"Look at your mysterious appearance. What scene has my sister never seen?"

Jiang Fan laughed but said nothing. He didn't say much. About an hour later, the man came back again and told them to gather at the entrance of the cave and get on the boat.

Take Han Qianxue to the cave entrance, and then walk towards the seaside.

Mingyue is high on the sea, even at night, you can see the distance.

By the sea, Han Qianxue can see a big ship far at sea. A group of rough men transport cage like things to the boat.

The iron cage was covered with black cloth. I couldn't see what was inside, but it seemed that the weight was not light.

Several outsiders stood on the beach waiting for the last boat. The boat was very big in the distance. We can't see such a big boat inland.

After a meeting, the woman in red came this way and said, "since you can all find here, you should know the rules of my ship. Now get on board."

After that, he took them to the boat by the sea. Two boats, including Jiang Fan, had only a dozen outsiders. After boarding, a group of men on the spacious deck were preparing for their own voyage.

And those iron cages that were transported up before can't be seen. It seems that they should be sent into the cabin, which makes Han Qianxue very curious.

On the boat, Jiang Fan and Han Qianxue are assigned to a cabin. Although it's not spacious, it's clean. Han Qianxue is not picky and lives at ease.

No one limits their movement. All places on the ship can move around. As long as they don't make trouble, they don't have too many demands on the ship, but those who mess around will be very troublesome.

This is why Jiang Fan reminds Han Qianxue.

Han Qianxue went fishing with Jiang Fan during the day and had a chat. At night, he stayed in his room to practice.

On the seventh day, Jiang Fan fell into deep cultivation at night. He had reached the critical time for the spiritual power line and asked Han Qianxue to eat by himself.

These days, Han Qianxue has been familiar with some men, and Jiang fan is not worried.

Han Qianxue idly around the ship, until the cabin, the door open, inside a dark, and the deck has a sharp contrast.

Dimly, you can see the cages placed in them, just like you saw on the beach before. They are covered with black cloth and can't see the situation inside. Two sailors come out from inside and smoke on the deck.

Out of curiosity, Han Qianxue directly sneaks into it to see what the ship is carrying.

Only a few outsiders can make little money. The spirit stone used to propel the ship is also a huge sum of money. The goods in the warehouse are their source of income.

She went to the outermost cage, looked around no one, quietly lifted the black cloth, and then looked inside.

Then she was stunned on the spot. There was a weak middle-aged man in the cage. His mouth was blocked and he was obviously in a coma. He looked thin and pale, as if he hadn't seen the sun for a long time. He couldn't feel his state.

She stares big eyes, and then goes to another cage. After opening the curtain, she finds a little girl in the cage. She is looking weakly here. When she sees Han Qianxue, she is a little excited and whispers: "help me..."

Human traffickers?

This is Han Qianxue's first reaction. She didn't expect that there were people in the cage.

She frowned, quickly hit a water mass, and then fell into the little girl's mouth.

The little girl gulped down and said pitifully, "thank you! I know you and those bad guys are not in the same group. Can you let me out, I think, Grandpa... "

Han Qianxue frowns and recalls Jiang Fan's warning to her before she gets on the ship. At that time, Jiang Fan specially told her that no matter what she saw on the ship, she should not see it. She was not allowed to get into trouble.

But at this time, she was a little annoyed. In her eyes, Jiang Fan was not the kind of friar who regarded human life as a weed, but Jiang Fan obviously knew what was pulled on the ship.

But Jiang Fan's words, she had to listen to, she was a little helpless, said: "little sister, sister promised others, can't let you go, sorry..."

Hearing that Han Qianxue was a girl, the little girl was stunned, and then her face was gloomy: "that sister doesn't make trouble for her sister. When she gets to the Baisha islands, she doesn't know what's waiting for me. If she's lucky, she can be her little servant girl. If she's not lucky Wu Wu... "

Halfway through, the girl began to cry.

Han Qianxue, after all, is a woman. Thinking of the situation of Baisha islands mentioned by Jiang Fan and others before, she is almost sure what this little girl will encounter when she gets there.

But ring, other cages have come out of the sound, there are men and women, there are young and old.

"Girl, help us!"

"Please help us!"

Han Qianxue was silent and didn't know what to do for a moment.

At this time, the two smoking men went back to the warehouse, just to see this scene, one of them came directly, and kicked the little girl's cage."What do you want? Shut up

For a time, the little girl was silent. She hid in the corner and didn't resist. Han Qianxue saw that the little girl was shaking.

The man said to Han Qianxue, "don't come here casually. You'd better go back and have a rest at night."

Han Qianxue did not say much, turned away from the warehouse and returned to the deck.

Looking at the busy men, her heart seems to have a thorn, very uncomfortable, the little girl's appearance, let her as if to think of themselves, their own here, is not the pursuit of freedom? But what the little guy has to face is not only the restriction of freedom, but also the unimaginable loss.

Looking at the clear moon, she decided to do something.

She calmly returned to the cabin, can see is still in the cultivation of Jiang Fan, she frowned slightly, gently back out.

She had planned to discuss with Jiang Fan. When she got on the boat, Jiang fan made it very clear. She knew Jiang Fan's character and he would definitely stop her. So she decided to do it by herself. She had a spirit treasure to avoid water. She saved the little girl and left. She would explain to Jiang Fan later.

Taking advantage of the night, she went to the warehouse.

In the cabin, she suddenly came in and quickly withdrew, which awakened Jiang Fan from his cultivation.

He slowly opened his eyes, feel Han Qianxue's breath, found that she had left, the speed is not slow. But from the breath at this time, she didn't suppress cultivation any more. He immediately knew that something might happen.

So he got up and quickly went to Han Qianxue to see what she was going to do.

He is faster, but even so, when he sees Han Qianxue, the other party has entered the warehouse, and lightly puts down two rough men. With her realm, it is not difficult.

She lifted the black cloth, the little girl also looked at her, a face of joy: "sister want to save me?"

Seeing this, Jiang Fan rushed to her directly.

"Stop it

Two people at the same time, one is Jiang Fan, the other voice again in the air, it is obvious that the sound is here.

The lower deck was full of excitement. The monks rushed here one after another. The two monks who had changed their lives rushed here one after another. The speed was very fast.

Seeing this, the little girl said in a hurry, "sister, help me."

Han Qianxue doesn't care about Jiang Fan. A silver dagger appears and cuts the iron like mud. He will cut the iron cage open directly.

The little girl's eyes were shining and her face was surprised.

But just when the dagger was about to fall on the cage, a jade like hand directly stopped in front of it. It caught the dagger, jumped out in a flash, and produced a series of sparks. Finally, it cut the palm of the hand and let out a bloodstain, but stopped the dagger.

It is Jiang Fan who has such a powerful body.

"Han Da Mei, you are too messy."

Jiang Fan said, holding her dagger, Han Qianxue surprised, she did not want to hurt Jiang Fan, but also did not expect Jiang fan so determined.

At this time, the woman in red came in from the door and saw the two people in a coma. She frowned and said, "what's the matter? Who is so unruly? "

Jiang Fan stood in front of Han Qianxue and said to the woman, "elder sister, it's just a misunderstanding. My friend didn't get the picture

Han Qianxue suddenly opened her mouth and glared at the woman in red: "chief, you are also a woman. You have done this kind of slave trade. What will happen to this girl when she comes to the Baisha islands? You don't know as a woman? Why are you so vicious? "

Jiang Fan sees her so, cover forehead some helpless, turn back a way: "you don't know the circumstance."

The woman in red looked at Han Qianxue with great interest: "girl? You are a delicate girl. If this boy hadn't stopped you, I would have sold you to villain's Bay! "

Han Qianxue frowned at Jiang Fan: "I didn't expect you to compromise like this. Do you want to go

Jiang Fan said in a low voice: "elder sister always does things according to the rules. These people are sent to villain's Bay because they are to blame."

With that, he suddenly looked at the little girl, the dagger in his hand directly threw at the little girl, the breath was strong, even if it was not his Lingbao, the destructive power of this auspicious was also super strong.

"No!" Han Qianxue is busy.

But Jiang Fan's eyes were cold, and the dagger had been thrown out.

The girl suddenly gave out a sharp sound and turned into a black fog at the next moment. Then she gathered together. Her arms were cut and black blood flowed out. She looked at Jiang Fan fiercely and her voice was hoarse: "son of a bitch, I won't let you go."

Where is this voice still a girl? It's an old woman at all. It sounds like goose bumps.

Jiang Fan sneered: "you can go out of villain's Bay."

Han Qianxue suddenly fell into the ice cave, and the word "evil repair" came to her mind.

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "Han Da Mei, you've become too kind in the past. Let this thing have a chance. I'm afraid there are countless lives in her hands. "

That is shut of evil repair, cold eye saw Han Qian snow, have no facial expression, become very indifferent.

The woman in red said, "you have brought down two of my men. How can I calculate this account?"Jiang Fan said, "let's double the fare. Is that ok?"

The woman in red was just about to nod her head when a man's voice in the rear rang out: "chief, if you can help me catch these two people, I'm willing to pay ten times the fare."

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