Chapter 98: O’Hara Becomes a Sea of Fire!

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“That’s right! Hurry up and inform the people of the island that the order to slaughter demons is coming, and the sea thief Kaido is also coming…”

Robin reacted and immediately ran away, rushing to inform the people on the island.

I don’t know how Robin tossed them, but it wasn’t until the Navy’s ten warships lined up across from O’Hara’s harbor that someone on the island began to organize some refugee escape ships.

“Get ready to fire!”


Sakarsky picked up the radio phone bug and ordered the ship to fire, but was stopped by Kuzan.

“Kuzan, what are you going to do?”

Kuzan said slowly, “The time has not yet come, Shangfeng’s order is to shell O’Hara before twelve o’clock, and now there is still half an hour before Sakarsky of course understands what Kuzan is thinking, sneers and does not speak.” ”

When he saw an ice tunnel appear on Kuzan’s warship, he knew that this guy was ready to go to the island.

“Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, Lieutenant General Kuzan…”

“Ignore him and organize an artillery attack as soon as he gets to the island.”

Whether Kuzan was buying this little time to find his friend Sauro in O’Hara or giving the refugee escape ship some time, Sakarsky would not change his mind.

When Kuzan was there, he could still take care of Kuzan’s face, but once Kuzan got off the warship, it was up to him.

The Navy has been full of factions since William Gurillian was there, and it is still like that.

Kuzan is the marshal’s faction, Sauro is the same, as the backbone of his own department, and Sauro is so good relationship, Kuzan still wants to go to O’Hara to find Sauro, he knows that he will definitely appear in O’Hara shelling was stopped, that is Sakarsky to give Kuzan a little face, this is human nature… He didn’t mean that the Predators could just ignore it all.

But as long as Kuzan leaves the warship, Sakarsky should not delay in giving the order. It is equivalent to saying that the order was not carried out immediately, that is, to play a sloppy eye…

When Kuzan had left the warship for a long time, Sakarsky picked up the radio telephone worm again: “The whole army obeys the order and starts shelling bang!” ”

Thus began the slaughtering order, and the shells that overwhelmed the earth were like raindrops. In the blink of an eye, the shell suddenly stopped.

The sky was covered with black clouds, the wind and rain were mixed, and a huge figure suddenly rushed from O’Hara into the air! Take a closer look, the huge body appears in everyone’s sight, Green Dragon Kaido!

The moment Kaido appeared, all the shells exploded in mid-air almost at the same time, as if fireworks had been fireworks. As the fireworks dissipated, Kaido’s Overlord Domineering Spirit pressed forward even more violently to carry out the slaughter order of the navy.

Just for a moment, fluttering…

The navy fell to its knees, and the only ones who could stand under Kaido’s might were Sakarsky on the warship and Kuzan who was about to land in O’Hara.


Sakarsky, as the master who can still stand on the warship at this moment, gritted his teeth in hatred!

He couldn’t understand why Kaido was in this place, and he had so powerfully stopped the Navy’s order to slaughter demons! At the same time, Kuzan, who is just by the sea, has the same puzzle.

The biggest advantage of following Kapu is to be able to know some old era things, like what One Piece Roger, the old era overlord Locks…

Basically what Kapu has experienced, everything that can be said Kuzan has been understood. In Cap’s mouth, the most difficult guy to think about, then it has to be Kaido!

Even Karp himself said that no one could know what Kaido was thinking in his heart, nor why every step of his action was laying the groundwork.

Now seeing Kaido appear in O’Hara, Kuzan’s face was also very solemn.

“Kaido! Are you going to be the enemy of the world government? ”

Sakarsky, as the strongest fighting force to execute the slaying order, stood up at the first time and shouted at Kaido.

Kaido hovered in mid-air, looked down and teased, “Isn’t this a candle-lit fire-breathing ghost, are you qualified to represent the world government?” ”

Sakarsky is angry, and his eyebrows are up…

But now it was obvious that as long as Kaido didn’t know what medicine he had taken wrong, he would actually appear in O’Hara at this time, and if he insisted on blocking it, there would be no way to continue the demon slaughtering order.

Sakarski clenched his fists and glared at Kaido.

“Kaido! Do you want to stop the Slayer Order and why are you here? ”

Kaido said dismissively, “Go ahead, your little lieutenant general also deserves to talk to me, the person who launched the slaying order is the Warring States, find him, or contact the void, only they are qualified to negotiate with me!” ”


Being so underestimated by Kaido, Sakarsky remembered the shame of the past, now that he was much stronger than before, and he was determined not to allow a Heizer to despise himself like this.

His arms turned into flowing lava, and Sakarsky jumped straight from the warship into the air.

“Big Spitfire!”

The Lava Fist charged directly at Kaido with great power!

Kaido glanced at it, and was about to play with Sakarski, when he heard a sudden shout from a distance from afar.

“Ice Age!”

A line of ice shot straight at Sakarsky’s lava fist.

Kuzan, who was already on the verge of going ashore to do his own personal business, stopped Sakarsky’s attack in a split second before Sakarsky and Kaido could do so.

In a blink of an eye, Sakarsky’s attack was frozen, and Kuzan appeared in front of Sakarsky.

“Kuzan! What the hell are you doing, and why are you helping Kaido! ”

In the former, Kuzan prevented the first time to launch the slaughter order, and now he actually blocked his own attack, and Sakarsky really couldn’t stand it.

Kuzan had a dignified look on his face and also took the initiative to explain to Sakarsky: “Sakarsky, don’t be impulsive, this guy is not something we can match…”


Red Dog blushed, this was not what he wanted to hear now, he hoped that Kuzan could help him fight Kaido together than restrain his emotions.

Kuzan is relatively calmer, perhaps because of the relationship between fruit ability, and compared with Sakarsky’s fiery temper, Kuzan is more sober in this matter.

“Calm down, you don’t know how strong Kaido really is, even if the two of us go up together is not his opponent…”

Kaido laughed, “Hahaha… This refrigerator boy is very knowledgeable, and seeing that he is so sensible, I will give you a chance to contact the Warring States. ”

Sakarsky snorted, still maintaining a fighting posture, staring straight at Kaido.

It wasn’t that he didn’t know that what Kuzan said made sense, but when a navy faced a pirate, it actually had to do things according to the other side’s mind.

It really doesn’t feel good!

Kuzan also maintained a low posture as much as possible, trying to dissuade Sakarsky, and at the same time very quickly dialed the Sengoku phone.

“Warring States General…”

“Has the Order of Slaying begun?”

Kuzan gritted his teeth: “There was a little accident, Kaido showed up and asked to talk to you directly!” ”

With that, Kuzan threw the phone bug at Kaido.

Kaido took it and said hello, “Sengoku, I haven’t seen you for a long time.” ”

“Kaido! What do you want! ”

Sengoku heard Kaido’s voice, and his heart clattered at that time.

At the moment, the power to launch the Demon Slayer Order is not enough to confront Kaido, and no one there can stop Kaido. So Sengoku is very suspicious of what Kaido’s purpose is, including… This guy won’t take a shot at the Navy there.

“What can I do, it’s not that you have launched the order to slaughter demons, come and see the hilarity.”

“You give me less garlic, what is the situation with O’Hara, I don’t believe you don’t know, are you here now, planning to go to war with the world government?”

Sengoku was furious and shouted this sentence out in anger.

Kaido said lazily, “Don’t be so serious, in case I misunderstand something, no one will leave alive today.” ”

Threatening this kind of thing, there must be a strong enough force to make people feel fear.

Don’t look at Kaido’s understatement, but Sengoku knows that this guy can do it when he says it.

After a brief moment of calm, Sengoku also became a little confused about Kaido’s presence in O’Hara.

“Kaido, what do you want to talk about, I believe that with your intelligence ability, you already know what O’Hara is doing, and you will not be unclear about the threat to the world government in the blank hundred years, right?”

Kaido smiled, “Look at what you said, I want to be really interested in the blank hundred years, why did I put Roger in your hands at that time, rest assured… I have no interest in the archaeologists on the island, and their life or death is none of my business. ”

“Then what do you want to do?”

Ever since Kaido had a deal with the world government, the relationship has been very delicate.

It is really not unjust at all to say that it is a partner, Kaido’s arms business is too hot, and the birth of the firing gun has determined the victory or defeat of the war to a certain extent.

The world government is also very concerned about the arms in Kaido’s hands, and has placed orders with him, and Kaido does not refuse to come, as long as he is willing to spend money and sell things to anyone.

Even now, the world government will spend a little money every month to buy some arms and some sea floor stone products with Kaido. But… Because of the position problem, in fact, Kaido and the world government know that as long as there is a little opportunity, they all hope to directly kill each other.

Basically, this little dark thing, the top level of the navy also knows it, and the Warring States is the one who understands the situation. Now Kaido is doing this and choking him up.

How to say that the two sides are still in a relatively peaceful period, no one will delay anyone, but how can Kaido run to stop the slaughter order.

Kaido opened his mouth and said something that made Sengoku confused: “Have you heard that knowledge is power?” ”


“I want the Tree of All-Knowledge, so I’ll have to make a deal with you again.”

Kaido said so innocent, it felt as if he was forced to be helpless.

The green tendons on Sengoku’s head all came out.

Is this a trade? What a deal!

“On what basis do you rely on?”

Kaido laughed, “Just because I use my hands here now, the navy here will die, I will take away the Tree of Omniscience, you don’t want to cause me trouble, I will let them live, the order to slaughter demons can continue, the archaeologists on the island you can kill at will, do not listen to me… The consequences you should know. ”

In this way, the real situation of this transaction will come out, and Kaido is going to do a business without a cost… No, this is a robbery, what trading department transactions, he is threatening the world government.

If he is not satisfied, he will add chaos to the world government!

Sengoku hasn’t eaten the fruit of climbing over to kill you along the phone line, he just wants to stop Kaido, and now he can’t show up in time.

Half dead by Kaido’s anger, but there was no way to do anything.

Obviously, Kaido is blackmailing!

“This… I have no right to decide. ”

As soon as he finished speaking, Sengoku immediately added, “But don’t be impulsive, I can reflect to the above, you don’t rush to do it, give me a little time.” ”

Kaido smiled, “There’s no problem with this, I can wait, I’m embarrassed that you’re so polite, it’s better to hurry, I see that fire-breathing seems to want to do something with me…”


The Warring States quickly contacted the Five Old Stars, and the severity of this matter could only be judged by the Five Old Stars. After a brief exchange, the Five Stars asked to have a direct conversation with Kaido.

“Kaido, can you guarantee that you will only have the Tree of All-Knowledge?”

The five old stars are very polite.

Kaido didn’t bother to talk nonsense: “You can only choose to believe me.” ”

“Good… Good… The Tree of All-Knowing is for you! ”

Kaido threw the phone bug at Kuzan, “Hear me, the Tree of All-Knowing belongs to me.” ”

With that, Kaido went straight to the top of the Tree of Omniscience.

“Now, everyone has given me to leave the Tree of All-Knowledge, this is Lao Tzu’s thing!”

O’Hara’s scholars were still quite strange, how a person suddenly appeared, and stopped the entire demon slaughtering order. But when he heard Kaido’s words, the scholar was also stunned.

“What is he?”

“I don’t know, but depending on the situation, the Tree of All-Knowing should have a chance to keep it.”

“Are we still going to face death?”

“It doesn’t matter, as long as these books can be preserved, death is not so terrible…”

“Then should we leave, he seems to have the ability to shelter us.”

“Don’t be stupid, the world government will not allow us to live, the Tree of All-Knowing is lucky to be saved, get out of here, let him take the Tree of All-Knowing away.”

Kaido heard all these words, and his heart was very emotional. Dying calmly is not something that everyone can do.

These O’Hara scholars were able to be so calm, which really impressed him.

Frankly… Even if someone were hiding inside the Tree of Omniscience today, he wouldn’t be bothered in the slightest. But the thoughts of these people really touched him a little.

Things are often absurd, and one scholar after another actually leaves the tree of omniscience.

The librarian, Dr. Kuroha, looked up at Kaido in the sky and shouted, “Sir, please leave with the Tree of Omniscience, please protect this treasure of human wisdom!” ”

Kaido didn’t speak, just controlled his abilities, and used the cloud of flames to uproot the Tree of Omniscience and let it fly to his side. With the wishes of all the scholars in O’Hara, Kaido left.

The order to slaughter the demons continued, and Sakarsky almost fainted.

At this time, the scholars on the island, everyone showed an indescribable smile, it was a kind of calmness. They also laughed as they watched the shells fall on their heads.

The whole of O’Hara is in flames!

The evacuation ship appeared at sea, and with nowhere to vent Sakarsky directly spewed a large fire, and the people of the ship were reduced to ashes.. Surname.

The whole of O’Hara was sunk and erased from the map ever since, and because of Kaido’s appearance, something didn’t happen, and Sauro took the opportunity to sneak away with little Robin.

However, Kaido’s move this time made the five old stars also angry to the extreme. Ding, Dang! Splinters…

Mary Joa Five Old Stars Conference Room, the things that can be smashed in the room have been smashed by the five old stars one by one. It’s been several hours, but the Five Old Stars still feel very angry!

When they are really polite on their lips, are they really comfortable in their hearts…

These five people are all people who stand at the pinnacle of world power, and they are all good politicians who know when to bow their heads and when they should be with the enemy.

They were not without temper, and they couldn’t vent in front of Kaido, but there were only five people left, and all the bad tempers came out

“It’s so shameless, Kaido, this guy is so greedy, let him engage in the arms trade is the face we give him, and now he dares to threaten the world government, and even threatens us with the waste of the navy!”

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