This Ruyi's breath is so strong that the fog can't penetrate.

With this spirit treasure, I'm afraid bone evil can't help him.

Ziyuying said: "the atmosphere here is not the same as before."

Jiang Fan has been to the land of nothingness, and he knows something about the fog. He and Yu Xiao enter the space between the land of nothingness and the fog of the mainland.

It seems that the fog was made by Da Zhen. I don't know where it came from. However, there are some toxins in the fog. It is this that Dan Ge uses to sell pills and make a lot of money in this nihilistic place.

However, the quality of the pills is not high. He can leave the prescriptions to Wei Zheng, and the pharmacists of his family can easily refine them. They must have to experience in the void for a period of time. They need these prescriptions.

The falling Eagle cliff is so high that I'm afraid only the ziyuying people flying in the sky would choose this place as their territory, and other ethnic groups would not choose such a place.

Jiang Fan originally intended to find some inheritance on the falling Eagle cliff, but it's too late to go down the mountain to have a look.

Lingbao's landing speed is not slow, and the fog is not strong. Jiang Fan's divine consciousness covers a long distance. There are many miraculous medicines here, but there is little breath of life.

He can feel that some spirit beasts are nearby. The realm is pretty good, but the number is very rare.

All the way down to the cliff, Ruyi slowly fell to the ground, but the cover didn't open. Wei Zheng observed the surrounding situation, his eyes twinkled and his brows wrinkled. He obviously felt something was wrong around him.

Not only him, but also Jiang Fan.

The cliff is very quiet, even strange.

"I'll go out. Although it's a little strange here, it should be able to cope with it with the strength of my predecessors."

With that, he took out a stone and threw it to Wei Zheng.

Then he said, "master, the fog in this void place is poisonous. These prescriptions can relieve most of the miasma. The quality is not very high. Your pharmacists should be able to refine them."

With that, he took out the map and marked the direction in the blank.

"The safe area is marked on the map. There are Terran forces in the area near the God ape realm, where the Terran environment is much better. If you want to find me, go to renhuangzong and find the manager of yaolu. That's my Taoist protector. "

Wei Zheng took these things and nodded to Jiang Fan.

Thank you. He has said this all the way. I don't know how many times. It's not easy for him to return Jiang Fan's kindness.

"Take care, little brother! If I can use Wei Zheng in future, I will never refuse. "

Jiang Fan nodded, no more words, directly jumped from Yu Ruyi, Yu Ruyi's barrier did not resist him.

Down to earth, Jiang fan is more careful to perceive the surrounding situation.

This is the territory of ziyuying. He knows about the neighborhood. Although the fog is strange, it doesn't make Jiang Fan too afraid. At this time, he is not Jiang Fan who was trained with Yuxiao at that time. His strength has changed greatly over the years, and his helpers are much stronger than before.

Wei Zheng looked at Jiang Fan and said nothing more.

He has too many people, including many young women and children. He must be careful. Otherwise, he can't accept that something really goes wrong.

He quickly arranged things, didn't put away the Lingbao, let the pharmacist to refine a batch of pills at the fastest speed, and then left after everything was ready.

On the other hand, Jiang Fan plans to take a careful turn around the Luoying cliff. There is the inheritance left by the ziyuying family. Even if it's not strong, it's better than nothing.

Ziyuying looks up at the looming Luoying cliff in the fog, and sighs.

"I can't remember the last time I came here. It's changed a lot. "

Jiang Fan said: "is there a heritage site nearby?"

"One of them, in the northwest corner under the falling Eagle cliff, was left by a master of our family in those days, but it should be of no use to you except the spiritual power inheritance. What you get in the final place of Qianzhao mountain is all the essence of our heritage. "

Jiang Fan nodded: "it doesn't matter. I just want to get used to it first. It's not clear what's going on in the world after we've been away for so long. I need to get used to the environment as soon as possible, and then go outside to have a look and make plans."

Therefore, Jiang fan moves and leaves according to the direction pointed by ziyuying.

The toxin in the fog has little effect on Jiang Fan, but in order to grasp it, he still takes pills to avoid problems.

But in the shade, Jiang Fan suddenly felt something rushing towards him in the fog.

Jiang Fan thought it was the fog demon, but he didn't feel the smell of the fog demon, but it was absolutely right.

Xiaobudian and ziyuying rushed towards that direction almost at the same time.

The two figures fell into the mist.

Jiang Fan stood in the same place, his eyes twinkled and he felt something bad.

The next moment, a figure appeared in the fog, rushed towards Jiang Fan, and in the twinkling of an eye, he had already come to his body.Small not point and purple jade eagle breath is still in front, unexpectedly didn't stop this guy.

Jiang fan can clearly feel the mind lock themselves, the strength of the mind really let Jiang Fan some did not think of.

He directly face up, instant explosion, and that figure instant contact, collision together.

But Jiang Fan was suddenly stunned, he did not touch anything, the figure even dissipated.

Jiang Fan felt a chill behind him, and the next moment he suffered a heavy blow behind him. The powerful force made him fly out directly.

The ability to melt fog is very similar to that of fog demon, but Jiang fan is sure that it is not fog demon.

This power is amazing, the way of fighting is strange, the ability of instant dissipation makes Jiang Fan a little unprepared.

Jiang Fan just stood firm, suddenly felt that several other ideas locked themselves, and rushed to him from different directions.

At this time, I heard a small voice in the distance: "melee has no effect, don't love to fight."

"Little master," said the bird! It's impossible to stop it. It's hard to grasp its shape. "

Jiang Fan's eyes twinkled and his breath broke out. The spirit of the sea of Qi broke out in an instant and rushed into all his meridians. The next moment, the sky fire burst out from his whole body.

The dazzling golden flame turned into a huge wave of fire and burst out around in an instant.

Those figures who rushed to Jiang Fan were instantly engulfed by the sky fire, and the powerful spiritual power gathered together. The fire wave engulfed everything around, and even the strange fog was instantly burned out.

Ah -

a sharp sound sounded from the sea of fire, very harsh.

Then you can see a group of figures scattered, intending to escape from the sea of fire, but before leaving the scope of the sea of fire, they turned into ashes one after another and were easily destroyed by the sky fire.

The power of the flame appeared in an instant. It was amazing.

As the fog burned out, those lives did not appear again. Obviously, like the fog demon, they were born by the fog.

Jiang Fan no longer hesitated, rushed to the fog.

These things can't hurt them at all. Feeling the breath here, they all return to Jiang Fan.

Because there was a fire burning around Jiang Fan, the fog was clear.

Ziyuying reminds Jiang Fan: "little Lord, if these things besiege those Terrans, those guys will be more or less dangerous."

Of course, Jiang Fan understood what he meant. He used the fire to kill several figures in succession. Then he went back the same way to remind you of Wei Zheng. After all, it had too much influence.

He went back the same way, and the huge yuruyi was still there.

Because the barrier keeps the fog out, the life in the fog has no meaning to show.

Seeing Jiang Fan's return, Wei Zheng directly opens the barrier and lets Jiang Fan in.

He also heard the explosion there just now. He had planned to support Jiang Fan. After the arrangement, he didn't expect Jiang Fan to bring someone back.

He looks at Jiang Fan with an eyebrow and knows what must have happened in front of him.

"What happened?"

"There is a kind of life in the fog that is difficult to deal with. Most of your friars can't resist it. This kind of life is afraid of fire. Do some of your pharmacists have strange fire?"

"Only one person has it. Is there any other way to resist it besides fire?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "clear the fog, as long as there is no fog, those things will not appear, so it is very strange."

When Wei Zheng heard this, he felt relieved: "that is to say, as long as I let my people stay above Ruyi, they won't be attacked, right?"

"It should be!"

Wei Zheng then asked, "do you have this thing in the fog of this nihilistic place?"

Jiang Fan shook his head: "I have experienced in the fog before, but this is the first time, so I came back to remind you."

"Thank you very much. If you don't let the people leave Ruyi rashly, it may lead to incalculable consequences."

Jiang Fan didn't say any more: "the next thing is up to you. I'll see you later. "

With that, Jiang Fan left and went on to the heritage site of Luoying cliff. He was very interested in the things in the fog, and discussed with them as he walked.

"Think of a way to catch one."

"In fact, you can use the method of catching the fog demon. With your ability, you should be able to catch one or two. But it's going to take some strategy. "

Jiang Fan certainly understood his meaning, this kind of life is too difficult to grasp, as long as there is a little fog can escape.

But the three soon thought of a way, with Jiang Fan's super fire method, with a little bit of their ability, want to seize one or two absolutely no difficulty.

Jiang Fan didn't say much. He quickened his pace and walked towards the fog, fast.

This time, he didn't burn the sky fire. He approached the foot of Luoying cliff all the way.

His divine sense has been open, carefully sensing the surrounding situation, when the breath appeared, the corners of his mouth rose, and xiaobutian and the bird left on both sides, leaving Jiang Fan in the same place.Those guys in the fog didn't pay any attention to them at all. They rushed directly towards Jiang Fan. The divine sense almost locked Jiang Fan.

As they approached, Jiang Fan stood there steadily without any idea of avoiding.

More and more close, but Jiang Fan mouth up, showing a smile.

He said suddenly, "let's go!"

With Jiang Fan's command, a power shield suddenly rises around him. It's the barrier that xiaobutian and the bird work together to make the fog and Jiang Fan trapped in it.

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