The Royal voice became cold, obviously very angry.

"Jiang Fan, you should understand the end of offending me. With me here, it's impossible for you to concentrate on Enlightenment even if it's a divine thought. It's wishful thinking for you to get my inheritance in this secret place."

Jiang Fan sneered: "little master wants to take inheritance, the emperor can not block, let alone your woodlouse, as long as the little master thinks, your woodlouse's mind can not enter this secret land!"

The master tone with disdain: "you this reptile is too arrogant, although your strength is really good, but in my eyes, you still just can't get on the card side of the reptile, with you also want to stop me? It's too much to be ashamed of. "

In the eyes of everyone's surprise, Jiang Fan's wings came out from behind and flew directly to the sky.

The spirit map of breaking the array runs in the body, and the surging spirit power bursts into the void.

Now the spiritual power, strength and divinity improved by the Qi of yin and yang are greatly improved.

"Xiao AI, Lin Zhan, help me to control the battle in the shortest time!"

"Yes, sir

The two of them answered, and then went directly into the array. Jiang Fan's Qi and surging spirit power were injected into the array. This time, he didn't want to crack the array, but to control it temporarily, because this is the most direct way to make the hidden inheritance appear.

People don't know what Jiang fan is going to do, but the Qingniao women feel great pressure from Jiang Fan.

She obviously didn't know that Jiang Fan could even give birth to wings to fly in the air. What's more, she didn't expect that the breath of Jiang Fan's wings could make her feel the breath of fear. It seemed to be blood suppression, which was incredible.

She didn't know what Jiang Fan was doing, but the powerful mind outside the secret world was harassing her all the time. Many practitioners couldn't concentrate. After all, that mind was too powerful.

But the reward and punishment look calm, continue to fly in the high altitude, release the spirit power, the surging spirit power is far beyond people's cognition.

Qingniao woman didn't experience the war. She knew that Jiang Fan should be the final winner, but she thought that Jiang Fan's victory should be the credit of so many Terran talents around her. However, the spiritual power Jiang Fan released now is completely superior to her, and what she surpasses is not a star and a half, which makes her very incomprehensible.

Jiang fan is still calm. The air of the master in the world of leaving dust can't bring too much pressure to him now. The reason is very simple. There are many masters in the world of leaving dust around him all the time, and whether they are Wang Xi, Jiang Huan or the God of supporting heaven, their breath is far more than the ordinary monk in the world of leaving dust. He has experienced a lot, and of course his resistance will become stronger. What's more, the evil spirit of bone is much stronger than this man. "

In the chapter of array Tao, Jiang Fan's breath accelerates the speed of looking for array eyes, which also makes him break the array the fastest.

The biggest array in this secret place is gradually formed in Jiang Fan's mind, which is also a kind of promotion for his array way.

Only by observing more strange arrays can he gradually have a stronger cognition of them. If one day Xiao AI and Lin Zhan are required, he will be able to crack them at will. At that time, his attainments in the array must have reached an extremely high level, and now it is far from enough.

For two hours, Jiang Fan didn't say a word. He was still flying high in the sky, and his surging spirit power didn't weaken at all.

After another two hours, the expert of secluded world said: "Jiang Fan, don't resist. Even if you are brave and not afraid of death, you have to think about those people around you. Even if you die yourself, do you want them to die with you?"

Jiang Fan still didn't respond, but Qin Wuliang couldn't help but open his mouth.

"What kind of onion are you? Why did you come here to persuade me to surrender? Do you want us to submit to your family? It's wishful thinking

The voice was angry: "which reptile are you?"

"I'm not a reptile. Please remember that I'm Qin Wuliang. On the day I step into the world, I'll go to your land and find you out. I'll take you as a pet!"

The foreign expert was completely stunned. He had never heard of the name. He knew that Jiang Fan was arrogant, but he didn't expect another one to jump out. He was more arrogant than Jiang Fan and even wanted to take him as a pet.

Without waiting for him to say more, Qin Wuliang's next words made him furious on the spot, and he couldn't hold on completely.

"Forget to ask, do you look good? I don't like those strange pets. It's a shame to take them out. "

The idea seemed to be strengthened at this moment, and said angrily, "bedbug! You will surely die

But he is really a group of people's laughter. There is no one in this group who takes him seriously. Anyway, he can't get into this secret place. It's meaningless to be soft hearted, and there are few opportunities to ridicule the experts who leave the world.

The bluebird women think this group of people are crazy.

But at this time, it suddenly felt that the air above was changing, and Jiang Fan's breath was constantly changing, as if the whole person was integrated into the world.At this time, Jiang Fan's voice rang out, with some disdain.

"The one outside, I'd like to say a word to you at last. We didn't pay attention to you at all. It's no big deal to leave the world. I said that if you drive out your Divine sense, you can drive out your Divine sense. Don't be too self righteous."

Voice down, the air suddenly burst out of a strong atmosphere, cloud color, a pattern appeared.

Qin Wuliang and others are also a little surprised. You didn't expect Jiang Fan to make such a big noise.

At this time, Jiang Fan did not have the divine interference, and continued to inject his spiritual power into the array. Now he has controlled most of it, and his speed is also improving. If there is no accident, he should be able to do it in half an hour.

Jiang Fan's face is smiling, and his spiritual power is gradually released, because as Dazhen is controlled by him, some of his guesses are gradually revealed, and then how to deal with it depends on himself.

At the entrance of the secret place, an alien expert with a tiger's head is furious. He didn't expect that his mind would be rejected by the array in the secret place, which didn't occur to him at all. But it's obviously just the beginning.

He tried again and found that no matter how he tried, his mind could no longer enter the secret place.

However, those friars with low level can still freely enter the secret place, which makes him not clear what happened.

"Damn it! What's going on? How does Jiang Fan use the power of this secret place to exclude my divine consciousness? How can he be a little man? And is there any array in this secret place? Why has no one ever mentioned it? "

He was in a bad mood. The powerful breath released, which made the nearby monks shiver. The royal family who left the dust world became angry. It was absolutely terrible.

Unfortunately, no one can answer his question, and the secret place is changing at this time.

The clouds and clouds in the sky change color, as if the end of the world. The monks below don't know what happened. They can only feel the vibration of the floating peak at their feet, and they don't know what will happen next.

The blue bird woman looked at the changes in the air, and her eyes showed a look of surprise. Other people have qingluan's blood. Of course, her family is clear about the existence of this array, but even her blood can't directly contact this array, so she will wait for the final inheritance to come out by herself, but now it's released by an outsider with powerful means. It's really a bit strange Irony.

But what happened to Jiang Fan's seemingly endless spiritual power? Even if there is this spiritual blessing in the secret place, it still needs a huge spiritual support to control the array. Jiang fan is just a monk of the sixth divine platform. How did he do it?

In her opinion, even though Jiang Fan's fighting power and explosive power are amazing, the spiritual power contained in the Qi sea is related to the realm. Even if Jiang Fan's Qi sea is larger than that of ordinary monks, how about it? How is it possible to release the spirit power like this?

It's a pity that Jiang fan made her understand the potential of the human race in the most direct way.

Soon, Dazhen gradually calms down, and Jiang Fan's breath has been completely integrated with Dazhen. If she looks at Jiang Fan standing there, she can't even feel Jiang Fan's existence.

Qin Wuliang and others got up one after another to see what Jiang Fan was going to do.

At this time, Jiang Fan youyou said: "you all stand firm, let you see the true face of this secret place."

When Jiang Fan's spiritual power burst out, a huge shadow suddenly appeared on the top of the array. It was three huge floating peaks, and the highest one in the middle had a huge bird's nest, which was the final inheritance of qingluan.

The lush forests on the three floating peaks are full of vitality and vines. The secret scene is completely different.

The bluebird woman was shocked, because she had seen this scene in the heritage of the family.

The picture gradually disappeared, and a huge shadow appeared in the void. It was a holy nest built by golden branches, which was the place where qingluan bird lived.

Just looking at the shadow, we can be sure how amazing the holy nest is. They don't know what tree the golden branches come from. I'm afraid they can explain all this only if they find the holy nest.

Jiang Fan manipulated the array and did not hesitate any more. A lot of spiritual power was released from the array and connected to the floating peak below. The spiritual power was very powerful and could clearly perceive its existence.

Then, except for the top floating peak, all the floating peaks vibrated violently again, which made some foreign friars wake up one after another, with a look of surprise in their eyes.

With the violent vibration, people couldn't stand on the top at all, and then the vines connecting the floating peaks broke one after another, which surprised the foreigners. They didn't expect this to happen.

Some of the floating peaks not only vibrated, but also began to turn over. Many foreign friars were thrown directly from the floating peak.

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