The five color stone began to glow slowly. Jiang Fan's eyes swept around, looking for the entrance.

But there was nothing around.

The light of the five colored stone keeps flashing, and the entrance is nearby.

"Not on the ground! Is that right? "

Thinking of this, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the air. He felt a force flying over his head. With his naked eyes, he could not tell what it was.

Jiang Fan infuses the spirit power into the five colored stone. The next moment, the breath of the five colored stone suddenly increases, and all the forces rush up into the sky, directly connecting to the breath in the air.

At this time, Jiang Fan did not dare to relax.

He could feel as if something had been opened above. The next moment, a light column appeared out of thin air and fell directly down to the ground.

The five color stone is shining with a strong power of the five elements, which is injected into the light column.

Jiang fan can clearly see the huge spiritual power running, and a door formed by the convergence of spiritual power appears in front of him.

The five color stone was directly inhaled by a force. Jiang Fan did not stay, but directly followed into it. This foot seemed to step into another world, and the surrounding atmosphere became completely different.

Yellow sand is replaced by rich woods, and the murmuring water can be heard in the distance, which is full of vitality.

The five color stone floats in front of Jiang Fan. I don't know what it stands for.

Jiang Fan put the stone away, and then walked forward. When he got here, he didn't have any more tips for him. The rest had to be explored by himself.

This is a small world, full of spiritual power, and the forest is accompanied by a strong breath of life, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Jiang Fan didn't know that after he entered the land of the five elements, the light column in the yellow sand didn't disappear. As long as the distance is not very far, you can clearly see the light column, and the entrance is not closed. Anyone can enter it.

One day later, the three figures arrived here, looking a little embarrassed. Obviously, they encountered a big trouble on their way here.

But at this time, looking at the light column and the entrance, the three faces were surprised.

"There's a secret place in the yellow sand area, sister Xue rou. You're right. The pharmacist is really magical. He knows that there's a secret place to open. Unfortunately, we don't know what it is. Shall we go in and have a look?"

Xue Rou nodded: "since we are here, of course we should go in and have a look."

With that, she took the lead, followed by the other two.

Soon after they entered, the other four arrived here. They were surprised and excited to see the entrance to the secret place.

"Boss, do you think this entrance is what the master said about inheritance?"

The young man's eyes twinkled, but he was not sure, but he quickly said: "whether he is or not, let's go and have a look first. We gave up the secret place of qingyuemen to come here. Maybe our chance is here."

Without hesitation, they entered the secret place directly, full of expectation.

On the other side, Jiang Fan had been walking in the woods all day, and met a few spirit beasts. He was not very aggressive.

According to Hong Tianlin, at the beginning, they came to the final inheritance only after a narrow escape. The superficial calm may be just a cover for the hidden murders.

Jiang Fan found the river and walked all the way up the river. His speed was not slow. He had no purpose in such a large space, so he could only walk and watch.

Now he is very confident in his own feelings. Compared with those years, his spirit has been enhanced a lot. Jiang fan doesn't know who brought this to him, but he can hardly make mistakes by relying on his feelings.

Even if you really encounter a crisis, you can get rid of it every time. Now that you have grown up, there is nothing more difficult for him.

All the way forward, the five colored stone has always been in the palm of his hand. If this key can guide him, it can save him a lot of trouble.

It's a pity that after wuse Shi entered this secret place, he never felt any more, and the powerful power of the five elements disappeared.

But on the afternoon of the third day, Jiang Fan saw a footprints along the river. They were very new, obviously belonging to human beings, and they were not long left.

Jiang Fan was a little surprised: "are there any aborigines here?"

He carefully sensed the breath around him, and lowered his breath, ready to find this person first.

No matter the outsiders or the natives here, they must know this secret place better than him.

Soon he found the second footprint not far away. Seeing that the direction of the footprint had left the river and entered the woods, Jiang Fan rushed in that direction, releasing his consciousness and perceiving the surrounding situation.

After walking for a long time, he didn't see a figure. When he hesitated, a black wind suddenly blew up. Jiang Fan felt the huge breath coming towards him.

The powerful breath far exceeded his power. There was something in the black wind, but Jiang Fan could not see what it was.Suddenly, there was no time to dodge. He mobilized his spiritual power and prepared to resist.

At this time, he was directly pulled away by something.

Without waiting for his reaction, someone behind him covered his mouth and kept him quiet.

Jiang Fan squinted and saw that it was a man, looking at the direction of the black wind. His eyes were full of vigilance, and his brows were slightly wrinkled. He could not see the realm.

"Which village boy are you? How dare you rush into the ghost forest?"

Just one sentence has proved his identity. He is a native of this secret place. However, to Jiang Fan's surprise, there are several villages here. The person around him has a very weak breath, which makes him feel the same as ordinary people. However, his strong strength and agility are not inferior to a life-threatening physical training monk, which can subvert his identity I know.

Jiang Fan had seen the world before, and he knew that a strong man had made great achievements by taking the physical body as the Tao, and created the realm of extermination.

But apart from him, I have never heard of anyone who can reach this level only by physical body.

He spoke ancient language. Jiang Fan responded directly: "I got lost and ran into this forest by mistake."

The man with Jiang Fan jumped from the tree, looked at Jiang Fan's dress, black military clothes, did not feel much strange.

"Hurry back to the village. These wind demons are rampant in the dark. Don't walk around."

Jiang Fan shook his head directly: "I don't belong here, I was blown here by a demon wind."

Man picks eyebrow: "are you not from Tianmu district? No wonder you can't rush here. Which area are you from? "

Jiang Fan seemed to know something and said directly, "I'm from Tianhuo district."

"It's really strange. The sky fire area is far away from us. What wind blows you here? Is there another natural disaster? What's more, why is your five elements so weak? It's a pity that you have a good body

The man patted on Jiang Fan and pinched him, a pity on his face.

Jiang Fan said: "maybe it's inborn deficiency."

Jiang Fan's answer is very cautious, but he probably knows something about the world. At least he doesn't have to bump around like a fly.

"The people in Tianhuo area always regard themselves as having high fighting power. I didn't expect that not everyone has such strength."

Jiang fan then said, "master, I don't know how to return. Please give me some advice."

The man nodded: "you are so young. It seems that you have never been out. You come with me first. This is not a place for chatting. After that, I'll talk to you slowly."

Jiang Fan didn't say much. He followed the man and shuttled through the woods. From time to time, the man would stop and ask Jiang Fan not to make a sound.

For the existence of the black wind, Jiang Fan has not yet made clear what it is. He doesn't ask much after the man.

About ten minutes later, the man suddenly squatted down, then took out a dagger from his arms, and said in a deep voice: "boy, you wait for me here, don't move."

With that, he moved straight ahead, his eyes full of vigilance and didn't know what he saw.

The grass on his right side suddenly moved. The next moment, a black wind came up and blew on him.

This time, Jiang Fan could see clearly that the black wind came out of the grass, and the figure inside was actually a big black snake. However, the speed of the snake was amazing. It was hidden in the black wind and could not be found without paying attention.

Jiang fan can clearly feel the spirit power contained in the snake. The man was caught off guard and was blown away by the black wind. Jiang Fan quickly followed. Now that he is ready, Jiang Fan will not give in.

Ow -

a roar of beast came from a distance. Jiang Fan ran after him quickly and saw that the man was entangled with a group of black demons.

Self study a look, the man is and a big black snake scuffle, quite brave, the dagger in the hands of the black snake constantly left wounds.

However, the black snake quickly counterattacked, not like the snake outside, but opened its mouth and showed its sharp fangs.

Jiang Fan knew that it was not a snake, but a strange animal in ancient times. It just looked like a snake.

Jiang Fan wants to help, but he is afraid of exposing his identity. He is certainly not the first outsider to come here. The day after he exposes his identity, he knows what he will face. Maybe it's the pursuit of the whole secret place.

The battle lasted half an hour, and the big black snake like creature fell into a pool of blood, dying.

The man was covered in blood and had a few more injuries. He was lying on the ground panting.

After a short rest, he struggled to get up and cut off the creature's neck with a dagger, which was a relief.

Jiang fan then walked towards him, his whole body trembled, obviously startled, when he saw that it was Jiang Fan, he relaxed.

"I asked you to wait for me over there. Why did you come here all of a sudden? To scare me, I thought there was another snake like demon. "

Hearing the name of snake like demon, Jiang Fan was shocked. He was really a strange animal in ancient times. It was like a snake but not a snake. He had strong fighting power. However, in Jiang Fan's eyes, there was another situation, which was the material of alchemy.This kind of snake demon is the best material for alchemy. Even in ancient times, it is very rare and rare.

There are several kinds of high-quality pills that need this material to be made. The outside world has long been extinct. After the collapse of ancient times, this kind of creature never appeared again. I didn't expect to meet it here.

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