The guard was very cooperative and told Wang Xian the detailed route.

Wang Xian has a token of the Jiang family. Although it may not be useful in the capital, it has a great influence in the Jiang family. At least the people now know the relationship between the Jiang family and the Jiang family.

She is alone and no one goes with her. Now she just wants to find Jiang Fan. She wants to ask Jiang Fan what's wrong with her. She would rather run away than stay to marry her.

All the way to ask, her figure has come to the door of Jiang's house, staring at the door of Jiang's house, she put down the uneasy mood, the whole person slowly calm down. She is a disciple of the Baizhan nationality and doesn't know how to be afraid.

Seeing someone standing there looking at Jiang's house, a guard came forward. Seeing that she was a beautiful girl, she was very polite.

"What's the matter, girl? Looking for someone or asking for directions? "

Wang Xian said calmly, "I'm looking for someone. I'm Jiang Fan's wife. He's at home!"

This is explosive news. Who is Jiang Fan? Who knows about Jiang Fu?

He left for nearly two years. On that day, he robbed Han Qianxue, the eldest lady of wanzhenlou.

But after more than a year, suddenly came a young woman, claiming to be Jiang Fan's mother. Who could have thought of that?

"The girl is talking about Jiang Fan of my Jiang family? He hasn't been back for more than a year

"No mistake! This is the token given to me by the head of the Jiang clan. I'd like to meet Mr. Jiang Yao. "

She handed the token to the guard, who was also stunned. Then she hugged her fist and said, "girl, please wait for a moment. I'll report the news to Lao Zu."

Wang Xian didn't say much. The guard turned and entered the mansion.

The other guards obviously heard their conversation, and their faces were full of smiles.

"Another beauty! Young master Jiang fan is really powerful. First it's the eldest lady of wanyaogu, and then it's Han Qianxue. I didn't expect that after more than a year's absence, another one was provoked. This is a direct recognition of their identity. The strong can really do whatever they want. "

"Keep your voice down, these women are not easy to be provoked. Wanyaogu's nine murders are a perfect match for master Jiang Fan. Miss wanzhenlou, for her sake, Jiang Fan has offended the two forces, wanzhenlou and Wanbaoshan. They haven't appeared yet. I don't know what the identity of this beautiful woman is. She should not be weak either. "

"Young master Jiang fan is very lucky!"

Although their voices were very small, Wang Xian could hear them clearly.

She clenched her pink fist and was obviously not happy. She didn't know Jiang Fan's past. She thought he had an appointed confidant. Unexpectedly, there was more than one confidant. She didn't hesitate to rob someone for another to offend the big power.

She gritted her teeth and said, "damn Jiang Fan, where am I inferior to those women? Don't let me catch you

Only she can hear her words, but she breathes deeply, adjusts her mood, and may see her parents in law later. She doesn't want to leave a bad impression.

And deep in Jiang's mansion, Jiang Yao was stunned when he saw the token.

"Who is the bearer?"

"Huilaozu is a girl who calls herself master Jiang Fan's wife."

Hearing this, Jiang Yao's expression was a little strange. This kind of thing is rare, so he got up and rushed to the gate.

When he came to the gate and saw Wang Xian, he was also stunned. He went over and said, "Baizhan clan?"

The girl nodded, then saluted and said, "Dear Wang Xian, I'd like to meet Mr. Jiang Yao."

When Jiang Yao heard the surname and the woman's temperament, he could almost determine the identity of the person who came. He and Jiang Wentian were brothers, and Wang Yingzhu, the head of the Baizhan clan, was their mother. Therefore, he knew the Baizhan clan very well.

Jiang Wentian asks Wang Xian to come to him, which is more direct. Otherwise, no one will believe her identity, but Jiang Yao must believe it.

"Come in with me!" Jiang Yao said, with Wang Xian turned into Jiang's house.

This is equivalent to affirming the identity of Wang Xian, which can make the discussion of several guards more lively.

As Jiang Yao walked, he asked, "has Jiang Fan returned to crape myrtle?"

Wang Xian nodded: "before, patriarch Jiang took him to Holy Land and made an engagement with me, but that bastard slipped away on the day of marriage."

Jiang Yao frowned and said, "have you gone to the temple?"

Wang Xian said: "yes, the oath has been made, some things can't be changed, so I have to come here first to see if I can find that guy."

Because of his identity, Jiang Yao knows the rules of the Baizhan clan very well, and knows more about the temperament of these women. Jiang Fan's escape this time is a bit of a jerk for the girl.

"I see. It seems that the clan leader should get Jiang Fan back. I understand the rules of the Baizhan people, and I believe what you say, but Jiang Fan hasn't appeared for more than a year, or you should stay here and wait for him to come back, and I'll make the decision for you. "

Wang said calmly, "I want to see his parents first. If he doesn't show up in a few days, I'll go outside. I'm sure we will meet again. If we meet again, he will not escape. ""That boy really likes to make trouble, but don't worry, I'll make it up to you. I'll take you to his people first, and then you decide for yourself. "

Jiang Yao has been looking at Wang Xian all the time. Although her breath doesn't go out, she can still feel the opponent's fighting power from Jiang Yao's realm. She is surprised and sighs that the talents of the Baizhan clan are really powerful.

However, Jiang Fan's escape from marriage did not occur to him.

Jiang Fan's wife came to seek husband * *, and the news spread quickly in ginger house. For a time, many disciples went to the branch of dragon county, and wanted to see what was the matter.

At this time, Jiang Yao has taken Wang Xian to find Jiang Tianhai and Mo Rong.

This makes Jiang Tianhai flattered. Now he has got the resources to assist in his cultivation, and his realm has reached six times of killing, which is still rising steadily. In recent years, his growth rate is not slow, which is very good for a monk of his age.

Seeing that Laozu brought a young woman here, they didn't understand.

Jiang Yao said: "girl, introduce yourself."

Wang Xian looked at the two people in front of him. His face was slightly red, and he was a bit shy. It was totally different from just now.

"Little girl Wang Xian is the mother of your son Jiang Fan. She has met her father-in-law and mother-in-law..."


Jiang Fan never thought that the whole Jiang family was talking about him.

This time he'll never be able to clean it up.

At this time, he was all over Wanyun mountain. He spent so much energy in Beidou to get clues. Of course, this opportunity should not be wasted.

But these days, his heart was palpitating. There was always a bad feeling that something might happen.

But the next ten days were very smooth, and there was no interference.

So far, not many people have heard that Jiang Fan has returned to the mainland, so he is not worried about his identity.

Because there is a king fairy in Jiang's house, it really becomes very lively.

The Baizhan clan is very belligerent, and usually there are people in the clan who look for a place to compete with each other. Because Wang Xian is relatively young, it is difficult to find opponents of the same generation. However, it's different when you go to Jiang's mansion. There are several disciples in Jiang's mansion who are in a good state. Unfortunately, she swept them directly and defeated them strongly.

Jiang Yueyao and Jiang Shuai haven't come back for more than half a year. After Wang Xian's death, he set his goal on the high level, and almost every day he would find a master with similar level to compete with each other.

Soon, there was a saying in Jiang's house that Jiang Fan didn't know where to provoke back a female tiger, and his fighting power was amazing.

There is no impermeable wall, not to mention that the Jiang people are not walls. The news quickly spread to Lihuo college and other forces

Now, everyone knows that Jiang Fan, who has disappeared for nearly two years, finally reappears, but everyone has some doubts. Where has Jiang Fan gone now?

A few days later, Jiang Wentian returned to the holy land.

Jiang Chao has been waiting here for a long time and found that Jiang Wentian returned alone.

"Where's Jiang Fan? You don't really leave him in the Baizhan clan to get married, do you? According to the rules, shouldn't you bring Jiang Fan and the woman back? "

"Don't mention the boy, he ran away. He was able to run out in the holy land of the Baizhan clan. She was really capable, but the girl had already made an oath in the temple, so she was identified as the daughter-in-law of your Jiang family. It's no use running. "

Hearing this, Jiang Chao said nothing more and left holy land to return to Lihuo Dynasty.

Jiang Chao was not surprised to get the news that Jiang Fan ran away, but he didn't expect that Jiang Fan could still run away in that environment.

How difficult is it to break through the boundary in holy land? Even he can't be.

However, Jiang Fan's strange ability can't guess at all. He won't be surprised at what he does.

However, a Baizhan woman was sent to Jiang Fu. He had to go back to have a look and try to contact Jiang Fan.

It's a pity that Jiang Fan's Fu Ling Yu didn't respond. I don't know where he went.

At this time, Jiang Fan has entered a deep mountain, and Huoyan's breath is here. He has asked them to stop and wait for themselves.

It wasn't long before Jiang Fan found two people blowing the mountain wind on the top of a mountain. They have been working together for more than two years and have a good relationship. At this time, they are drinking wine and waiting for Jiang Fan to appear.

Jiang Fan saw them, the corners of his mouth rose and said directly, "you are so leisurely."

They saw that Jiang Fan was just about to get up, but Jiang Fan had quickened his pace and came to them. Instead of letting them get up, they just sat aside.

"Don't be so polite! The two elders have done so many things for me. Jiang fan doesn't think that he can repay me. He usually treats me as a younger generation. "

With that, he took out a pot of good wine and filled them up.

He also took out a wine glass, raised his glass and said: "thank you, two elders, for helping me for such a long time. I'd like to do it first."

He drank from the glass with a smile on his face.

Fire Yan says with a smile: "see your appearance, the mood is good, should be the wish has been achieved!"Miao Wuyang said: "it's not you who save me. I'm still oppressed in the realm of extermination. Thank you for your great kindness. Of course, I'm willing to help you. I don't have to worry about so much. "

Jiang Fan said: "well, let's have a good drink. I've known you for a long time. I haven't even invited you to drink a pot of good wine. It's a good thing. It doesn't belong to crape myrtle. "

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