Chapter 84: Kaido wants to stay in the Sengoku [subscription required].


The knife looked at the lava fist, and the ember face did not change, without the slightest fluctuation.

Even if Sakarsky is very strong, Ember’s strength is not weak, and Cain can still have some advantages in the process of fighting with Sakarsky!

As a big Kanban, Ember was carefully cultivated by Kaido, only inferior to the general.

Even if Sakarsky has eaten the lava fruit, the attack power is superior, and he has the potential to become a general in the future, but now he is still a little short of two people, called half a pound to eight two, depending on who is more experienced.

The first trial ended in an instant, and Sakarsky was a little suspicious of life. Kaido is powerful, even if he is strong, how can he still have such a strong figure under him?

The essential.. Why doesn’t the Navy have intelligence on this man? Confused, this is the fight.

“Big Spitfire!”


“Inuyasha Red Lotus!”

Sakarsky can be said to have exhausted his means, how much strength to make how much strength, eager to quickly kill the embers, hurry to the nest to destroy Kaido’s other men.

Fortunately, Ember is not a simple role, and in the face of Sakarsky’s set of quality triples, he is also comfortable to dissolve it!

“A hundred beasts one sword, one slash!”

“One hundred beasts one knife flow two slashes!.”

“One hundred beasts and one sword, three slashes!”

The so-called Hundred Beasts One Sword Stream, which was based on the various sword skills of the country of Wano and some of the martial arts taught him by Kaido, were extracted from the sword art genre.

Although it has not been passed down to the world, it can be called a school of its own!

The reason why it is named after the Hundred Beasts is also because Kaido’s pirate group is called the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, and it is also closely related to Kaido’s fighting style.

In short, without Kaido, Ember would not have developed such a swordplay. The characteristics of the Hundred Beasts and One Blade Flow are almost the same as Kaido’s fighting style.

Don’t look at Kaido’s usual various moves to play very slippery, but more often, he is still used to using some extremely simple attack methods, the wolf’s tooth stick is held in Kaido’s hand, nothing more than grabbing, smashing, sweeping, pressing!

From beginning to end, Kaido only pursues one truth, and the skill that can kill the opponent is a good skill. The ember is also very obvious that he has been affected, three slashes in a row, but also a big opening, splitting, cutting, picking!

On the surface, these are the three things, but the subtle techniques in them combine a lot of sword skills, which can be said to be very exquisite.

Anyway, Sakarsky smashed it with three moves, and as soon as the ember three knives came out, it was directly dissolved, and the two people were helpless to win anyone. Sakarsky’s physical skills are good, the attack is also fierce, the embers’ sword skills are stronger, and the attack wind 137 blocks is more powerful, and the two people are so frozen.

Also a monster major-general, Sakarsky is on the move, and Polusalino will not be idle. Just him. It seems to be addictive to releasing water.

Inuyasha plus the cat pit viper and Kawamatsu are three people fighting him alone.

This guy either flashed to Inuyasha’s side for a moment and kicked at Inuyasha, or he was pitiful to the Heavenly Cloud Sword and the Cat Viper to compete in alchemy anyway, as long as Inuyasha didn’t stop, he and these three guys had been entangled. Although I can’t find anything wrong with it, it always makes people feel that there is something wrong here.

“It’s terrible…”

With another chant, Inuyasha was depressed.

If you don’t say that the dog’s mind is relatively simple, Inoshi is still talking to the cat pit viper: “What kind of thing is this guy, it looks very strong, how do you always say that we are terrible?” ”

The cat is still a little clever: “Shut up! No! him, anyway, we dragged him down, whatever he was! ”

He Song echoed, “That is, we dragged him along, and the others will have a chance.” ”

It is also true that this time the Navy brought people who can see enough to see the Sengoku, Zefa, Sakarsky and Polusalino. All four of them were busy, and the rest were basically divided up by Kaido’s men.

As for naval warfare: It is really no one who is vain, what it looks like, is what it is! The great war is about to start, and when it will stop is all ambiguous.

It is said that the impact of wind on artillery fire, or the impact of sea currents on ships, even in the simple battle of the ship, which side is strong and which side is weak, it all depends on the situation.

Relatively speaking, Kaido’s Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment is still very powerful, unlike the general pirates, a group of rabble-rousers, it is possible to fight a smooth battle, and once the weak are defeated, the army will fall like a mountain.

The military quality of these people is OK, how the Navy fights is a matter for the Navy, and the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment pursues a truth, and it is not chaotic to stabilize it.

After a short effort, the personnel losses on both sides were basically maintained in a one-to-one ratio.

Although Kaido was fighting with the Warring States and Zefa in the heavens, his perception was very large, fully covering the entire battlefield and understanding the battle situation.

“This navy can’t do it, it turns out that my people fight with you, how to exchange two for one, now you can change one for one…”

Just as he was complaining, the Buddha’s light appeared, and the Warring States directly smashed it with his fist, still the impact of the Buddha, and the powerful impact directly slapped Kaido’s front door.

“Your mouth is really.”

Don’t look at Kaido, but Sengoku is also angry, and his speech is also chaotic. No one is not angry, who is strong in fighting is this virtue?

As soon as Kaido tilted his head, the impact exploded on his shoulder, and a puff of white smoke dissipated, and Kaido grinned, “Weak is wrong.” ”

“Am I not allowed to say it yet?”

It is not that Kaido deliberately dragged out with the Warring States, mainly because he had not moved his hands well several times in the past few years, and his strength was there, but he was still a little rusty.

Warring States, Zefa these two generals are also a number of strong people, they came to be more than enough sparring partners, Kaido deliberately teased, but also to let them help themselves to move, to wake up this sour and lazy meat.

In any case, now that the ape teeth of the world government have been revealed, they are no longer low-key, and there will be no less scenes like this in the future, just as exercise in advance.

After a while, Kaido’s physical activity turned on, and all aspects were much more flexible. It’s like a waking lion who has to wake up like this.

Sengoku, Zefa was more and more shocked, at first the shock was only to shock Kaido’s strength improved a lot, but as the battle progressed, this guy’s strength was actually rising, which was a bit unacceptable.

It is already very strong, how can this be improved, what is this guy eating?

Shake your shoulders, just listen to Gaba’s chaotic sound, like popping beans, Kaido looked up again, the eyes are different! With a murderous breath!

As soon as the line of sight was swept away, it was just the time when the Warring States retreated to adjust their attacks and Zefa made up for it. Zefa rushed up with a fist, a pair of black wrists, muscles and flesh bursting, full of fierce color!


This is called the active delivery of the dish ah, Kaido do not have to think about it, just take you to the knife!


In his hand, the Hailou Stone Wolf Tooth Stick grabbed it and circled it around his head three times, the wind was gusting, the thunder and fire were intertwined, and the pressure was full of strength!

“Thunder gossip!”


A stick smashed into Zefa’s fist, and the armed color domineering spirit wrapped around the wolf’s tooth stick immediately entangled with Zefa’s armed color domineering, and Kaido also wrapped the overlord color domineering spirit on the wolf’s tooth stick.

With this domineering quality alone, Kaido directly crushed Zepha!

This stick can be said to be a great force, Zefa has no chance to react, after all, he rushed up to play an assist, let the Warring States take a little rest, although there is no half a point of relaxation, but it is not enough to say that the full force.

It was Kaido’s sudden change of rhythm that made him only suffer this dark loss. After barely holding out for a few seconds, I heard a slight voice appear in my head: Click!

In an instant, Zefa felt a sharp pain coming from his arm, and in his experience, this was something that didn’t have to be thought about, and the bone was broken!


Like a cannonball, Zefa flew straight upside down, Zefa was shot down directly from the sky by Kaido, and smashed into the sea, and the waves were more than ten meters high!


Sengoku screamed, Kaido’s sudden transformation, even he did not react, can only watch Zefa be hit by Kai!

“The general has fallen into the water!”

“Come and save people!”

“Hurry up, hurry up, go and see!”

The navy was in chaos in an instant!

No matter how to say that the admiral is also the spiritual symbol of the navy, and now that Kaido has successfully knocked a major general into the sea, it is a personal panic.

The lifeguards on the warship rushed into the water to save it, whether it was useful or not, anyway, the first time was launched.

This has to be explained, generally speaking, like this situation, in fact, it does not matter, the strong person’s ability to resist blows, far beyond the imagination of ordinary people, let alone falling into the water, is to be beaten like a dog, falling into the cracks, still able to stand up to the dog’s head from below the ground to kill!

Zefa’s reputation in the army was first-class, and he had been an instructor for many years, and many groups of navymen had been taught by him.

In this situation, no one will not worry about him.

After the sea surface was restored, Zefa’s figure slowly floated up, without the slightest movement. The lifeguard swam over and wrapped the man in his arms, and he was dumbfounded!

Kaido struck with the force of one blow, and Zefa was unconscious!

“Come and help, Admiral Zefa passed out!”

At this time, the saying that the heart of the army was not shaken, the people were indeed dizzy, and the situation on the sea was not the same thing as in the small river ditch.

The waves are rough, and it is difficult for a person’s strength to fight against the sea, and there is no way to do it without calling for help.

With this shout, the lifeguards who had already jumped down in the sea hurried to rush over, and at the same time, the navy on the ship was finished.

“What can I do, General Zefa has passed out!”

“Sengoku General fights Kaido alone…”


If you don’t say something, it’s worse than saying it. Isn’t that what the facts are!

The two generals joined forces, and Kaido was able to beat one of them to a coma, so how could the remaining one continue to hold on?

Looking up now, it is obvious that Kaido is still a look of ease, but the Warring States General is already a bit embarrassed, the admirals do have faith, but people are not grass and trees, no one is a fool, the direction of this battle, invisibly has been clear, do they still have to turn a blind eye?

The lieutenant general shouted in his throat, trying to maintain morale,

“Soldiers! Cheer up! The Warring States General has not yet lost, don’t mess around! ”


The teeth of the Warring States were about to be crushed, and his comrades-in-arms were beaten hard, how could he not have a little emotional fluctuation. But the next second, Sengoku felt the temperature around him rise rapidly!

Kaido is here!

Harnessing the cloud of flames, Kaido killed the Sengoku between the electric light and flint.

“Or worry about yourself!”

This was obviously the exclamation of the Warring States just now.

But what Kaido said was really good, this kung fu is not worried about others, he should care about his own life and death! Click!

A bolt of thunder fell from the sky, and Kaido opened his mouth to inhale, followed by a mouthful of flames! The mace in his hand is held high and falls!

This set of small combo moves against the Warring States was fought.

The Warring States who incarnated as the Great Buddha reacted quickly, after all, in this state, it was not difficult for him to calmly analyze things. Although the damage of thunder and flame is great, the damage is actually not very high, and the incarnated Buddha has no problem in trying to resist these two blows.

The hell is that Kaido has a two-tone domineering wolf’s tooth rod wrapped around his hand.

To be honest, the Warring States couldn’t understand why Kaido’s domineering quality was so high, anyway, there weren’t many people he had ever seen in his life who could cultivate his domineering spirit to this level.

Against the thunder and the flames, the Sengoku did their best to dodge and quickly dodged Kaido’s attack. The golden Buddha’s body was also slightly dimmed at the moment, and there were even traces of burning in some places. Seeing that the situation has deteriorated to this extent, the Warring States are also broken!

“The whole army retreats!”

With endless unwillingness, the Warring States roared in the air!


When the lieutenant general, who had just been boosting morale, heard this order and immediately panicked.

Although he could understand it, it was difficult to accept it for a while when things happened suddenly. He is like this, and the navies naturally do not need to say more.

“Sa: Fall back? ”

“We’re losing?”


Fortunately, even if the two sides fought very anxiously, the Warring States shouted to retreat, and most of the navies withdrew in time and returned to the warships.

The pirates stranded on the warship did not dare to stay long, and they withdrew one by one.

As for the warships that are docked together, this problem is not big, the manufacturing level of naval warships is still very high, with this advanced power technology, it is not difficult to separate.

It was almost a matter of minutes, and the Navy pirates were completely separated, and the Hundred Beasts Sea Relatives shelled the Navy warships with their butts. Sakarsky and Polusalino, who were busy fighting, also retreated.


“Shut up! You play me! ”

Before Polusalino could finish speaking, Sakarsky spoke first, angrily scolding this guy for not working.

At this stage, the red dog yellow ape is not yet a high-powered being, talking very casually, and this is all a batch of training.

Sakarsky saw very clearly, Polusalino was actually entangled by three non-humans, isn’t this a fuss, who is strong and who is weak, he has not counted in his heart?

Polusalino didn’t say anything more to him, and directly folded his hands, and the light in his hands flashed.

“Eight feet of Qiong Gou Yu!”


“Countless ‘strokes'”

Jade began to intercept the cannon barrage of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment with precision.

Sakarsky looked at him, his hands turned into lava, and it was an output to the sky!

“Meteor Volcano!”

This has to retreat, and don’t put some big moves to cover it… Suddenly there was a rain of magma in the sky.

And what about Kaido and Sengoku: Frankly speaking, Kaido really has to spend some time trying to stay in the Warring States.

To say that the battle of life and death, another Warring States is not Kaido’s opponent, the key is that if the Warring States want to drag him until the Navy retreats, and run away with their lives, Kaido really may not be able to keep him.

In any case, as a general, it is also the highest combat strength of the navy, and even the rising world government is also a strong person standing on the tip of the pyramid.

“Bad wind!”

With a slight shot to control Sakarsky’s meteor volcano, Kaido looked at Sengoku.

“This is going to escape?”

Sengoku looked at him: “We’ll be back!” ”


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