Chu Zhan and others tried their best to break the battle.

They are afraid that the strength of this array will continue to increase, and it will be more and more difficult to break the array. They don't want to waste their time here.

After breaking the battle, they wait for the coming of inheritance.

When they arrived on time and accepted it, they found that the strength of inheritance was very weak, which was totally different from the quality of the array they tried.

They have been wandering here for a long time and have experienced many inheritance arrays, but this is the first time.

This can't help but make people a little depressed, as if they were teased.

"What's going on? The inheritance has become so weak. "

Chu Zhan carefully felt the change of the spirit power around him, and frowned: "Jiang Fan in the world of ten thousand array is changing."

His perception is very strong, and even subtle changes can be detected when he comes to life changing situations.

"Is it true that, as you said, the final inheritance will start ahead of time?"

Not only do they have this idea, but at this time, all the talented monks in the world of ten thousand array are aware of the subtle changes in this space. They also feel that the stronger the surrounding atmosphere should be related to the ultimate power of inheritance.

They are not sure what will become here, but it must be more and more dangerous.

Nameless's brow is locked at this time. He is involved in a wide range of things. Because of his realm, his perception ability is stronger than others.

"Is the final inheritance about to start? But this change is a little too big. It seems that we have to ask. "

Thinking of this, he directly crushed the talisman and disappeared in place.

On the other hand, Sima Wushuang and others also receive experience in an array. After breaking the array, they can also get inheritance.

"How can the strength of this array become so strange? Brother Sima, do something quickly. "

Sima matchless way: "don't worry, even if it becomes stronger, we a few people together will be enough to break it.". However, I am more worried about the changes in the world of ten thousand formations. Maybe the final inheritance will come out. We have been trapped and may miss the final inheritance. That will not be worth the loss. "

"And now what?" Someone asked.

"If you join hands to resist, I'll set up the array flag and break the array at one stroke. Let's see the situation first."

Many monks have found the problem, so they are no longer in the inheritance array. They are waiting for the news to see if the final inheritance will be opened in advance, so that they can arrive as soon as possible with the fastest speed and the best state.

At this time, nameless left the secret place and appeared at the entrance of the secret place.

Seeing his appearance, the two masters of Jiuhuang hall were also stunned.

One man said directly: "the nameless boy was sent out of the secret place. I don't know whose friar is so powerful. He can't beat him!"

"Did the Li boy from Kunlun come too? I didn't notice! But it's good to let this kid fail once. And let him know what it means to have people outside and heaven outside, so that he won't be arrogant and suffer a big loss in the end. "

Two people are analyzing, nameless has come towards them.

Seeing their smile on their face, he said directly, "I'm not beaten by others. I'm a magic talisman crushed by myself."

An expert said: "don't explain, explain is cover up, we won't laugh at you."

Nameless face confidence: "I nameless just don't need to hide, didn't lose is didn't lose.". I came out because of the changes in the world of ten thousand array. Is the world of ten thousand array still stable? I don't know why, the power of the law in the world of ten thousand array is getting stronger, and the speed is not slow. Can you feel it and see the situation... "

So he told them all about the situation in the world of ten thousand formations.

It was not the first time that these two men opened the world of ten thousand array, and there were detailed records of the world of ten thousand array in Jiuhuang palace.

One person heard the news and said directly: "the world of ten thousand array is very stable, and I have felt the power of it since it was opened. Everything in it is as usual, and it will not happen suddenly. Just wait a moment, and I will feel it carefully."

He directly took out a Lingbao and entered the secret place.

The Lingbao's original Yang order of yin and yang can enter and leave the secret realm freely.

About ten minutes later, the Lingbao flew out of the secret place, and the experts of Jiuhuang hall slowly opened their eyes, a little surprised.

"It's a big change. The quality of the small world is improving. It seems that someone has touched something. The power of inheritance has declined, but the power of array has been strengthened. "

"You mean it will be more and more unsuitable for inheritance? Instead of finally passing on? "

The master of Jiuhuang hall nodded: "yes, although it will change before the final inheritance of chuxuan, it's definitely not the present situation. It's very different. You have to be careful. "

The master next to him was obviously also perceiving the situation. Then he opened his eyes and said: "it's really such a change. It seems that the world of ten thousand formations is going to turn from a secret place to a dangerous place. I don't know who touched something in it to make such a change. According to this speed, if the inheritance finally appears, it will not be inheritance any more, but will die. You can go back to Jiuhuang hall first. There is no need to leave this secret place. "Heard this, nameless is also a Leng, it seems and he guessed before really almost.

"What about the situation here? Can't you watch so many young friars die? There is a good opponent in it. I don't want to see them fall before they rise. That's not what I think

"Don't worry, I'll tell them to leave as soon as possible," the master of Jiuhuang Hall said with a smile

With that, he directly hit out the Lingbao and wanted to send it to the world of ten thousand array again. Then he sent out a message as soon as possible to let the experienced disciples of each sect leave the world of ten thousand array quickly, so as to avoid the biggest casualties.

But this time, the Lingbao was blocked in the entrance. The powerful force suppressed the Lingbao's power, which made the master be stunned.

Another monk beside him was also surprised. He couldn't believe it: "this force came from the world of ten thousand formations, and even fought back independently. What happened to this secret place? How could it be so serious? "

The master tried again to open the way with Lingbao and break into the border. He had to pass the message in.

Unfortunately, no matter how he urged it, it was impossible to crack it. That force was still growing stronger, completely isolating his power.

"No, my mind is blocked out. If it goes on like this, I can't inform the inside."

Nameless way: "that or I go personally, hope still have time."

They want to stop, but nameless has rushed to the entrance. Unfortunately, like that Lingbao, they are also intercepted by the spirit power of the entrance. Obviously, they don't intend to let him enter smoothly.

"Only allowed out, not allowed in. The world of ten thousand array still leaves its way for the monks, but how many people can really understand it? " The master of Jiuhuang hall is very heavy. He seems to have thought of how terrible it would be if all the arrays inside burst out.

That kind of world is extremely terrible for the experts in his realm. For those young monks, they may lose their lives if they don't pay attention.

Nameless way: "there is no other way to send messages in?"

The two experts nodded at the same time: "no! It's really troublesome. "

There are many masters of each sect near the entrance. They have been waiting here, hoping to pick up the disciples who left at the first time.

At this time, I saw that the two masters of Jiuhuang hall couldn't figure it out, so someone came to ask about the situation.

"Two adults, what happened in the world of ten thousand array?"

"I just want to tell you that great changes have taken place in the world of ten thousand array. The laws of heaven and earth have increased dramatically. Now the entrance is sealed by the array. We are only allowed to go out, but not allowed to enter. We can't pass the news in. You all have to be prepared. This time there may be some trouble!"

Hearing this, the monks of each sect began to talk about it one after another. Obviously, they couldn't believe the situation inside.

Someone even said: "my Lord, hurry up and find a way. My disciple is the only hope of my family. It can't fall like this."

"All the gifted disciples of our family are in the world of ten thousand array. If anything goes wrong, our generation will be cut off. The impact is too big. Adults must help us find a way. "

Obviously, for some small sects, the fall of a gifted disciple is likely to affect a generation. Some of them rely on the whole force to support them. If they lose now, years of hard work will be wasted.

That nine waste Temple superior Cong Zhong way: "we also have no way now.". However, since the export still makes people leave, you don't have to be so pessimistic. If they know they can't cope with it, they will leave by themselves. I hope that those little guys will be able to retreat and stay awake. "

The entrance is already in a mess, and the monks of each sect are in a big mess. They want to rush in and bring people out. Unfortunately, the world of ten thousand array has changed so much that they can't enter.

Jiang Fan has no idea about all this.

He could feel the change of the world of ten thousand array in the tomb, and the more he changed, the more frightened he was.

From a distance, you can see that there is a stone pillar towering into the clouds in the stone forest, which is located in the center of the stone forest. There are countless arrays on it. Jiang fan can feel that there are countless treasures hidden in that array, which has a huge temptation for him.

Xiao AI looks there a little excited.

"Young master, there is a piece of immortal gold on that stone pillar. It's called Xingchou. It's a flying stone that the old master got by chance. It has powerful power of the sky. It's different from the traditional immortal gold. You will be interested in it."

Jiang fan is very excited at this time. Of course, Dan daopian recognizes the meteorite, which also records the strangeness of the meteorite.

This immortal gold is not able to refine pills, but it is one of the divine materials for refining pills.

With the same refining of the immortal gold in his Dongtian Lingbao, Jiang Fan was a little excited. He couldn't even estimate how far the Dan furnace would reach if it was refined. It's hard to imagine.

He has gained a lot along the way, he is still collecting, and the meteorite gold is also a must for him.

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