With the emergence of the barrier, Jiang Fan instantly released a flame, ignited the sky fire, and quickly spread around.

As long as it is a creature, it will have form. Even if it can blend into the fog, it will definitely have form.

There are these things in the fog around us. They use barriers to isolate the fog, and then burn out the fog. These guys have nowhere to hide, and they are bound to show up.

As the scope of the fog shrinks rapidly, one attack after another goes towards the barrier, making a lot of crashing sound.

It's obvious that something wants to break out of the barrier. Unfortunately, with their destructive power, how can they destroy the barrier they jointly set up?

With less and less fog, the collision sound becomes more and more intensive.

Jiang Fan closed his eyes and felt the breath coming from the fog. He found that there were at least a dozen lives, but he didn't know what kind of strength these guys would have if they left the fog.

The sky fire continued to spread, the temperature in the barrier increased sharply, and there was little fog left.

The next moment, several figures appeared on the edge, gathered in one direction, and the real body appeared in front of Jiang Fan.

This is a strange life. The human form is very thin, with a layer of white halo covering the whole body. We can't see the appearance clearly. The body is ethereal, but it exudes a special breath. The fog is very similar.

Jiang Fan urged Tianhuo to drive those guys to one place, but he did not continue to suppress them. As the fog disappeared, the number of these guys increased. In less than two minutes, the fog in the barrier completely disappeared, and more than a dozen figures appeared in Jiang Fan's eyes.

They gathered together, a little flustered, for fear that the sky fire would continue to burn towards them.

He slowly scattered to burn the sky fire, with a smile on his face. Looking at those figures, he didn't worry.

They went into the barrier and looked at the guys, obviously curious about them.

Although the fire slowly dispersed, but those lives did not separate, still gathered together, vigilant looking at this side, obviously to Jiang Fan they are very afraid.

When the fire dissipated, Jiang Fan opened his mouth.

"What race are you? Why did you attack me? I didn't offend you, did I? "

One of them speaks and speaks.

"If you intrude into our territory, of course you will be expelled. Let us go as soon as possible, or you will not get out of the fog, and the adults will come soon, and you will not even have a chance to escape."

Jiang Fan heard this but laughed.

"Do you mean to threaten me at this time? You take yourself seriously! Am I here to listen to your threats? I ask, you answer, don't waste my life. "

With that, these guys suddenly burst into flames and contract.

Scared, these guys get together in an instant, shaking all over.

Jiang Fan said again, "what's your race?"

"Wuling people!"

"Why did you attack me?"

"The order we have is to kill the monks in the world!"

Hearing this, Jiang Fan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party would answer like this.

Even one side of the little bit and bird also looked at each other, see each other's eyes in the puzzled.

The little one said, "whose orders are you under?"

"My Lord!"

"Who is he? Don't talk nonsense. You know what I'm asking

"Can't say!"

Several Wuling people shut up at the same time.

When Jiang Fan was about to ask, a sharp sound came from outside the barrier, which came from the fog. The Wuling people who were caught by Jiang Fan trembled and were obviously stunned.

The next moment suddenly flew towards Jiang Fan, their body began to expand, came to Jiang Fan, suddenly exploded.

After a series of explosions, these Wuling people chose to explode themselves. Obviously, they got some orders and didn't give more information.

The self explosion power of these lives is not small, even Jiang Fan had to retreat a distance towards the rear to avoid injury.

The whole barrier was shaking, but it didn't break in the end.

Xiaobutian and the bird look at the direction of the chirp outside the barrier, but they can't feel any breath.

"These guys are hierarchical. They are afraid of death, but they are decisive and never procrastinate. But I have never heard of the Wuling people. When will such a group appear in the world? "

Jiang Fan frowned and recalled everything just now.

"Maybe the fog demon is also a branch of this group! But the order he got was to kill the monks in the world. If they were the lives here, they might not have to be like this? "

Purple jade eagle see they are still studying the origin of the Wuling clan, quickly remind two people.

"They mentioned the Lord just now. There may really be super strength behind these guys. I don't know if we can deal with it. Although bone evil is strong, it is far from invincible. Shall we withdraw first? "Jiang Fan thought for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"We have a clear goal. We'd better buy some time for senior Wei Zheng. The Wuling clan doesn't cover the whole nothingness. They can be much safer if they leave here. I'll just go and have a look there. We've killed so many Wuling clan. Those guys shouldn't be besieged so soon. "

A little bit, they scattered the barrier, and the fog quickly diffused towards them, as if they were mending.

Jiang Fan's divine consciousness was released, and there was no other breath in the range of perception, just as he expected.

Birdie doesn't waste time either. He takes Jiang Fan to the nearest inheritance place at full speed. He doesn't care about the identity of Wuling nationality. It's important to keep Jiang Fan.

While driving, Jiang Fan felt the changes in the surrounding fog.

He found that there was an occasional breath of the Wuling people in the edge of the divine consciousness, which showed that they did not give up and were still monitoring them.

In this fog, Jiang Fan's vision was blocked, but for the Wuling people, it was really an open land, not affected by anything.

About ten minutes later, ziyuying stopped suddenly. The cliff was in front of him. He looked up at the cliff above.

"Little Lord, this is it. Follow me."

After flying about 30 meters in the air, Ziyu eagle's whole body exudes a special breath of other people, which is injected into a point on the cliff. Then, the spiritual power comes together, and an array is instantly activated.

They approach the array together and then disappear into it.

Soon, Jiang Fan three people will come to a space, here is like a small valley, birds and flowers, vibrant.

"I think I know who left this legacy," she said

Ziyuying nodded, not surprised. There were not many people in his family who liked this kind of environment. That's why he left the inheritance here instead of qianzhushan.

Ziyuying said: "this place was originally a blessed place, but it was occupied by that guy as the inheritance place. The inheritance is in the center. There is his statue. With the ability of the little Lord, it won't be too much pressure to accept the inheritance. He and I help the little Lord to protect the Dharma, and the little Lord can inherit it at ease."

Jiang Fan no longer hesitated. Now is not the time to enjoy the scenery.

He went to the inheritance position, and the moment he stepped into it, the inheritance had already begun.

A statue of purple jade eagle with one person's height shines, and the pure spiritual power is released instantly, which is injected into Jiang Fan's body.

Jiang Fan sat in the same place, feeling the changes brought by inheritance.

There are some unique skills and practices of ziyuying people.

As birdie said before, he had got these things when he finally inherited them from Qianzhao mountain, and they were much higher than those involved in this inheritance, so I'm afraid that the only thing useful to him here is the pure spiritual power inheritance.

Jiang fan is very stable, suppresses his own breath, quickly absorbs the spiritual power brought by inheritance, and turns it into his own use.

In less than three days, the inheritance is over, and the spiritual power is stored in the sea of Qi by Jiang Fan. Now his combat power indicates that it is useless to rely on the spiritual power alone.

But now he has been promoted a lot when he left the world. He has been inherited by Beiling Taoist in beilingzong, which makes his combat power fully sublimated and extremely high.

At this time, even if the friars of the seventh Shentai are not necessarily his opponents, his return to the world will shock the world again.

The realm of God and ape.

Qiqi arrived here a few days ago and went to renhuangzong.

By means of her concealment, even the Royal experts can hardly detect her whereabouts.

She got the help of renhuangzong and went there the first time. She wanted to know what they thought. After all, for her, the most urgent task was to help renhuangzong out of the siege. However, because of her identity, the local government could not act on a large scale, which might not be beneficial to renhuangzong.

As for the situation of shenape domain at this time, renhuangzong was very clear, and it was no secret to them at all.

"Renhuangzong was suppressed by the royal family. Now the disciples don't even have the chance to leave the sect for training. They are completely trapped in the sect. And the conditions of the royal family are also very clear, hand over Jiang Fan or force Jiang Fan to appear. "

Even without Jiang Fan, the local government will try to help renhuangzong out of the siege. After all, there are too few Terran forces that can rise in this vast world. It is not easy for renhuangzong to achieve its present scale. They have to help.

It's not difficult to sneak into renhuangzong with her strength. When she appeared in renhuangzong hall, Baishan was discussing with the senior officials.

Seeing the girl suddenly appeared, the monks were surprised. After all, they didn't notice the young man's breath.

An elder was just about to speak, and Baishan had taken the lead in speaking.

"Please don't blame me if I miss you when I drive here."

Hearing this, the monks at the scene understood the identity of this person one after another. I'm afraid that the only one who can be called a saint by Bai Shan is the saint of hell. In terms of identity alone, we have to be on the white mountain.

Qiqi chuckled: "I came in without notice. Of course, I don't need you to meet me. Let's talk less about business. How do you want to get out of trouble?"Baishan didn't expect that Qiqi would be so direct, but if he had a way, he didn't have to owe so much to the prefecture.

"There is no good way for renhuangzong. I wonder if the hell can solve this dilemma? Please make it clear to the saint that the emperor's clan will bear this in mind. "

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