Chapter 83: Lord Ember has struck!

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It was quite abrasive to say, in fact, these things were not together for less than a minute, and Zefa had already flashed many thoughts in his mind! Zefa who was watching could see the things clearly, and Sengoku of course knew it, but he didn’t know why Kaido chose this way. When the smoke clears, in the sky, there is still that vicious dragon head, or that fierce and evil dragon!

I don’t dare to say that I didn’t move, but what it looked like just now, it wasn’t much different now, Kaido was hovering in the air, and its deterrent power was still very strong.

“Just kidding!”

“Kaido actually came out unscathed?.”

“The Warring States General released water?”

But isn’t it, a stroke of Buddha’s impact can even shatter the mountain, how come Kaido didn’t have a fart? Kaido himself also sighed, Grandma’s, Te hardened his own defense is invincible.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to hide, the key is that this is not an increase in strength, nor is it a big deal, or he feels that after his fruit ability has improved, he has not tested it well, and this time through the hand of the Warring States, it is a test!

Wan did not expect that it was actually hard to such an extent, even if the Warring States hastily struck, it was also a fierce hand, and they resisted hard with their flesh, and actually really hit down!


Kaido suddenly burst out laughing, looking at Sengoku quite playfully, and although the golden Buddha’s appearance was a little dazzling, it was a little cute in people’s hearts at this moment.

“Warring States, you have all mixed up with the generals, why don’t you have any strength under your hands, are you tickling me?” Good guys..”

There is no limit to the ridicule, just such a dry punch in the face!

All the navies present felt that they had someone knock on the door of their head with a sledgehammer, which was a dizziness!

In any case, Sengoku is the strongest fighting force in this battle, and he has not been able to make Kaido suffer losses. Is there any hope for this?

The Warring States face is calm, and the strength of the Giant Buddha Fruit lies in the fact that it can make the eater have the wisdom of the Buddha, and also can be extremely calm!

Anyway, after incarnating as a Buddha, it is like putting on a buff that is invincible to yourself, and the negative effects will basically be greatly reduced.

It’s just that Sengoku can’t imagine that Kaido’s perversion will reach such an extent. Invisibly, the Warring States felt as if a stone had been pressed in their hearts.

The weight of the attack, he himself is too counted, even if it is a temptation, it is not something that anyone can bear. What’s more, looking at Kaido’s current state, it is directly harmless!

The blow just now, the fruit ability, the armed color domineering, the two forces complement each other… All kinds of thoughts flashed through my mind, and what had just happened was no longer important.

Thinking about anything again is nonsense, or hurry up to complete the task, take down Kaido and then say something else!


The Warring States shouted, and Zefa, who was waiting sternly, immediately rushed up!

“Be careful, this guy’s defenses are very strong, I’m afraid it will take some effort!” Sengoku carefully gave an order. ”

Of course, Zefa did not need too many instructions, he was not a child, he was also a general-level combat strength, and he couldn’t understand whether he stepped on the moon step, and the Warring States and Zefa fought directly in one place with Kaido. Kaido maintained his Green Dragon form and fought them with his fruit ability.

Wind and rain thunder and lightning, in short, can be derived from the skills of the Green Dragon, Kaido can be regarded as a breath of play. Who told him that he used to fight people on flat ground, and the space for the fruit power to play was limited.

Now that he has fought an air battle, he can be considered to be able to live a good time.

“Heat Breath!”

“Bad wind!”

“Thunder Fire!”

No one could predict what attack Kaido would spew out the next time he opened his mouth, but he was careful not to be hurt by him.

“Buddha’s Shock!”

“Six-style steel fist!”

In the end, this is a general, the combat strength is good, the response is rapid, don’t look at the air battle is Kaido occupies the innate advantage, but these two are forced to step on the moon step to play their own advantages.

Sengoku’s strong fruit ability coupled with his physical skills and domineering spirit directly occupied the position of the main attack, and Kaido forced five to five! Although Zefa is beating a side drum, his domineering spirit and physical skills are not easy to underestimate.

With Kaido’s huge size and most of the time it was inconvenient to dodge, the two admirals of the Tangtang Navy, just like taking advantage, gave Kaido several times with a strong and solid body.

Kaido is like a cat and mouse, being beaten is a thing that doesn’t matter at all, it is simply spraying people, and it is not too much to say that he releases water.

“Hurry up, hurry up, haven’t you eaten?”

“Warring States, you scratch the itch a little bit of strength is not good, these two days waist and knees are sore, is missing a suitable person to massage it.”

“Zefa, after so many years of not seeing, are you messing around?” Use a little force! ”

On this strange scene, those who did not know thought that these three were not fighting, but ran to the bathhouse to rub the bath and massage. Sengoku and Zefa Qi that is called a seven-trick smoke!

Both of them are armed and domineering enough to reach the level of internal destruction.

All kinds of heavy blows hit Kaido’s body, this guy actually felt that they were not strong enough, how did this guy eat this decade how to pervert to this extent!

“Read, you are so hard, how is it such a waste, the navy raises you..”

Kaido did his best to provoke and turn the old face of Sengoku and Zefa red! It’s not shy, it’s angry!

On this scene, the fool can also see that Kaido is not in a state of half-hands, and is completely flirting. No, the drama wants these two generals!

The navy present felt that its worldview had been dealt a devastating blow.

“Hey, hey, this is the general?”

“I must have dreamed that the two generals joined forces, and Kaido was not even injured!”

“Oh my God, what did I see!”

The sailors were dumbfounded, and the generals were pretty much the same. Sakarski was stunned for half a day, standing in place with his hands fisted in place, his body trembling vigorously!

He wasn’t afraid, he was trying to restrain himself!

In the face of such a monster, to say that he does not want to go to that is false.

However, with the current situation, even if he went up, it would not help, but it made the navy feel that the three of them were still helpless against a Kaido.

It’s so uncomfortable!

“Damn, if only I had been stronger. A little bit stronger.”

Gritting his teeth, Sakarsky couldn’t get out of his temper at all.

“It’s terrible.”

Polusalino was still the same hanging boy Lang Dang, as if he had never been in a proper form, raising his mouth and muttering vigorously.

What this cargo was thinking in his heart, I am afraid that he was the only one who knew.

But I have to say that Kaido and Sengoku are entangled with them, and the sense of picture is really chilling.

On the one hand is a dragon that can often burst out a powerful attack that destroys the world and the earth, and on the other side are two admirals of the navy, both of whom are marching with strong force.

To put this attack on the Navy’s fleet, they were merely a spectator, but the constant explosion of the waves on the surface of the sea in the distance illustrated the horror.

The longer the time goes on, the more decadent the Navy gets..

But everything changes, nothing is set in stone. It was a war after all, and Kaido wouldn’t come out alone.

At this awkward moment, Kaido looked back behind him, somewhat suspiciously: “How can it be so fast?” What’s fast? ”

His people are fast!

Kaido calculated well before coming, after all, the navy entered his radius, and he already knew the movements of the navy.

It is equivalent to shooting time to rush over and flirt with the Navy.

According to his plan, in a few moments, even if the morale of the navy collapsed, it would be easier for his own people to rush over and collect them.

But man is not as good as heaven!

The design is very good, after all, it is still a loophole, Kaido did not calculate that there are ocean currents at sea. Today’s ocean currents can be said to be very evil.

His men wanted to come slowly, but the power of nature was not something that man could disobey.

Just such an evil current, the time for Kaido’s men to rush to the battlefield was much earlier!

On the surface of the sea, even if it is spread out, whether it is a navy or a pirate, in short, the two fleets have met together. Kaido also simply lifted the Green Dragon form directly and flew in the air with the flame cloud.

“Don’t play with you, when I rule the world one day, I will definitely accept you as a massage brother, the technique is really good!” Active bones, Kaido picked up the wolf’s tooth stick and directly killed the Sengoku! ”

“Thunder gossip!”

A stick was snatched up, the Warring States raised their hands to block, the thorns pulled the domineering collision, the armed color, the overlord color was entangled at that time.

Kaido is a weapon made by Hailoushi, even if it does not fully fit into the body of the fruit ability, it can have a certain weakening effect on the fruit ability.

Sengoku didn’t know about this matter, he raised his hand to block, domineering and fruit abilities used at the same time, thinking that he could block Kaido’s attack. Kaido’s play wanted them, and Sengoku also had a number in his heart, except for feeling a little helpless and annoyed, he had no other thoughts, after all, Kaido’s strength had made him feel powerless.

Before Kaido transformed into a dragon, they could still say that they took advantage, but now that Kaido is serious, he can’t be careless. As soon as this mace and the palm of the Warring States gradually began to approach, the Warring States sensed something unusual.

How could it be inexplicable that he felt that the strength in his body was invisibly suppressed?

This is not that the Warring States have not seen and do not know the existence of the Hailoushi weapon, mainly because the Hailoushi Wolf Tooth Stick in the hands of Kaido’s cargo handle is too well maintained.

There has always been a saying among the sword masters that there is no black knife in the world, and the more domineering it is, it will become a black knife.

Kaido had been getting the Hailou Stone Wolf’s Tooth Stick for many years, and his strength was not weaker than that of the Great Sword, and it was still more than enough to impregnate a Wolf’s Tooth Stick.

So the weapon in his hand looked like an iron mace. It is because of this that the Warring States is considered unlucky.


After a stalemate for a moment, the Warring States did not notice, let Kaido win, was directly hit and flew out of the air for hundreds of meters, which eased up!

“Six Type Upanishads Six King Guns!”

Zefa quickly wrapped his arms around Kaido, and with both fists, a move of the Six Kings Gun directly hit Kaido. Kaido’s horizontal stick defense is not messy at all.

“1 good hard weapon!”

This was the first time Zefa and Kaido had come up with the idea of Kaido’s weapon. It was at this time that the Warring States once again rushed from afar.

The wind and fire were killed, and the Warring States also understood what was going on in just a few moments.

What is the situation of the country of peace, the world government is also recorded, this country is rich in Hailoushi, and the role of Hailoushi is self-evident.

Kaido had been in the country of peace for ten years, and it was not difficult to build a sea stone weapon. It’s just that. This product seems to be the fruit ability of the person, right!

How could he not have been affected by the Sea Floor Stone? Other than that.. Hailoushi is not this color!

Thousands of thoughts in my mind finally turned into a sentence: “Zefa, be careful, this guy’s weapon is cast by Hailoushi, attacking his body!” ”

No matter how to say that this is also a general-level combat strength, with the fastest speed to familiarize yourself with the enemy’s attack methods, it is commonplace. Sengoku also figured out Kaido’s fighting habits, and Kaido can be said to be a guy who is very good at using weapons to block and counter opponents. Trying to limit him by smashing his weapons now seems a bit sloppy!

At the same time, Kaido’s men on the surface of the sea finally entered the Navy’s artillery coverage, and a great battle between the two sides was about to break out.

The wind on the sea was inexplicably a little cold. Shattered!


The shells rained down, and although the accuracy was a little off, the scene was still very exciting.

Countless shells erupted from the guns, either destroying ships or crashing into the sea to stir up high waves.

Speaking of naval warfare, there are systematic and routine methods of warfare, that is, Kaido’s men and the navy can play more slippery, what firepower suppression, what ship position and other things, anyway, basically the battle on the sea, they have the leisure to study this.

Others are directly reckless.

The battle that Kaido had caused in the air, from the moment he was about to enter the battlefield, these many pirates had already seen it, and one by one he was excited.

When they fought Roger with the country before, everyone didn’t have the heart to pay attention to the battle, and now it can be said that it is a feast for the eyes and there are too many old parts of Kaido, they know what the battle in the air is going on at a glance, and it is clear that Kaido is playing the Navy.

There is a boss like this, but what about the little brother?

Kaido’s old department had been the most notorious outlaw on the sea ten years ago, and at this moment, seeing Kaido’s majesty again, one by one was excited for no reason.

Of course, there were also samurai in the Wano Kingdom on the ship who came to help, and seeing Kaido like that, one by one, they were first confused, and when someone had lifted their doubts, it also opened their eyes.

It turns out that there is such a strong presence as an admiral on the sea.

But their main protagonist, Kaido, was able to play with the two admirals in the palm of his hand, which was not obvious that Kaido wanted to be stronger!

Born to be Muqiang, the samurai of the Kingdom of Wano were even more so, and for a moment, their belief in following Kaido became stronger!

When the fleets of both sides have entered a relatively close range, the role of high-end combat power will be reflected at once!

“Big Spitfire!”

Sakarsky roared in anger, rolled up the billowing magma and flew directly from the warship, rushing to the sky, straight to the Kaido fleet! The previous Yu Qu had almost broken his nest, and now that there was a ready-made punching canister delivered to the door, how could he not be excited!

“A knife flows, Yan Ge Changhe ornaments!”

Fire against lava!

As the ember of the big Kanban, he stood up as soon as he faced Sakarsky’s raid!

“Lord Ember has struck!”

“Leave those things alone and send the shells up!”

“The cadres will deal with the admirals of the Navy, and all we have to do is eliminate the soldiers of the Navy!”

One exit is the old seven-fold team..

Kaido’s rigorous training makes them more professional than the Navy.

The first thing the Navy thought of when it saw this scene was that our generals were bullish, and Kaido counted the old troops of the seventh team to be calm, what to do they knew too well in their hearts, bragging about things, and wait until the battle was over!

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