The so-called master of Arts is bold. Jiang fan doesn't know what's in the palace, but Jiang fan knows that there must be some secret waiting for him.

After stepping into the palace, it was still dark.

But I can see everything around me.

The architectural style here is very old, absolutely from the ancient times, a God is located in the distance, surrounded by a special spiritual force, so people can not see his appearance clearly.

Even if Jiang Fan came near, he could not really see his face clearly.

Jiang Fan's eyes were as bright as a torch. He mobilized his inner spiritual power and gradually saw the situation through that power.

He was shocked because he saw a familiar face. He could not help but step back. It was himself.

"No way!" There was a cry in his heart.

But then he calmed down.

He has experienced so many strange things since his rebirth that there is no reason to be scared by a statue.

He held his breath and concentrated his mind.

Shenzhi held the platform and looked at the face of the statue again. The face gradually changed, but finally it became faceless. There were no facial features on the whole face, as if it had not been carved.

Just now, all that should be an illusion. Jiang Fan didn't expect that he would be affected so easily. It can be seen that the array here is not weak, and it's very strange.

Where does that special force belong? Jiang fan can't feel it.

Through the main hall, Jiang Fan's divine consciousness has been released, Dan daopian operation, constantly let himself maintain the highest vigilance.

There are murals on both sides of the long corridor, which attract Jiang Fan's attention.

This is obviously a history, about this city.

The fire of war burned to the whole city, and people died constantly. The city's experts fought back, but they couldn't fight back.

The array in the city was opened and all the enemies were wiped out, but there were not many people alive in the city. A figure went outside the hall and knelt down. This is the only one who can open the big battle in the city. Unfortunately, he was led out of the city and couldn't return in time, which led to a big mistake and became a sinner.

However, the mural only came here, and did not introduce the tomb outside the city.

He continued to walk forward, but he still didn't find anything. After a turn, Jiang Fan returned to the original road and was ready to leave the palace.

When he returned to the main hall, everything was as usual, and there was no change when he came.

But when he was ready to leave, he was stunned, because he felt something was watching him.

He suddenly looked over there. There was nothing there but the statue standing there with no breath.

He didn't say much and turned away from the palace, which was absolutely unusual.

But after leaving the palace, the corpse kneeling on the square disappeared, which made Jiang Fan stunned again and suddenly patted his forehead. What did he think of.

"This is a place of extreme Yin. If the corpse had been here for so many years, it would have given birth to wisdom. I'm afraid the corpse would have been resurrected."

He looked around, but he didn't see the corpse. He didn't speak any more. He turned and walked towards the gate.

However, he has been perceiving the path of the array at his feet all the way. He found that after the operation of the array, he is likely to break through the big array above and return to the outside world.

That should be the origin of the city on the nine mountains. The inheritance is also in the city, but it has not yet been opened.

Jiang fan doesn't think about it any more. He leaves here first and looks outside the city.

Leaving the city, the grave appeared far ahead, gloomy and terrifying.

In a strong curiosity, Jiang Fan still moved his steps in that direction. No matter what was buried inside, it must have some connection with the final inheritance.

But it's a very shady place. It's a good place to raise corpses. It's hard to guarantee that there won't be a terrible existence. It's hard to deal with at that time.

However, his method of controlling fire and other kinds of abnormal fire are good ways to restrain such monks, so Jiang fan is not very afraid. Since he came in, he didn't intend to leave easily.

As he approached the grave, the surroundings became more gloomy. The cold was different from the ice and snow, which would make people stand on their heads. Even though Jiang Fan had some plans, he still felt strong pressure.

Just as he approached, Jiang Fan suddenly saw a figure looking at him in the distance. After Jiang Fan found him, he turned and ran directly into a cave on the grave.

Jiang Fan saw clearly, the figure was the guy who knelt down in the city before, but at this time, where was it like a corpse? The body is not very flexible.

"This thing has given birth to spiritual consciousness. It must know a lot of things. It seems that catching him is the most direct way."

Thinking of this, Jiang Fan directly and quickly chased there. He was not slow, and soon came to the cave and chased in.

Although seemingly reckless, Jiang Fan's divine consciousness is highly concentrated. If something is wrong, he will not continue to take risks.

The mummy didn't give out any breath, and because of this, Jiang Fan's divine sense couldn't lock him, so he could only walk and see one step at a time.Can not go far, there have been a lot of forks, no breath came, Jiang Fan stopped, did not rashly go deep among them.

He has always been very vigilant, and so is he at this time.

He turned his eyes, then thought of something, then turned to exit the cave, and then hid near the cave, which was very secret and could not be found if he didn't pay attention.

He recalled the story on the mural. The identity of the corpse was probably the sinner of the city. Even if he had fallen for so many years, he would still go there to kneel down. It can be seen how much influence that had on him.

As long as he still wants to kneel down, he will inevitably appear. Since this is the exit, as long as he hides here, he will not come out. Catch him first.

After waiting for half a day, Jiang Fan, who had planned to practice for a while, suddenly saw a head sticking out of the cave, and then looked out. He found that there was no one. Then he came out and was ready to go to the city.

Jiang Fan mouth up, directly behind him, a grasp of his shoulder: "still want to run?"

But the next moment, the corpse turned his head and looked at Jiang Fan, grinning, showing his rotten teeth, with a sly smile, which made Jiang Fan's heart sink.

The next moment, he was bitten by something on his neck. He felt a stabbing pain, then his consciousness was blurred, and he fainted.

In a coma, Jiang Fan secretly scolded himself as a fool, and even underestimated the wisdom of the corpse, which was definitely not only his own.

However, with Dan daopian to protect his body, he soon recovered a little consciousness.

Dan Dao continuously suppresses the toxin on the neck, does not let that toxin gather the whole body, this lets Jiang fan calm down.

He didn't wake up immediately, because he found himself moving, as if he was being carried by something, a little bumpy.

He opened his eyes slightly and found that he was carried into the tomb by four mummies. It was not bright around and he could not see too much clearly.

Jiang fan is not in a hurry, first secretly adjust his state at this time.

He knows very well that he must be calm at this time to solve the matter.

However, he soon found that the four mummies were talking about something in the ancient language, which soon attracted Jiang Fan's interest.

"This is a human. If we catch him, the ghost king will surely reward us."

"It seems that the secret of connecting with the outside world has been opened again. No wonder the atmosphere here is so depressed these days that even the ghost town is suppressed in the mountains and can't go out. It turns out that human beings have come in again. It's a pity that the boy is short of Yang. I don't know if the ghost king likes him or not. "

Jiang Fan changed his breath with pills in order to avoid the influence of extreme Yin force on him, which is also the reason why they can't feel Yang Qi.

"The boy has been to ghost town, but how did he find it? When the secret place is opened, the ghost town is suppressed by the big array and can't connect with the outside world at all. If he can find it, he must have some skills. Maybe he can become the servant of the ghost king. Their qualifications are much better than ours. "

"What about strong fighting power? Have you been poisoned by our corpse poison? "

At this time, another sound came from the corpse kneeling in the city.

"Stop talking nonsense! When we get to this ghost land, we can only blame him for his own misfortune. "

The next moment, an array suddenly appeared, trapping all the mummies in it. Jiang Fan woke up and looked at them with a smile, not afraid.

He's a monk. What kind of monsters have you never seen? It's just a few mummies. He's seen a lot.

"Bad luck for me? But in my opinion, you are going to have bad luck. "

The flame rose, with the color of green, affecting their fire.

The fire of God is the fire of the existence of the monks in this vein. The extinction of the fire represents the disappearance of their mind. Even if the mind is born again several years later, it is not the same now.

At the same time, they backed back, but they did not dare to approach Jiang Fan.

One of them said in a trembling voice, "you How can you be ok? "

Jiang Fan touched his neck and said sarcastically, "don't you think a little bit of corpse poison can make me lose my fighting power?"

He had a tremendous momentum, and the fire exploded, forcing them all to the corner.

Jiang Fan's voice sounded again: "if you don't want to die again, you can say whatever I ask. Whoever answers quickly will live longer."

He looked at these guys with a little fun, not nervous.

Ghosts are always frightening. They never dream of being threatened by a human being at this time.

Before they could answer, Jiang Fan began to ask questions.

"How long has this ghost Kingdom been formed?"

Four guys said at the same time: "I don't know!"

Jiang Fan was a little surprised. He thought they were tough enough and would rather die than follow. Then he knew that he looked up at them.

"I'm afraid only the ghost king knows about this. We were not born long ago. I only know that the nine ghost regions besiege the nine cities, and the nine cities fall. The nine kings join hands to seal the nine ghost regions together with the nine cities in this secret place. "

Jiang Fan heard this, and finally figured out some things. This small world is not the backhand left by experts. It's a cage at all.However, he has heard some legends about these nine cities and nine ghost regions. Although they are not many, they are also a great event in ancient times.

There are nine kings in the nine cities. They are extremely powerful and powerful.

They ruled the territory, the nine cities united, supported each other, and rose together in troubled times.

But there will always be something.

In the heyday of the nine cities, heaven descended on the ghost land and disturbed the nine cities.

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