Fortunately, some foreign people with wings appeared one after another at this time, catching all the foreign people who were thrown out and sending them to the ground safely.

That didn't cause the tragedy.

Affected by the array, almost all the floating peaks are moving, and the changes are unimaginable.

At high altitude, Qin Wuliang and others were shocked to see the changes below.

On the contrary, the monks at the bottom have no idea what happened. They don't know why such a change happened in this secret place. Except for some groups with wings, others can't stand on the floating peak at all.

The foreigners on the high-altitude floating peak keep grasping the floating peak at this time. They don't want to fall down so easily. If they fall down from this height, no one can help them. Even if they don't die, they will be seriously injured. They don't want to.

The bluebird woman seemed to think of something, with shock in her eyes.

"Does he control the formation and want to put these floating peaks together again?"

Thinking of this, she did not mean to stop, but was full of interest and expectation.

Of course, she hopes that the holy nest will appear when the secret place is opened, otherwise it is doomed to have no fate with her. The next time the secret place is opened, her age will be over, and she will not be able to enter here, and the inheritance left by qingluan will have nothing to do with her.

Although there are so many Terran geniuses and Jiang Fan, who is a tough guy to deal with, after all, she has qingluan blood and has a much greater chance to get inheritance than Jiang Fan. Therefore, if Jiang fan can open the final inheritance, it will be a very good rest for her.

Jiang Fan's breath is increasing rapidly. It's impossible to imagine the level that a monk in Shentai can achieve.

He manipulated the array as if he were reshaping the world. Those floating peaks were flying up and down under his influence, spinning and flying to the same height.

The surging spirit power makes those floating peaks seem to form a special gravity and keep close to each other.

Seeing this situation, some of the monks who are still insisting on the floating peak show their surprised faces one after another. Seeing that the floating peak is about to collide with each other, they decisively choose to let go, leave the floating peak and continue to insist. They can't imagine what will happen in the future.

The foreigners fell down to the ground one after another. The winged foreigners below were busy and kept picking up these people. After all, the foreigners who fell down from high had strong blood. Most of them had royal blood. If they could make friends, it would be a good thing for them.

However, with the foreigners falling from the height, what happened in the height is no longer a secret.

"Jiang Fan did it!"

Someone heard this and exclaimed, "Jiang Fan? Does he have such a strong ability to manipulate these floating peaks? "

"I don't know what he did? It seems that he controls the big array in this secret place. The reason why these floating peaks float is because of the big array. But I don't know how Jiang Fan controls it. In a word, if you wait and see the situation, maybe you can take advantage of it. But Jiang fan is really too strong now. I'm afraid no one among our peers can take him. This supreme position should have been decided. "

He was talking about a royal genius. At this time, he had to admit how amazing Jiang Fan's means were. Jiang Fan was fighting against foreign geniuses. He was in the distance at that time. He still can't forget the suffocating sword. Jiang Fan's super fighting power has made him unable to have the idea of a positive war. He didn't know that there were so many talented people in the royal family Now that he is in the divine realm, he just wants to practice as soon as possible, improve the realm as much as possible, and return to the strongest fighting ranks.

As a royal family, no one wants to admit that he is a second rate genius.

In the air, the floating peak collided, but there was no explosion or disintegration.

I saw two stone walls as if docking, slowly close, the shape of the stone wall can be completely fitted together, as if originally connected together.

Then, another floating peak adjusted its direction and flew towards the larger floating peak, connecting with the stone wall again.

The whole operation is like Jiang Fan manipulating a huge building block. These floating peaks seem to be the whole and scattered.

Jiang Fan has been observing the shape and characteristics of the stone wall all the way, and played a great role at this time.

The original three floating peaks in the secret place must have his moral. If you want to restore the secret place to its original appearance, you need to restore the three floating peaks. But at present, everything seems to be going well, at least it can't bring too much pressure to Jiang Fan.

The top floating peak has not moved. Zhang Tianqi and others, looking at the changes below, have already understood what Jiang fan is going to do. They have just seen the original appearance of this secret place on the empty array. After Jiang Fan reassembles these floating peaks, it is bound to restore this secret place.

But then he began to worry.

"You say that we won't be forced to fall down later? This floating peak should also be one of the pieces

Qin Wuliang said: "don't worry, the big array is controlled by the boss. As long as he is careful, we will never be captured. He can't watch us fall to death!"Jiang Fan obviously heard their words and looked down with a smile.

"I'm not sure!"

Seeing him like this, Qin Wuliang said with a smile: "even if you fall down and die, if you fall half dead, you'll have to spend your energy and pills to help us treat. It's not cost-effective. In my opinion, boss, you can ask the Birdman to help us, take us in the air, and everything will be easy to solve. "

With that, he took a bad look at the bluebird woman in the distance.

When Liu Xiran heard this, he didn't have a good way: "Xiao Qin, if you don't know how to be compassionate, you won't find a girlfriend in the future."

Everyone laughed and was in a good mood.

The Qingniao woman was angry at this time, but she didn't want to waste time on Qin Wuliang. She was close to Fufeng and faced so many Terran talents that she was not sure how to deal with them, so she simply ignored them.

Jiang Fan said: "you don't have to worry. You are at the top of one of the three floating peaks, so you just need to stand steady for a while, and I'll control the rest!"

They nodded to show that they understood Jiang Fan's meaning.

At this time, Jiang Fan was absorbed and continued to control the array. The floating peaks continued to merge and grow. The first floating peak was almost completed.


The secret entrance.

There are more and more foreigners leaving the secret land. Some are disheartened and embarrassed, while some are unwilling.

That tiger head person body leaves the dust realm superior to see this etc. circumstance direct stop them.

The terror of the atmosphere suppressed, so that those guys have to show their faces.

Almost at the same time, they straightened out their identities and said, "see you!"

"Why did you all come out? Still like this! What's going on inside? Where is Jiang Fan now? "

One of them stood up and said, "Lord Hui, Jiang fan can manipulate the big array in the secret place for no reason, and then let the floating peak in the secret place get closer and close, and throw all the friars on the floating peak down to destroy everyone's inheritance. Lord can make the decision for us."

The master who left the dust world frowned and said: "sure enough, he manipulated the big array inside. No wonder he couldn't even put my divine sense into it. What did he do?"

Thinking of this, he looked at the young people: "I'll deal with the matter of Jiang Fan. You can go."

These monks left one after another. Obviously, they didn't want to go back to the secret place. They didn't know what would happen next. But one thing they knew very well was that Jiang Fan brought so many Terran talents in the secret place. Even if there were some powerful inheritances later, what would they fight with Jiang Fan and others? With their strength, there is no chance at all.

They have to leave and it's a waste of time to stay here.

At this time, a woman with a figure of more than three meters and a brocade robe came from afar and landed directly at the entrance of the secret place. The woman was elegant and hot, but she had a hairy tail behind her. I don't know what ethnic group she was, but she was not a human.

When he saw the tiger headed man, he raised his mouth and said directly, "Oh, I didn't expect you to be the first one here. It seems that I'm not the only one who wants to win over the boy and make him submit."

The other party glanced at her and frowned: "you've come fast enough, but it's useless. That boy can't yield to us. I've given him enough promises, but he doesn't know what's good and what's bad. I want his life. Don't stop him, you girl."

The woman was not angry. She said with a smile, "you guys are always fighting and killing. Get out of the way. I'll communicate with him. Maybe he will lead people to surrender to our family. I can take him out of here as soon as possible. Other people in the province will arrive, but I won't have a chance."

The other side also generous, directly out of position, made a please gesture.

The woman obviously didn't expect that this guy should cooperate so much. Without saying a word, she directly released her consciousness and went to the entrance to test.

But then she frowned, "Gee! What's going on? The power of this secret place repels my divine consciousness and can't penetrate it. How did you do it before

"Don't try to woo that boy. He didn't know how to get the means, but he manipulated the big array in the secret place, changed the rules of the entrance, and excluded the divine ideas. He was looking for his own death. He offended me several times. This time, I will help the blood pupil clan, and I won't let him run away."

With that, he had a strong sense of killing in his eyes and was obviously very angry.

The woman looked at him and knew that Jiang Fan must have let him down. For a moment, she was helpless. She was a person who cherished talent. After the news of the war came to her ears, she set out for this place for the first time, but it seemed that she had no chance.

Jiang fan is also curious about how to control the big array in this secret place, but she is just curious. Jiang Fan refuses to communicate with the strong, which is tantamount to breaking his own retreat. After that, some experts will arrive here. If there are more than five people, she really can't think that Jiang Fan will escape from here.

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