"There are so many here!"

Jiang Fan didn't think of it at all, and even Xiao Bu Dian was surprised.

"If so many blood clans grow up, Jiuhuang will be robbed by blood."

At this time, suddenly a mass of black blood ran out from behind Jiang Fan and went straight to Jiang Fan, silent and fast.

It is directly attached to Jiang Fan's back, but Jiang Fan has no reaction.

The black blood moved little by little towards the back of Jiang Fan's neck. Jiang Fan still didn't show much reaction, as if he didn't notice it.

Ziyuying saw that Jiang Fan didn't respond, so she quickly asked: "little Lord, this thing is up to you, you can't miss it?"

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "are you talking about the one behind you? Of course I noticed. Don't worry. I just want to see what it will do and feel for myself. "

There was chaos in the distance. Some familiar friars wanted to help, but they couldn't separate them. Not only the friars of Jiuhuang, but also the friars of the next nine days.

Even if you have a body protection Lingbao, it's hard to feel the proximity of this thing, and you've been hit before you react.

Because these black demons and blood clans are hiding under the ground, nanwudao will let people fly from the ground, so there will be a buffer. These monks have enough time to dodge.

Some good monks began to respond, attacking one after another towards the rising black blood.

But that thing is full of spirituality. It looks like it's just blood, but it's very flexible to move and dodge in the air.

If a sneak attack fails, he will immediately choose to escape, disappear when he lands, hide under the ground and look for another target.

The monks who had been recruited on the ground were no longer struggling, and there were nearly 20 of them.

These strange scenes made the teenagers on the scene pale and panic.

At this time, a figure suddenly flew to Jiang Fan's side, with a serious expression. He was a young man, whom Jiang Fan didn't know.

"Behind you..."

He did not close to stop, obviously saw Jiang Fan behind the attachment of the devil, intended to remind.

This also attracted the attention of other friars. The two friars who had been cheated by Jiang Fan for the next nine days were right nearby.

After seeing the situation here, they were stunned, but they didn't gloat. They flew towards Jiang Fan with dignified complexion.

"Jiang Fan, this demon is very difficult to deal with. You have been attached. There is a nine Yang charm in our treasure bag. If you can restrain this thing temporarily, you can let him come down from you and give me the treasure bag quickly. I don't have time to joke with you."

Judging from their eyes, they didn't lie. It can be seen that they are mature and know which is more important.

Their status is not low. Before entering Jiuhuang, their elders prepared a lot of protective things for them. Although the devil is not common, he still prepared a charm, just in case.

As for the Nine Yang charm, Jiang Fan has heard that it was one of the main means used to deal with demons in those years. Now the nine wild is hard to find, and refining is very difficult.

But that thing is consumable, and there should be few in their treasure bag.

Without waiting for Jiang Fan's response, the Nanwu Taoist priest flew to Jiang Fan and said directly, "what are you waiting for? Hurry to crush him to death, save the children, and let others leave here as soon as possible. Don't waste time. "

Who would have thought that the Nanwu Taoist who is in charge of inheritance here would talk to Jiang fan like this.

However, from the meaning of his words, it seems that Jiang fan can solve this situation, and he is not afraid of his blood clan.

And Jiang Fan's next words were completely unexpected to the monks present.

"I want to see how this thing controls the body. How can I see that it's just a life totally dependent on instinct. Why do friars have such a great influence?"

Jiang fan is really curious. At this time, he has mobilized Leichi's power to swim through the meridians in his body. The blood clan has no great influence on him.

The two next nine days experts quickly remind.

"Don't mess around, Jiang Fan. If the devil is so easy to deal with, he won't make the friars so scared every time he appears. If you can get rid of him, don't waste your time and opportunity. He's near your neck."

Nanwu Taoist said: "you can wait, but these guys can't wait long. Monks with low level will be completely controlled within half an hour."

Jiang Fan looked at the monks who had been recruited, and he could clearly feel that there was something wrong with the breath of some of them.

In desperation, we can only save people first.

In everyone's shocked eyes, Jiang Fan's palm was full of thunder light, and he grabbed it towards the blood clan.

That thing didn't have time to dodge and was caught by Jiang Fan.

Accompanied by a scream, instant into black smoke.

Jiang Fan clapped his hands and ignored other people's surprise. He said directly: "the transmission array to the outside has been opened by me. It's by the lake. You can leave first. You don't need to be involved in the business here. You can't help."After that, he looked at the two monks who had been cheated by him and said with a smile, "I can't spit out what I swallow, but you're not bad. I'll see you next time. I won't target you any more. If you want to get back the field, go to practice for another ten or eight years."

Before they could answer, he flew to the monks lying on the ground.

Nanwu Taoist followed closely.

When some monks heard that the array had been opened, they flew towards the lake. Only some people who were confident in their own strength stayed here to see what Jiang Fan could do to deal with all this.

Because he had the experience of solving problems for the Nanwu Taoist before, Jiang Fan didn't try to do it directly.

At the moment when Jiang Fan shows his magic formula, the monks on the scene can feel the change of his breath. They can't help but feel a little frightened. The breath makes people feel creepy. If you don't know Jiang Fan, you will definitely regard him as a evil practitioner, and it's still a kind of super powerful existence.

But under Jiang Fan's hand, the black blood soon broke away from the monk and wanted to escape, but it was killed by Jiang Fan's thunder method.

It's hard to understand these methods, because Jiang Fan's method is obviously one of the magic skills, but he can also use the thunder method at the same time. This method is really disordered.

Most of the monks would practice hard in one direction, such as fire method and kendo.

But people know that Jiang Fan has too many special methods, and each one is amazing. Even the medicine, Dharma and Taoism are unexpected.

It's amazing that Jiang fan is so vulnerable to such a headache.

If Jiang Fan solves one problem, the Nanwu Taoist will send the unconscious friars to the air to be looked after by other friars and ask them to take these people away as soon as possible.

On the ground, Jiang Fan almost never stops. One by one, he gets rid of the blood clan, and the number of friars in the air is less and less. They already know Jiang Fan's means, and it's meaningless to stay. There are so many demons coming out at once. If you stay to accept the inheritance, you will find your own way to die.

Exit, Qin Wuliang and others have been staying here waiting for news after they left.

When I saw the teleportation array open, I found that a large number of monks came out of it, one by one with a look of shock.

Pang Hao holds one directly.

"What's going on inside? Why did you all come out? "

"Devil! A lot of demons appear, and some of them have already been recruited. A monk Jiuhuang in Shentai asked us to leave. If he wants to help those people, we will escape first. "

Pang Hao was surprised to hear this.

"Devil! Are you sure it's the devil? What kind of demon? "

The friar shook his head again and again: "I don't know what kind of devil it is. It's like black blood. It's directly attached to people. Those people still struggle at first, and then they don't move. I can't feel the realm, but it doesn't seem to be strong, but I see that all the monks in Shentai realm are successful. "

"Black devil blood clan!"

The friar said, "leave quickly. I can't say that all of you will come out later."

Qin Wuliang, not far away, frowned and worried when he heard the words.

When Pang Hao came back, he told the people about the inheritance.

Qin Wuliang said directly: "I'd better go in and have a look. You're in a bad state. You're easy to be targeted. I'll join hands with him to protect myself."

It's a pity that the transmission array opened the exit. He tried several times and couldn't enter.

In the heritage site, several guys with good strength in the next nine days also left one after another.

Jiang Fan wakes up the last person. There are only three people left in the air, and these three people are obviously the guy's friends.

Three people fly down, set up the guy, and then thank Jiang Fan and leave.

Nanwu Taoist closed his eyes, after a careful perception, told Jiang Fan: "they have all left. I didn't expect that there are so many blood clans dormant here. I didn't realize it for so many years. Fortunately, they appeared at this time, and you can help me, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable."

Jiang Fan said: "master, can you force them out? It's always a hidden danger to leave them here. I don't know when the secret will be opened. In case these things run out, it will be troublesome. I just have the ability to restrain and kill all these things, so I can leave here. "

"I'll think of a way. You should be careful."

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "you should be careful. If you dare to make up your mind about this thing, you can die as much as you come."

Nanwu Taoist then disappeared, Jiang Fan also closed the channel, sitting in mid air.

Small voice rang out: "there is something wrong here, you must pay attention to it. According to the truth, there is no such a large number of blood groups here, and I don't know how many are hidden here."

"I don't know much about this kind of devil. What else do I need to pay attention to? What else is the reason for this? "

Ziyuying said: "maybe there is a guy who is not weak here. This kind of devil will be produced by splitting, but the noumenon needs a strong realm. If I guess so, the young master really needs to be careful and more careful."

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