The number of elixirs is so rare, which is obviously different from the ordinary treasure land.

If it wasn't for Jiang Fan's perception of Dan, it would not be easy to find this kind of problem.

Jiang Fan closed his eyes and carefully felt the spiritual power here. It's real and full-bodied. It's definitely a treasure land of geomantic omen.

He didn't think much about it and flew directly to the nearest elixir.

His speed is not slow, and now few people have arrived here. No one bothers him. He can toss about freely.

After understanding the strange legend of the nine mountains, he has already made plans. With the strange spiritual power array in his body, as long as he tries it skillfully, maybe he can really influence many things. How can he know if he can?

The elixir grew under a huge stone. Jiang Fan overturned the huge stone with his strength, and then he saw the small earthy yellow flower.

Jiang fan can see this elixir, but his eyes jump: "spring flower?"

It's a strange elixir. It's not common. It grows in the extreme Yin place. However, there are not many pills that can be refined, and poisons need it more.

But it's not the place where this elixir grows. It shouldn't be here.

Jiang Fan carefully observed the surroundings, and then carefully picked the spring flower and put it into the treasure bag. After all, this kind of material is very rare.

Put away the spring flowers, he continued to drive towards the next elixir.

In the dense forest, Jiang Fan's figure shuttles among them. In a weed, he finds another elixir. But the yellow flower startles Jiang Fan again and turns out to be a spring flower.

Although it is a bit more gloomy than before, there is no extremely Yin Qi, which is not suitable for the growth of spring flowers.

He frowned slightly, took off the yellow spring flower, and after putting it away, he stared at the yellow spring flower in his hand for a long time. The yellow spring flower is perfect and has been nourished for a long time. It's definitely not as simple as it looks.

She knows the elixir very well, and the living environment of these things is also recorded in the chapter of Dan Dao. If there is only one plant, it may be accidental, but it is not one plant here, it is absolutely not accidental.

Come back and continue to look for the next elixir.

The distance between them was not close. Twenty minutes later, in a wet forest, I saw another kind of elixir.

The individual of this elixir is very small. Under the yellow leaves, it bears three yellow fruits, and has a strange spirit power.

"Yellow spring fruit!"

This time, he did not have the kind of surprise before, and he had all guesses in his heart.

Now that the secret place is opened, the spiritual power here flows and gathers the Qi of the whole heaven. But after the secret place is closed, it may be a different scene, or it may turn into a place of extreme Yin. Otherwise, the appearance of these elixirs can't be explained at all.

But this explanation made Jiang Fan's mind sink and associate with many things.

In a place of extreme Yin, it is very easy for strange things to happen when special forces are gathered.

Recalling what Meng Shaojie said before, it seems that everything is easier to explain.

He has no mind to continue looking for the next elixir. The mountain is definitely not as simple as it seems.

He looked up at the top, then flew directly into the air, and wanted to look down on the mountain from the top, maybe he could see the difference.

When he got to the high altitude and looked down, he was stunned. Then he turned Qihai Lingli and xiaoyueer's Lingli. Mysterious lines appeared on her black clothes, and the scene was completely changed. It was very shocking.

At this time, he saw a huge array running, gathering the surrounding spiritual power on the mountain, as if suppressing something.

Under the array, Yin Qi flows, constantly impacting the array.

He couldn't help looking at the other peaks, only to find that the nine peaks were all like this. The nine great formations were involved in nature, linked in breath, restrained and suppressed each other.

If it wasn't for the strangeness of the skill that made him feel the difference, I'm afraid he would never have noticed the strangeness here.

However, after he calmed down, Jiang Fan went back to the mountain, sat in the same place, closed his eyes and thought about the ancient legends he knew. Unfortunately, no similar legend could be found despite how he recalled them. However, these nine mountains are nine extremely shady places. This kind of thing is simply shocking, and no one would believe it if he said it.

But one thing is certain, since there is such a legend, it really needs to be so extraordinary here.

Whether it's a place of geomantic omen or a place of extreme Yin, it doesn't have much influence on Jiang Fan. His goal is very simple: to open the big formation, let the city appear, and fight for the only quota.

This time, he didn't say much. He called those little guys out directly.

As soon as the seven little guys appeared, they all frowned.

"Master, the smell here is very uncomfortable."

Jiang Fan said with a smile, "can you feel the difference here?"

"It's not suitable for our cultivation. It's hard to absorb the spiritual power here. It seems that it's fake."

"It seems that you Tiandi precious medicines have stronger perception of the natural force than human beings. You are better at Dundi. Can you take me with you?"Listening to Jiang Fan's question, the seven little guys chirped and obviously wanted to express themselves. They all patted their chests and assured Jiang fan that they would take him safely.

For them, Jiang Fan was very relieved.

If you can't see the array from the outside, go to the mountains to see what else is strange.

The seven little guys gathered their breath on Jiang Fan. The next moment, they took him to the earth and disappeared in the same place.

Jiang Fan himself knows some skills of escaping, but compared with these elixirs, he is really a little bit of a wizard.

As he continued to escape into the mountains, Jiang Fan gradually realized the breath of the array. It was huge and came from the mountains. It was obvious that there were holes in it.

But the closer they got, the smaller their voices became. At last, they all kept silent and their faces changed.

Jiang Fan said, "can you feel anything?"

One of them, with a serious expression, said in a deep voice: "master, there is no life here. Otherwise, we'd better go back."

Jiang Fan said with a smile: "send me to the front, you can go back, and I can solve the rest."

There are several small guy's spiritual power package, the surrounding rocks can't get close, it's almost unimpeded.

A few minutes later, suddenly around a relaxed, unexpectedly came to a cave, emitting bursts of chill.

With a wave of his hand, Jiang Fan sent some little ones back to the cave. Then the whole person floated in the cave, and the bottom was not visible. He played a fireball to light up the surroundings. The fireball fell down and didn't see the bottom until it went out.

He adjusted his figure and slowly fell down, but not far away. It seemed that he was standing on top of something. After a careful perception, he found that he was blocked by the barrier of the array, and the spirit power could enter it freely.

He carefully perceives the breath of the barrier, which is exactly the power of the array that he perceives before. He knows that it represents power, and it is this array that suppresses the original power of the mountain.

Jiang Fan put his hands on the barrier and carefully felt the power of the array. His whole body's spiritual power was working, and his clothes were shining with each other again. The spiritual power was instantly expanded and injected into the array.

It's a risky move. Jiang fan doesn't know what's going on under the array, but if he wants to understand the situation, he has to take a chance. What's more, he has a back hand.

This array is more powerful than he imagined. The spirit power is injected into the array quickly, and there is no response at all.

When the array was running, Jiang Fan was shocked by the powerful spirit power. His spirit power was injected into the sea without any response.

However, he is not worried. As long as you let him grasp that spiritual power, he can integrate into the array and send himself into the array.

Three hours later, the originally calm Jiang Fan suddenly raised his mouth and showed a smile on his face.

The spirit power of Qihai breaks out again. The next moment, the body begins to sink and sink into the array.

In just three hours, he almost consumed half of his spiritual power. If the time was longer, he would have to take pills to support him. In that case, some of the gains would not be worth the losses.

Soon, Jiang Fan disappeared above the barrier, and the whole person disappeared. The existence of the abyss was just an illusion, which was not the case under the array.

Jiang Fan at this time in the rapid fall, strong pressure let him some unprepared.

It was dark around, and the power of extreme Yin covered his whole body instantly, which made him very uncomfortable.

He adjusted his body with spiritual power, and then looked down.

The scene before him made Jiang Fan tremble. It was a city, empty. But what shocked Jiang Fan was not the city, but a huge mound outside the city. In other words, it should be a huge grave, and he didn't know what was buried.

He slowly fell to the ground, not calm.

He found out the spring flowers he had just collected and refined them on the spot with several other materials. Half an hour later, three black pills came out of the oven and Jiang Fan took them directly for a moment.

It immediately dispelled the discomfort of the breath to the body, which made the whole body relaxed a lot.

At this time, he was outside the city, with the city on one side and the grave on the other. Jiang Fan thought carefully and decided to go to the city before.

The gate is closed and lifeless.

He flew into the city, the style of the building is simple, almost undamaged.

There's no breath in the city. It's dead.

Walking on the street in the city, he found that the ground was carved with patterns, which should be array lines. It can be seen that the city is not as simple as it looks.

He was almost sure that no one had lived in the city, and there was no trace of life.

He walked into a tavern, where the tables and chairs were brand new, and the workmanship was very exquisite, more like works of art.

Along the way, we found that the area of the city was very large, almost equal to the area of the capital of Lihuo Dynasty. It would be a pity if such a city was only used for inheritance.

In front of the highest building, Jiang Fan saw a figure. He knelt down toward the building, as if praying and repenting, but he didn't feel any vitality,After Jiang Fan approached, he found that this guy was already a mummy, but he hadn't rotted for so many years. He could see what he looked like and didn't know his identity.

He looked up in the direction of the building, which was like a palace. The door of the building was open, and he walked over without thinking about it.

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