"Do you mean there is a high level blood clan hidden here?"

Purple jade eagle way: "I also just guess, just remind little Lord you more careful."

Jiang Fan thought about their views and felt that what they said was not impossible. At least it was very strange that there were so many black demons here.

Nanwu Taoist's spirit body has not been found here for such a long time, which really surprised him.

Soon, the Nanwu Taoist came back here. Seeing Jiang Fan, he said directly, "I can completely open up the control of the array for the time being. I know you have the means to control the array. The big array in the secret place is under your control. With your skills, maybe you can find the hiding place of those guys."

This is obviously the only way for Nanwu Taoist. If he has other ways to find these guys, he won't let these things hide around him for so long, and he will almost be caught.

As for the big array here, although Jiang fan knows something about it, and let Xiao AI and Lin Zhan feel it, he did not explore it together.

As for the idea of Nanwu Taoist, he also knows that with his skills, combined with such a wide array, careful perception is really the best way.

Nanwu Taoist looked at Jiang Fan and asked, "are you ok?"

Jiang Fan nodded: "I have no problem. I can start at any time."

At this time, the inheritance place is completely closed. Lin Zhan stays in the array outside, while Jiang Fan calls back Xiao AI by means. She may need her help later.

Jiang Fan told Xiao AI about the situation here. Xiao AI looked relaxed after listening.

"Come on, it's not difficult for you. I'll help you solve it as soon as possible."

Jiang Fan looked at Nanwu Taoist: "please take me to the eye of the array. It's easier to control the array there."

So they flew towards the statue, and the eyes of the array were nearby.

The position of the eye of the array is very inconspicuous, which is what the Taoist of Nanwu deliberately did when he set up the array, so that it is not easy to be found.

However, before Jiang Fan got close, he had already felt the pure breath from the eyes of the array, connecting the surrounding and spreading. This is where many small arrays connect.

Jiang Fan walked into it without saying a word and sat down. The Taoist of Nanwu stood outside the eyes of the array with a serious expression.

"Jiang Fan, although the great array operates with the help of the spiritual power here, it also needs a lot of spiritual power as support. You should pay attention not to support it. These demons are trapped here for a while and a half, and it will not be a storm. I will seal this place. With their present strength, they should not be able to break through. Now my body has perfectly matched with the spirit. After that, I will stay outside and will not release any one. "

Jiang Fan said: "that's all later. I'll feel it first. Don't worry. I've controlled a lot of arrays. I'm still a little sure."

Nanwu Taoist doesn't talk much any more. After nodding, he mobilizes his spiritual power. Jiang fan can feel that the breath of the eyes of the array is gradually stronger, and the outline of the array is gradually clearer. Because no one controls it, the breath of the array will become more obvious.

Jiang Fan with his own spiritual power into the big array, Xiao AI instantly into it, assist Jiang Fan to control the big array as soon as possible.

In terms of quality alone, there is still a big gap between Dazhen here and shijianshan's. although there is not much difference in scale, there is a lot difference in spirituality.

Not to mention that there is a real spirit in shijianshan.

However, the array here is easier to control Jiang fanlisuo.

With the cooperation of Xiao AI, their breath complements each other. In the twinkling of an eye, the breath has begun to pour into the eyes of the array.

Feeling Jiang Fan's surging spirit, Nanwu Taoist was a little frightened, and felt the threat from Jiang Fan.

You know, he can break through and step into the divine realm. But in front of Jiang Fan just stepped into the Shentai realm. I didn't expect that the momentum he released could threaten him. It's incredible.

But he didn't speak, obviously didn't want to disturb Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan was so absorbed that he put all his spirit into the array that the whole space appeared in his mind.

With the control of the big formation, everything here becomes very clear.

When Dazhen is completely controlled by him, he can even feel the wind and grass here, and almost nothing can escape his perception.

But to Jiang Fan's surprise, he didn't feel the existence of the devil. Those things didn't know where they were hidden, but they escaped the perception of Da Zhen.

This is also the reason why Nanwu Taoists have not found it for so many years.

Xiao AI's voice rang out: "young master, the array is now in full control. You can try to find it. I'll spread the breath of your skill to the whole array."

Jiang fan doesn't talk much any more. He uses the magic formula and injects black magic into the eyes of the array.

With the help of Xiao AI, the evil spirit spread very fast. Jiang Fan's divine consciousness was fully open, and he carefully felt the change of the breath. Sure enough, not far away from them, there was a breath hidden in the ground, motionless. If it wasn't for the stimulation of the magic formula, Jiang Fan couldn't directly feel his existence.However, Jiang Fan did not act rashly. He recorded the position he felt in his brain and continued to look for other breath.

With the spread of the breath, Jiang fan is also more and more frightened. Within 30 meters, the breath of the black devil blood clan has exceeded ten, and it is still increasing.

Jiang Fan's expression gradually becomes serious. In this space, the number of demons exceeds his imagination.

However, when his breath covered the lake, Jiang Fan's whole body was shocked, and his eyes opened instantly.

The Nanwu Taoist on one side was also surprised to see Jiang Fan's reaction and knew that Jiang Fan must have sensed something extraordinary.

Since he knew Jiang Fan, he has always been very calm. In the face of difficulties, in the face of him, even in the face of the devil, he kept calm. We can see how stable his mood is.

This kind of expression also predicts that things will not be simple.

"What did you find?"

Jiang Fan said: "there's a big guy hiding under the lake. He's close to the divine Dharma Realm. He's much stronger and bigger than he saw these demons before."

Nanwu Taoist revealed a surprised look: "are you sure?"

Without saying a word, Jiang Fan directly cast a water curtain, and then showed the situation in his mind above. When Taoist Nanwu saw the dense light spots, his face became serious.

When he saw the smell under the lake, the Taoist of Nanwu sent a message to Jiang Fan.

"Why is this guy hiding there? So far away from other demons? "

After thinking about it, Jiang Fan began to guess.

"Maybe he didn't want to be disturbed by others, maybe he was playing the idea of purple scale devil fish!"

Hearing this, Taoist Nanwu will go to the lake to see the situation.

Purple scale devil fish is his pet. He has been with him for so many years. It's like a close relative to him. He doesn't want purple scale devil fish to have an accident here.

Jiang Fanlian said: "don't go there, master. The purple scale devil fish is still swimming. That thing should still be looking for opportunities. After all, the strength of the purple scale devil fish is far above him! Let's find a way to solve all these guys at once. It's always a curse to stay. "

Nanwu Taoist some helpless: "I really do not have a good way, what you need, I can help, to help you."

Jiang Fan's eyes twinkled, as if he thought of something.

"In that case, let's catch the thief first, the king first, the strong one first, and then these things here!"

The Nanwu Taoist nodded. He was also very worried about the purple scale devil fish at this time. First of all, whether he could stop it or not, if he was really transformed by the black devil blood clan, they would have no way to stop it.

"What do you need me to do?"

Jiang Fan said: "the master has a good communication with the purple scale devil fish. He will open up another temporary Lake wave for him. I will lead that thing out. If he has been hiding underground, it's hard for us to force him up. In my realm, the influence of my skill breath on him will be reduced a lot. It's certainly not as effective as when dealing with other demons."

Nanwu Taoist wry smile: "open up a lake that can accommodate purple scales? How easy is it? "

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "this is not difficult. It can be done in less than two hours by relying on the big formation. I'll do it. You mainly need to communicate well with the purple scale devil fish. In addition, let him remove some defenses from time to time and leave some flaws for that guy, even if he is hit."

"The devil at the top of Shentai! I'm not sure how to deal with it. Are you sure you can deal with it? If something happens to purple scale, it's not just that I won't forgive you, but that it's going to lead to a catastrophe. I'm afraid the masters of enlightenment can't suppress him any more! "

Jiang Fan said: "of course, this junior knows, but I can rest assured that I have my own way to deal with him. Just do as I say, and I won't make fun of my own life!"

Nanwu Taoist thought for a while and thought that Jiang Fan had some truth to say, so he had to do it.

Jiang fan communicates with Xiao AI, and they plan to open up another lake near the lake, and then introduce the original water into it, and let the back sit and wait for the devil to take the bait.

Purple scale magic fish listen to the master's words very much, just a simple advice, then to one side to do.

The next moment, the earth shaking, not far from the lake open space suddenly began to collapse, a strange force constantly let the ground collapse. This kind of speed continues, and a huge pit appears, extending to both sides.

A lot of things here are controlled by the big array. The place of inheritance is not a small world. It is not difficult to change.

Then, a passage appeared between the pit and the great lake, allowing the water from the great lake to pour into it instantly. The speed was very fast. The purple scale devil fish stretched out its big head and looked at it, obviously looking forward to it.

While looking at it, he made a strange sound, as if he was telling Taoist Nanwu what he thought.

Two hours later, the lake water has been reduced by a third, and the big pit has been filled by now. The water inside is very clear. The purple scale devil fish can't wait to jump out of the water, jump high, and jump directly to the new home.

Although it was not as big as the original lake, it was enough for him to swim, not to mention that they had other purposes.The purple scale devil fish floats on the water with a lazy look. After saying hello, the Taoist of Nanwu turns to leave and enters the forest.

Jiang fan is highly concentrated at this time, perceiving the breath at the bottom of the lake, waiting for the opportunity to appear.

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