to escape Zefa’s eyes and ears! With his insight, how could he not know what was really going on in heaven?

He didn’t believe that Kaido was scared by the Sengoku, which led to the fact that there was no way to dodge the nonsense!

Moreover, he saw very clearly, the moment Kaido was hit by the attack of the Warring States, the vicious dragon head actually had the slight upward movement of the corner of his mouth, as if something proud had happened!

Others dare not say, but for Kaido, Zefa is deeply impressed!

Anyway, after Kaido went to sea, the first hard battle was fought with him Zefa, and that battle Zefa was broken by him and adjusted for a long time before he stepped over this hurdle.

With Zefa’s knowledge of Kaido, this guy is not a stupid person, especially when fighting, Kaido is even smarter, very tricky!

Let’s say that Sengoku’s blow went suddenly, but Kaido definitely didn’t have time to dodge unless. Unless the guy did it on purpose!

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