The man killed this kind of snake demon, threw it aside, lay down again and had a good rest.

Although Jiang Fan wants to take it away, it's the other party's death. Jiang fan is embarrassed to take it away.

He went forward to find a hemostatic pill and handed it to the man: "this is a hemostatic pill. Stop bleeding quickly, or it will have a great impact on your body."

The man took the pill, looked at it carefully, and then said: "sure enough, it's from Tianhuo district. Only you know how to refine the pill, but we don't need it because we take everything from the forest in Tianmu district."

Finish saying, find out a hemostatic grass directly from the bosom, put it directly in the mouth and begin to chew.

The bitter and unpleasant smell appeared, and the man curled his mouth. He obviously didn't like the taste.

This hemostatic herb is very common and can be seen frequently in the forest.

Finally, he spat out the dregs and applied them on the wound. Then he got up, walked a few steps, leaned against a tree and had a rest.

That kind of snake demon just dropped on the ground and didn't look at it.

Jiang Fan said: "this hemostatic herb works. I'm afraid you are bleeding too much."

With that, he went forward to take the hemostatic pill. Although the man was reluctant, he knew how much pain he had.

After taking the pill, the power of the pill is instantly integrated into the whole body, and the hemostatic effect is very obvious, which makes him stunned and surprised.

Not only him, but also Jiang Fan was surprised. The effect of Zhixue Dan is really good, but it can't achieve this effect. This person's physical constitution is very special.

The man felt his change and was surprised to say: "the effect of your hemostatic pill is so good. No wonder the people in Tianhuo district all have their eyes above the top. With the pill, they really don't worry about fighting."

With that, he got up and dusted himself, and said to Jiang Fan, "I'll take you back to the village."

Then he took out his dagger and cut off the snake's head to take it away.

Jiang Fan asked: "the others are thrown away?"

"What do you want it to do? It's terrible, and the blood is poisonous. If he hadn't threatened the safety of the village nearby, I wouldn't have killed him. This thing is very hateful. People who often attack the village will be killed in every village as long as they appear nearby. "

Jiang Fan swallowed and didn't say much.

The man turned to leave, he secretly put that kind of snake demon into the treasure bag, how could he be willing to throw away such good refining materials?

While walking, Jiang Fan recalled the battle of the man just now, and the strength of the snake demon.

Jiang fan can basically conclude that the strength of this man should be in nine times to take his life. Compared with his age, his fighting power is absolutely not weak. After all, nine times to take his life can be regarded as the mainstay among many forces.

He wanted to give this guy a diagnosis. His constitution must be different from that of other monks. He must study it carefully when he has a chance.

As the man walked, he didn't know what he was muttering. Jiang Fan listened to him and found that he was muttering, "don't come again, don't come again!"

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "what are you mumbling about?"

Man a Leng, even busy way: "low voice point, a while and then the snake demon attracted, I can't beat."

"I've been able to fight just now. I'm very confident that you can handle it."

The man shook his head again and again: "you think I'm iron, don't have physical strength? If you are not careful, I may die in the forest. At that time, you can't get out of the forest. I'm going to expose my corpse in the wilderness

But after this, the man also relaxed a lot, and Jiang Fan whispered.

The man's name is Qin Shaoge. He is the first warrior in his village. He is the one who guards the village and sends the demon.

Come to the river, clear blood on the body, Jiang fan can see his wounds. It can be imagined that where there is no elixir, just relying on herbal medicine to stop bleeding, fighting with such a powerful snake like demon, it is a miracle to survive.

Jiang Fan asked: "why don't you find more people to join hands? It's too dangerous to act alone. "

Qin Shaoge washed his face and looked calm.

"One more person will die, one more person can solve it, one more person can solve it."

Hearing this, Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "how can we see that there is a greater chance for many people to survive together? Even if you are seriously injured, you can be cured, and you will not be exposed in the wilderness, will you

"You people in other areas don't understand our rules. Some things can't be touched. Unfortunately, for the sake of the village, they have to be touched. People like us can't escape death. Every time we go back alive, we will get back a life and live a little longer."

Speaking of this, he smiles on his face, and then says: "at least some of my children don't have to go my old way, they can avoid the bad jobs of going out in the future."

Jiang Fan hears this but some don't understand, frown a way: "can't escape to die?"

"Do you think these things are for nothing? Their revenge is even more terrible... "

After that, he picked up the snake head and motioned to Jiang Fan. Jiang Fan could see that the snake demon's eyes were dark with cold light. Even if he was dead, he could still feel the cold killing intention and had no feelings.Without waiting for Jiang Fan to ask more, Qin Shaoge suddenly trembled and pressed him to the ground the next moment.

Jiang Fan was stunned, then Qin Shaoge's body flew out and hit the tree beside him with blood.

A black wind blew over Jiang Fan, twice as big as what I saw before.

This thing came and went without a trace. He couldn't feel the breath at all. Even though Jiang Fan was careful enough, he didn't realize that it was close.

"Let's go!"

Jiang Fan heard the words of Qin Shaoge and looked at him. He found that Qin Shaoge had rushed to the black wind with his sword.

Jiang Fan did not expect that he would be protected by an unknown person behind him. The figure was still so unrepentant.

"I'll help you!" Jiang Fan spoke.

But Qin Shaoge immediately said: "this is the demon king. He came to me. This is fate. Go away quickly. It's up to you to get out of the ghost forest. I don't want to go with two people on huangquan road. Ha ha... "

Although he couldn't see his face, Jiang Fan knew that he was really smiling and fearless. Maybe he had already thought of such a result.

Just when he was about to collide with the black wind, he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, pulled back, and a figure directly blocked in front of him.

It's Jiang Fan: "I'm most afraid of being ungrateful."

At this time, Jiang Fan's breath breaks out completely, and Dan daopian moves, and the snake releases its power.

He raised his fist and smashed it at the black wind.

Bang -

there was a huge explosion. Jiang Fan and the black wind flew out towards the rear at the same time, and Jiang Fan bumped Qin Shaoge out together.

A moment later, the tree stopped.

Jiang Fan didn't care about Qin Shaoge, so he got up and rushed to the black wind again. The strength of this kind of snake demon king is far more than that of the previous one, and has surpassed the lethal realm.

As a monk, Jiang Fan may turn around and take people away, but this kind of snake demon doesn't use spiritual power. He relies on this powerful body to fight. Now Jiang Fan's most powerful body is this body, and he is confident that his body strength will never be inferior to this kind of snake demon king.

Qin Shaoge was hit by the previous seven halos eight elements, but he soon woke up, just to see Jiang Fan rushed up again, the momentum is very amazing, and he thought completely different.

But what shocked him even more was the next second. Jiang Fan didn't know what he had eaten. At the next moment, his body expanded a little, and he rushed to the snake demon king.

Originally, he thought Jiang Fan would be hit again, but this time, Jiang Fan caught each other, and the power completely suppressed the huge figure.

Sheng Sheng hugs each other and falls to the ground.

I saw Jiang Fan directly riding on the huge head, punching each other one after another.

That strange power is simply terrible, and this of course owes to Shenli Dan. If this snake demon king is killed, Jiang Fan will make a lot of money, so he doesn't care.

Qin Shaoge looked at Jiang Fan as if he were a monster, because Jiang Fan's body was shining, like a jade treasure.

The black snake demon king kept rolling on the ground, hoping to get rid of Jiang Fan's control.

But Jiang Fan suddenly grabs his upper and lower mouths and opens them with force. With a roar, the wind and cloud change color

Click -

the sound of bone fracture appeared, and Jiang Fan broke his chin.

A long knife appears in Jiang Fan's hand out of thin air. The next moment he starts to cut off his head. Jiang Fan's long knife cuts into his hard skin as easily as cutting tofu.

Even Jiang Fan didn't expect to solve this guy so easily.

His physical body has already exceeded the limit, far beyond the friars of the lethal realm. With Shenli Dan, he really gave play to the powerful fighting power of the physical body.

After being beheaded, the huge body was still moving. It slowly stopped after breaking several trees. After a few convulsions, it lost its vitality.

Jiang Fan directly kicked his head to Qin Shaoge, and his body was directly put into the treasure bag. The efficacy of Shenli Dan disappeared at this time. In an instant, Jiang Fan felt as if he had taken off his strength. His arms were sore and his legs were trembling. It had never happened before when he took Shenli Dan.

Seeing the huge head of the snake like demon king, Qin Shaoge regained his mind and quickly got up and ran to Jiang Fan.

He grabbed Jiang Fan's arm and looked at it carefully. Where was the precious light just like jade.

"A little off! You What kind of monster are you? You know you killed a demon king

Jiang Fan said: "I've tried my best. I can't fight another one."

Qin Shaoge said, "let's go back to the village first. Are all the warriors in heaven fire so strong? You were just like a monster. It's incredible that the five elements in your body can burst out such a powerful force. "

He supported Jiang Fan and picked up two snakeheads. He was in a good mood.

Jiang Fan just grabs his hand and feels the situation in his body with the power of Dan Dao. He also wants to see why the friars in the land of five elements are so strange.When the divine sense came into it, Jiang Fan was shocked. It was a strange constitution.

If you put it outside, this Constitution can definitely be called divine body.

There are a lot of five elements in the physical body. They nourish the physical body with mutual power and make the physical body more powerful.

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