"If you want to go to another continent, you have to go there first. And this is the only way to get to the white sands. "

Han Qianxue nodded, everything will be on the boat tomorrow, but she has never heard of the Baisha islands, and she doesn't know where it is.

When he came to the corner of the cave where there were a few people, Jiang Fan sat directly on the ground, leaning against the wall, and closed his eyes.

Han Qianxue frowned slightly: "just rest here?"

Jiang Fan said: "there is no room here. Someone will call for dinner later. Don't worry. It's just one night. "

Sure enough, an hour later, there was the sound of gongs, and then I heard a loud voice shouting: "dinner is coming!"

Hearing this voice, Jiang Fan slowly opened his eyes, mouth up, feeling in his heart.

"Was it like that when I was young?"

There are also his old friends here, and this loud voice is one of them.

Han Qianxue followed Jiang Fanchao to the dining place. She was puzzled, because Jiang Fan seemed to be very familiar with it. No matter how rugged the cave was, he was familiar with it. He didn't even need to inquire, as if he had been here many times.

I don't know how many forks I've gone through. A well lit cave appears in front of them.

There is a long table, more than 20 meters long. Many big men have found their own places to sit down.

There are all kinds of delicacies and drinks on the table, which are very bold and unconstrained. When you come here, you need to drink a lot and eat large pieces of meat.

Although Han Qianxue is a lady from a big family, as a businessman, she often has to contact with all kinds of people. What kind of people have not seen in recent years?

She didn't really get in touch with such a scene. When these rough guys arrived here, they were very regular. No one started to eat without permission, but they were all shouting and very lively.

Han Qianxue wants to sit down at any place, but Jiang fan stops her. Then she takes her to the far end of the table and sits down without speaking.

Han Qianxue doesn't know the rules here and doesn't say much. Jiang Fan must have his reasons for doing so.

The more people gathered, until the seats were almost full, Jiang Fan said: "after a while, you don't have to say anything. You should eat and drink. I'll solve the rest."

"Why don't they start eating?" She asked.

Jiang Fan nodded: "there are rules here. If the boss doesn't come to the table, how can they start to use chopsticks?"

"How do you know this place so well? It's like I've been here, but my intelligence shows that you haven't been here before. "

Jiang Fan replied, "my master told me."

No matter what question can't be answered, Jiang Fan pushes it to Yaowang. It's from the future, and the immortals can't solve it.

Han Qianxue also no longer asked, Jiang Fan such words have been used too many times.

At this time, two figures came in from the passage on the other side of the cave, a man and a woman, a hot woman, dressed in red and charming, holding the man's arm and smiling.

The man was tall and powerful, and his muscles were as strong as rocks.

Seeing these two people, Han Qianxue is also stunned, because their realm is not weak, and they both surpass the realm of taking life. The cultivation of changing the realm of life can be regarded as a master in jinyangzhou, which is rare.

All the shouting rough men shut up and looked over there, but with a smile on their faces, they said in one voice, "welcome, boss."

Jiang Fan and Han Qianxue also got up to show respect.

The man opened his mouth and said, "OK, everyone can sit down, drink a lot, eat a large piece of meat, and welcome friends from afar..."

With that, everyone's eyes were on Jiang Fan's side. Not only Jiang Fan but also several other friars dressed differently from these people. They were all men with calm faces. Nodding at them was also a response.

Only Jiang Fan two faces with a smile, obviously and these friars are not the same people.

The woman in red set her eyes on them. Her eyes twinkled, as if she saw something, but she didn't say much. She picked up her glass and raised it to Jiang Fan, then drank it all.

When they saw this, they were stunned at first, and then laughed: "good boy, have a drink!"

Jiang fan is not wordy, directly picked up the wine bowl, head up and drink, the gang of men have applauded.

Then no one talked about it any more, and they began to eat and drink. Men's boxing and fighting power were very lively.

Han Qianxue is slow to eat, and the side of Jiang Fan and others form a sharp contrast, but few people notice the situation here.

Jiang Fan and several other people nearby did not speak in the whole process. They did not know their identity or where they were going.

The woman in red went to Jiang Fan, took the wine bowl, and then touched Han Qianxue's face, with a smile: "what a pretty face, better than my sister's skin, tut tut..."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "it's the first time for my friend to come out. I'm laughing."

The woman in red looked at Jiang Fan and said with a smile, "I heard that you are going to Baisha islands?"Hearing the four words of Baisha islands, several men nearby were surprised and looked at Jiang Fan with twinkling eyes.

Jiang Fan took a sip of wine, then nodded: "our master asked us to go there for some training. We don't need to bother elder sister to go to other places."

The friar next to him said calmly: "boy, the Baisha islands is not a place where you can go. I'm afraid you don't know how to die."

Jiang fan does not agree: "there is a bit of confusion, but for the two of us, it is nothing."

The woman then said, "the people in Baisha Bay are not easy to get along with. If you want to come back, you need to wait there for 30 days. Since you want to go, you should know the situation there, right? Don't say that my sister doesn't remind you. It's a place without rules. If I lose my life, I will lose everything. "

Hearing this, Jiang Fan said with a smile, "thank you for reminding me that we have decided."

The woman in red said nothing more. She had another drink with Jiang Fan, and then went to find someone else to drink.

Han Qianxue said: "this woman is unusual."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "there are not many women who can be praised by Han Da Mei. She can walk on the sea for so many years, and she can move forward and backward freely in chaotic areas. How can she be ordinary? Who do you think is the boss of these people? The big guy? The woman in red is the leader here. "

Speaking of this, Jiang fan can't help remembering that he first met Han Qianxue. At that time, he was also charming all living beings. He had no airs and had a pretty good character.

But since I saw Han Qianxue again in the secret place of Longze lake, the feeling that she had given people had already converged a lot. Otherwise, she would become a leader and have countless subordinates in the future.

No more words, that night to find a place to rest, two figures find two people.

These two people, Jiang Fan, had some impression that they were the two sitting next to each other during the meal just now, apparently from one side.

They fist at Jiang Fan first, but not because Jiang fan is very young.

"I've met brother Jiang at Bayu, the Yaomen disciple of lower huangshazhou!"

It's not surprising that Jiang Fan was recognized. With his current reputation, the friars of jinyangzhou may not know him, but some inland clans must have spread his appearance.

Although he has never been to huangshazhou, it is not far from the Lihuo Dynasty. This Yaomen also has some status in that area. It is not difficult for the disciples to recognize Jiang Fan.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Fan asked.

NABA Yu said: "I've heard a lot about brother Jiang. I've just met him. I'm afraid I'll offend him. We're here to remind brother Jiang that the Baisha islands are in chaos and the sea monsters are very dangerous. I Yaomen have some connections with Lihuo college, so I'm here to remind you that I have a good relationship with brother Jiang. "

Jiang Fan said: "thank you for your reminding. It's not easy to cause trouble in that chaotic area. Sea monsters are just some monsters. They can't cause much damage. And there's a place I'm going to, and you don't have to persuade me. "

Ba Yu nodded: "of course we have heard about brother Jiang's strength. We have also heard about brother Jiang's great work a few months ago. One person's strength startled the ancient demon God. The experts of Jiuhuang hall personally protected you and helped you get rid of all the troubles. With this, brother Jiang can come and go freely in this continent. However, we should be careful about the strength of Baisha islands, especially villain's Bay."

Jiang Fan: no problem, where are you going

Ba Yu said: "we are going to the West Ring island. The master of our sect is shutting down there. The master of our sect asked us to invite him back. Let's have a rest early. We won't disturb you."

"See you on board!"

After the two left, Han Qianxue sent a message to Jiang Fan: "there is something wrong with these two people. Calculate the time, they should know about your robbing. I feel that they are here to test you."

Jiang Fan said calmly: "don't feel it. They just came to test, but it doesn't matter. They are far from each other with their strength. At most, it is to let out the news about us in the Baisha islands. But when Wanbaoshan sent someone to find the Baisha islands, we would have left long ago. "


There was nothing to say all night. He was practicing all night. Han Qianxue leaned on his arm and didn't say much.

The next day, Jiang Fan took her to the cave. There was a small market. There were many beautiful treasures in the sea. Occasionally, she could see some strange things. I don't know what age they were handed down.

Many things are buried in the sea forever, including many treasures and even history.

So every time I arrive here, this market is a must for Jiang Fan to see if he can get a treasure.

Han Qianxue's eyes are very venomous. Before long, he has bought many rare treasures, especially some corals with great spiritual power, which are of great value.

On the contrary, Jiang Fan prefers some antiquities, that is, things that came down from ancient times, and then some alchemy materials.

But there was no treasure this time. They were found here until the evening, reminding them to get ready and wait to get on board.Han Qianxue asked Jiang Fan, "what else do you need to prepare to get on board?"

Jiang Fan said: "we don't need to prepare anything, but when we get to the ship, we will not see anything. That is, we will stay in our clothes for two months. We are not allowed to mess around."

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