Hearing this, Wang Yingzhu frowned.

"It's this kind of existence. No wonder we can step into the extreme. Even in the ancient times, there were not many young people with such qualifications. Unfortunately, it was almost impossible for them to survive the last catastrophe. You are in a mess this time. "

Jiang asked the heaven, "there are some things that someone has to take the first step. It may not be impossible to do them against the heaven. If Jiang fan can really take that step, it will be a great good thing for the Jiang people and the Baizhan people. He is a disciple of the Jiang nationality. Of course, I hope he can keep growing up. "

Wang Yingzhu didn't have a good way: "even so, how can I explain to xian'er now? Now all the clansmen are going out to catch Jiang Fan. Xian'er has vowed to make a vow under the statue of his ancestors. Everything is settled. No matter what, you must bring Jiang Fan back to me to complete his mission. Even if he can't break through, at least he will leave his blood first. "

Jiang Wentian was about to speak when he heard a woman's voice coming from behind. It was Wang Xian.

"I will solve the problem of Jiang Fan by myself, patriarch. I will leave the holy land."

Her eyes are focused and she looks calm, but Jiang Wentian and her eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, which makes them feel a little bad.

Jiang Wentian said directly: "Wang Xian, don't worry. You can stay here. Jiang Fan, I will bring him back for you."

Wang Xian shook his head: "he's my man. Of course, I'll take him back myself. Anyway, I also want to go out for training. Jiang fan can't escape from my Wuzhishan. "

Wang Yingzhu asked, "xian'er, are you serious?"

Wang Xian nodded: "I have made an oath before my ancestors. Even if the bastard doesn't want to admit it, the fact is that I am the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family. I should catch that guy myself."

When they saw that she was ok, they were relieved.

Wang Yingzhu continued: "I can rest assured if you do this. Let's not talk about that. Did you hear what we said just now? "

She nodded. It turned out that she had been here early in the morning. She heard Jiang Fan's situation very clearly.

"Is Jiang Fan really going to die soon?" Her voice became a little lower, obviously some don't want to.

Jiang asked Heaven, "it's hard, but I have confidence in him, and so does he himself. With this realm, he can defeat you and escape from the Holy Land quietly, which shows his extraordinary. I think he will have some assurance that he can survive. In the future, you have to go ahead by yourself. Jiang Fan has no such qualifications, but he is determined to go out of this way and go against the sky. This is the foundation of his self-confidence. "

Wang Xian said, "I also believe that he can break through. In a word, I'll solve the problem of my man by myself, and ask the patriarch and the Jiang patriarch to complete it. "

Wang Yingzhu nodded: "since this is your own decision, I don't have much to say. As a woman of the Baizhan nationality, it's really a good chance for her to experience outside, but there are some things that you can't force. Do you understand? "

"Xian'er knows!"

Jiang asked the heaven, "in that case, you will stay with me for a while. I will also give you some information about Jiang Fan. His parents are not in the holy land of the Jiang family, but in the Jiang house of the Lihuo Dynasty, which is not far from here. "

Wang Yingzhu has some helplessness: "is my grandson still there now?"

Jiang asked Tianping Jing, "it's not just Jiang Chao, but Jiang Yao. But with him watching, it's not a big problem. "

"What's the extent of the child's injury? I'm afraid he can't bear the evil spirit in the ancient battlefield? When you go back, you pass by the Lihuo Dynasty. If he can't bear it, let him come here. I will help him with my cultivation. "

Jiang Wentian shook his head: "you don't have to worry. We've seen him before. His injuries have all healed. It seems that some powerful pharmacist should help. Take care of yourself. When you are free, you can go back to the holy land of the Jiang family to have a look. My father has passed the customs. "

After that, Wang Xian appeased the people.

Hearing that Wang Xian wanted to go to Jiang Fan in person, the women all gave their support.

They are just afraid of Wang Xian's heartbreak, but if Wang Xian responds aggressively, they will give their full support, because their character is like this. They dare to love and hate, and they always maintain the self-confidence of the Jedi.

"Come on, xian'er, take that smelly boy down and get him back!" Someone yelled.

"I will defeat him again and again, and let him know the consequences of escaping marriage!"

In the face of the support of the ethnic people, Wang Xian seldom smiles, which also strengthens her confidence. She needs to fight for some things by herself. It's impossible to wait for Jiang Fan to come back.

From looking down on Jiang Fan to being defeated by Jiang Fan, to the expectation after engagement and disappointment after escaping marriage, these short days have a great impact on her mood.

Fortunately, she can adjust as soon as possible and make plans directly.

Jiang Fan never expected that Wang Xian would insist so much. After he ran out of the holy land, he immediately took out Huoyan's Fu Ling jade, locked their present position, and rushed to the other side. He was in a good mood. All this went smoothly.

However, he did not forget to seal his own breath, otherwise it would not take much time to catch up with him with Jiang Wentian's strength.As for the second half of that line of words, he planned to wait until he met the two Taoist priests, and then he would practice in seclusion, and then he would look for Wanyun mountain together.

Among the sacred lands of the Baizhan clan, Wang Xian has already packed up his things and can leave at any time.

It's also a great opportunity for her.

But Jiang Wentian and Wang Yingzhu obviously haven't finished talking.

"I haven't had a chance to ask before. What's the matter with Jiang Fan's spirit fire? Can't his mother have the blood of the Yan control clan? That clan should not be extinct. "

"I don't know if he has the blood of the people who control the fire. But he does have a Taoist priest who controls the fire around him. He has a very good Shentai realm and his strength. He knows the fire of spirit. Maybe he has a very high understanding of the fire method. Otherwise, it's really hard to explain why it is so. Even if the high hand of the people who control the fire wants to spread the fire of his spirit, how strange the fire is has existed in ancient times It's a decision. "

Wang Yingzhu's eyes twinkled: "if it wasn't for being harmed by traitors, those ethnic groups would not have been able to maintain their fighting power. However, Jiang Fan has a master who controls Yan Clan around him. His Qi luck is absolutely excellent. Such a good clan, don't let him run away. Wang Xian is practicing in the outside world. You should also help me watch her. If something happens, I will ask for you! "

Jiang Wentian said with a smile: "don't worry. With her strength, even if she is fighting outside, she definitely has the strength to protect herself."

"Good! Then I won't keep you. I'll go back to the holy land of the Jiang family to have a look later. "

"No problem, father must be very happy."

So Jiang Wentian left the holy land with Wang Xian. He was also observing Wang Xian's mood at this time, and he had recovered some spirit.

Until she left shengtu, she said, "chief Jiang, I want to go to Jiang Fan's home and see where he grew up. I want to meet his family and his friends."

"No problem! Then I will send you to the capital of Lihuo Dynasty, where Jiang Fan's relatives are. "

"Thank you, chief Jiang!"

At this time, Jiang Wentian took out a map and two pieces of Fu Ling jade to Wang Xian.

"You are not familiar with the outside world. The map is very detailed and it's also a spiritual treasure. It's a gift from me. As for the two pieces of Fu Ling jade, the black one is mine. If you have something to do, you can crush it. I will support you as soon as possible. I promise you that the patriarch will take care of you. As for the white one, it belongs to Jiang Fan, but he has sealed his own breath, so he can't find his specific location by relying on this Fu Ling jade. "

"Thank you for your treasure. I don't need to worry about it. I want to solve Jiang Fan's problem myself."

"No problem, but you can call me whenever you have any trouble."

Jiang Fan did not know that his name would be spread again because of a woman.

Jiang Fan felt the position of the two, even if he went all out, it would take more than a month's journey.

Halfway through the Lihuo Dynasty, he considered whether to go back to see his mother, and then went to Wanyao Valley to see guling'er.

But this idea just appeared, it has been denied by himself.

He knew very well how dangerous his thought was. If he returned to Jiang's house now, he would be blocked by his father. He didn't know what the impact of his leaving the Baizhan clan would be, but Laozu would not let him go easily.

If caught back, there will be no more chance to leave.

So it's safer to wait for time to completely calm down the incident and then show up again.

He didn't stay and met with the Taoist priest. Anyway, he had to get the Shenmu Sutra, so that he could successfully survive the robbery.

A few days later, in the Lihuo Dynasty, a young man in gold fell on the ground, right beside him. The girl was very beautiful, and she couldn't find any trace on her after a few days' journey. Obviously, she paid great attention to her appearance.

She took out the map and said, "chief Jiang, you can leave at any time. When I get here, I don't think it will take much time to get to the capital. I also want to get ready again. "

Jiang Wentian nodded: "be careful all the way."

The boy in gold left without any hesitation.

With Wang Xian's strength, she can't be bullied. If she doesn't bully others, she will be thankful.

The location of the capital is marked on the map. Wang Xian flies in that direction and wants to find Jiang Fan. It's really a good place. She believes that Jiang Fan will appear there one day.

It's only half a day away from the capital. Looking at the gate of the crowded city, Wang Xian was surprised.

Most of the time after she was born, she was in holy land. Although she went out for training several times, it was the first time that she saw so many people.

The Lihuo Dynasty is thriving, and merchants are also happy to run on the road. The city is more lively than the outside.

When Wang Xian approached the gate of the city, he didn't really get used to it.

However, she was very clever. She went directly to the guard and asked the location of Jiang's house.

"Excuse me, I want to go to Jiang Fu. How can I get there?"As a guard of the city gate, he is very serious at ordinary times. Strangers are not allowed to enter.

Can see such a beautiful girl lines, he is also rare to show a little smile.

"In the city war, you go straight along the main road, and then..."

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