Chapter 99: Robin cries and angers Kaido.

This is pure throwing pot, Kaido’s threat is so simple, the Navy is something, dead batch and recruit another batch.

The key is not O’Hara’s archaeology, if they are allowed to live and continue to study the text of history, then the rule of the world government is in danger.

“Don’t say these are useless, or think about what to do, Kaido this guy has become a big problem for the world government, if you continue to let him continue to be so arrogant, what authority does the world government have…”

Angry to angry, throwing the pot is throwing the pot, but for the five old stars, no matter what happened before, the vision still has to look forward.

All five acknowledge that Kaido has become a big problem for the world government, and it has caused them trouble. But speaking of a thousand, a word of ten thousand, no one could think of a way to deal with Kaido.

If not for Kaido’s arrogance, the key problem is that he doesn’t care about anything, and he is not afraid of those conspiracies and tricks, and under absolute strength, no matter how the world government does it, it has no effect.

This is the hardest place…

After smashing these things, the mood of the five old stars gradually calmed down, and they looked at each other one by one. For about ten or twenty minutes, the samurai dressed up and took the five old stars of the first generation of ghosts before he spoke.

“Hmm… I suggest not to rush to think about Kaido, I have some connections with the country of peace, although it is difficult to infiltrate now, but it does not prevent me from hearing some information, according to the information I have, if there is no particularly good opportunity, it is completely impossible to take Kaido. ”

“What do you mean by that?” Do we have to watch him behave all day long under our noses? ”

The five old stars with old age spots on their heads have a fiery personality, which is impossible to solve Kaido, and it was blown up at that time.

“Now is not the time to quarrel, why haven’t you spoken before you get excited, listen to me.” Kaido can’t solve it now, but the other pirates… We are not unable to deal with it. ”

The bearded five old stars looked at it and immediately asked, “Do you have any good ideas?” ”

The Samurai Five Elder Stars said, “Gentlemen, now this matter has to be divided into two things, Kaido is one thing, and the prestige of the world government is another.” We are angry because Kaido has repeatedly challenged the authority of the world government, and since he can’t solve this guy, let’s start somewhere else! ”

The remaining four Five Elders had an idea in their hearts at the same time, and to be honest, this idea had been in their minds for almost many years.

Almost at the same moment, the five old stars said in unison: “Recruit manpower and form an armed force under the world government!” 933″

This is called a one-shot hit!

Many years ago, the Five Old Stars had the idea of recruiting a group of people independent of the navy, that is, to be able to balance the navy and to deter the pirates by the world government.

It has not been implemented, also because the pattern on the sea has always been passable.

But not now, especially in the past two years, as soon as the era of the sea thief began, the navy’s little men and horses to stabilize the situation seemed a little reluctant, not to mention Kaido and others growing barbarically in the new world.

The bearded five old stars said, “Since the opinions are the same, why don’t I recommend a good one, you also know the affairs of the Don Quixote family, Huo Minggusheng’s indisputable guy gave up the identity of the Draco, but his Doflamingo is a fierce character, not only sent his head, but also developed well in the North Sea…”

“You want to take care of this little ghost of Don Quixote’s family, I also know his situation, there are indeed several good characters, if you recruit him, it is not impossible.” 」

“That said, I also mention a person, Nanhai has a very strong character, what is it called… Bartholomew Big Bear, originally the king of the kingdom of Sobel, is now a pirate and has good strength…”

“This man can observe it first, but I think that Hawkeye Mihawk, a great swordsman, is very famous, and if he accepts our offer, it will also be a deterrent to pirates.”

Talking about it, how many systems are not chatted.

Especially now the state of the five old stars, this mentality, really takes this matter as a serious matter. It didn’t take long for the matter to be almost discussed.

The five old stars decided to contact Doflamingo first to see if this little ghost was interesting.

Although the system has not yet been particularly perfect, the minimum number of candidates has been singled out, all of whom are pirates with great reputations at sea.

What the Five Old Stars thought was that instead of finding the strong among the good people, it would be better to start from the pirates, eliminate each other, and use the enemy’s strength for their own use.

The specific details must continue to be studied for the time being, and they also know that it does not mean that they can agree to it just by soliciting others, there must be some distribution of benefits, otherwise no one will agree.

But the prototype came out, and it was easy to deal with later, and the five old stars also specially gave this plan a name, planning to recruit seven sea thieves, simply call the king the seven martial seas!

Once this system is formed, it will be a great shock to the idle pirates, and it will also be a way to spur the navy, but since the navy is mentioned, it is natural that the five old stars should find something for the navy to do.

This time, there was no meeting, and a direct phone call was made to the steel bone and air.

“Steel Bone Empty, can your navy do it, is it a waste of food for the world government to raise you?” What a waste, a Kaido will make you helpless, and let me follow and shame people, you are dereliction of duty! ”

Steel Bone Empty also a lawsuit in the brain.

The demon slaughter made him hear, and as soon as the matter was over, the Warring States sent the report up.

He was also very angry after reading it, but what could he do but get angry? Speaking of the head, nothing can be done!

“Ladies and gentlemen, I am also powerless…”

“It’s incompetent!”

Alas… What else can I say, what kind of Admiral is this, isn’t this the punching bag of the Five Old Stars… Steel bone and air also have words of suffering, just listen to it.

The Five Old Stars cursed all these dirty words they had learned in their lives, and all the responsibility was thrown on the head of the Navy.

The five old stars scolded the beauty, and they were also refreshed, and their hearts were happy, so they said: “Steel bone and air, now I seriously warn you.” ”

“If this happens again next time, we will deduct half of the Navy’s military expenses!”

After saying that, the phone hung up, and the troubles were all steel and empty.

This gave the steel bone air, and the files on the desktop were all swept to the ground at once.

“Fuck, you have the ability to deal with Kaido, what kind of tantrum you have against us, how did this bastard develop to this day, you are not unclear…”

Stuck in the office, the steel bone is empty and complaining. But this thing really can’t be done…

Today’s is different, since Roger opened the prelude to the era of the sea thief, the navy has been busy even dealing with the emerging pirates, and it is good to be able to use the power to do such a dirty thing as O’Hara.

Isn’t it delusional to find a way to deal with Kaido, and now the pattern of the sea is no longer the time to casually draw out 200,000 people to suppress the new world a few years ago.

Angry at the five old stars, suffocating the navy, these things are not important.

I have to say that O’Hara is a little bit of a tragedy, but the situation is a little different.

Kaido flew in the sky with the Tree of Omniscience, and the direction of O’Hara was fiery, and the distance was about five hundred to a thousand nautical miles.

Anyway, this distance was enough to be undetected by the navy in the direction of O’Hara.

Kaido was flying in the sky, and he vaguely felt that he heard a series of cries for help.

To know that Kaido’s level of sight and hearing is already an excellent level, and it is only a step away from metamorphosis, his perception is very sharp, especially some subconscious feelings.

Kaido was convinced that he would not have auditory hallucinations, and simply let go of the domineering probe, and it was in the sea below him that Kaido found two figures that should not have appeared here.

“Well, how come it’s the two of them?”

Lowering the height, Kaido heard a series of cries and cries: “Sauro, you wake up, help!!!” ”

Little Robin was on his knees crawling on Sauro’s stomach, with a handful of snot and tears, and the man was desperate… Sauro turned over the white sandalwood and stood up on the surface of the sea, exactly like a dead fish with a white belly.

This look also made it clear, presumably the moment when Kaido appeared, and Sauro immediately decided to run away with little Robin. In the end, the Giant Clan, what a good animal, how long has it been, actually able to swim so far!

Robin couldn’t cry anymore, crying for a while, and it was a hoarse voice.

It wasn’t until Robin himself felt a dark shadow above his head that he stopped crying and opened his eyes suddenly…

“Eh… You… You are…”

I can’t speak, child, I don’t know how long I’ve been crying, anyway, it sounds a bit siya. Moreover, the emotion that Sauro showed the moment he saw Kaido, Robin saw it in his eyes.

Although she doesn’t know the specifics of Kaido, the person who can make Sauro afraid of such a “strong” is definitely not a simple role.

The child’s worldview is still relatively simple, the size determines everything, Sauro is so big, plus he is still a giant, Robin thinks Sauro is very powerful.

So now that he saw Kaido, Robin was scared and felt hope in his heart.

Anyway, if Kaido can rescue her, at least today, she can survive with Sauro and the two of them.

But you and you said for half a day, Robin did not have a complete sentence in his mouth, the more the child wanted to say something, she felt more aggrieved in her heart, there was no reason, that is, suddenly the uncomfortable came up, grievance!

Wow, Robin just cried.

This made Kaido wonder, but he didn’t do anything, could it be that little Robin was scared because he saw his own appearance?

Is it that ugly?

Fortunately, Kaido has some patience with children, especially people with names and surnames in his memory, so he is even more favored.

“Don’t cry, tell me why you’re here?”

Perhaps it was Kaido’s kind voice that made Robin feel a little safe, and the symbolic crying stopped twice, changing to a small sob, with some words in between.

“I… Fear… Want you to save us… But…”

Child, it is not possible to speak, the preface does not match the afterword is normal, Kaido understands her meaning anyway.

Besides, I could see exactly what was going on with my eyes, mainly to have a few words with Robin and see how the child was doing

“Okay, no, don’t be afraid, come on.”

As soon as these words came out, Kaido directly controlled the flame cloud and lifted Robin up, and he didn’t think how to do it, so he directly let Robin sit on his back.

If the Demon Fruit Ability leaves the sea, it is equivalent to being born again!

What’s more, in this situation, Robin also feels that Kaido has no ill will toward her, even if Sauro says that he is terrible, but as far as Robin is concerned, Kaido is not so terrible.

Robin mustered up enough courage, “Can you help save Sauro as well?” ”

Kaido smiled, “Yes. ”

During the conversation, Sauro was also lifted up by Kaido with the Flame Cloud, but this time it was not so well treated, that is, the Flame Cloud was surrounded and held in mid-air.

As soon as his heart sank, Robin’s condition was much better.

Kaido flew to the country of peace, that was nothing to say, now that Robin had just recovered some emotions, it was better to go back to her quickly after chatting with her.

After more than half an hour, Robin stayed in the sky for a long time, and his mentality relaxed. Maybe flying in the sky should be a dream that every child dreams of wanting to complete.

Little Robin eased up a little and asked, “Did you stop the Navy?” ”

Kaido agreed, “No, O’Hara is now ruined, you are the only survivor, and if O’Hara has anything to save, that is, the tree of omniscience beside you.” ”

Little Robin realized that Kaido was not alone, and there was a tree beside him!


After Kaido said this, Robin himself saw it again, and his emotions broke down again, which made him cry again.

Kaido did not say comfort, anyway, willing to cry and cry, when the tears dried up, it was not painful.

He knew that persuasion was useless at this time, that everything he said was pale, and that the more the child persuaded, the easier it was to cry more and more. He doesn’t care… Someone cares!

Just as Robin cried, Sauro woke up.

After all, he was a giant clan, with good physical fitness, after being fished up by Kaido, the flame cloud baked him again, and as soon as the heat came up, his physical strength slowly recovered.

“What’s wrong! Little Robin, how did you cry! ”

When he woke up, Sauro obviously hadn’t reacted to the current situation, but the first thing he said was to ask Robin about it.

Look again, good guys! The Green Dragon sits Robin on his back, himself in the cloud of flames!


“What a call!”

Kaido was impatient, Robin cried enough for him, and Sauro cried again, and he was even more impatient.

“Call on the two of you to throw it down together to calm down!”

As soon as Kaido lost his temper, Robin stopped crying, and Sauro closed his mouth, and the two of them made eye contact.

It was terrifying, especially since Sauro had no idea what had happened, and he remembered that he had escaped O’Hara with Robin and passed out halfway through exhaustion.

What happened after that, he could not know at all. With the people and the trees with him, Kaido returned to the Land of Peace.

Place the tree near the official residence, find someone to guard it, and let Xia Qi take care of Robin, after all, she also took care of the embers in the past, and Xia Qi had this experience.

But leaving Sauro behind, Kaido had something to talk to him about.

At Kaido’s mansion, he called people to the reception room, and Kaido arranged for a little food and drink. Sauro was stupid and hadn’t seen Kaido in this state.

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