Chu Zhan and others tried their best to break the battle.

They are afraid that the strength of this array will continue to increase, and it will be more and more difficult to break the array. They don't want to waste their time here.

After breaking the battle, they wait for the coming of inheritance.

Although Jiang Fan clearly felt the great changes in the atmosphere of this world, he did not realize that the changes would have such a serious impact.

However, at this time, his mind was on collecting treasures. As long as Chu Zhan and others were not in danger, he was not worried and did not plan to stop.

At this moment, he just wants to get all the benefits as soon as possible. Besides, as for the changes in the secret place, people who understand naturally understand that at least he can feel the breath of the spirit talisman is still full, which means that he can still leave by relying on the spirit talisman.

Only a few people in the secret world have used their talismans. That is to say, these people enter the secret world for the second time, so they will have all kinds of problems. At this time, it is really dangerous for these people.

There was also such a person in the team of Chu war at this time, that is Jiang Shuai.

Jiang Fan didn't stop. He went all the way to the highest pillar. He would never miss it. With the cooperation of Xiao AI, he moved very quickly and efficiently.

In the world of ten thousand array, the monks began to panic at this time, because the air of heaven and earth in the world of ten thousand array began to suppress, which made them feel great pressure.

This is really a little scary for these young monks. They can clearly feel the suppression of their breath by the world of ten thousand formations, which is completely different from the appearance of the ultimate inheritance in the legend.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help thinking that what happened here would be totally different.

Sima Wushuang frowned and said to several people around him: "it's not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

"Brother Sima! The atmosphere of this world has changed so much, are you sure that the final inheritance will not appear ahead of time? Although we may not be Jiang Fan's opponents, it would be a pity if we left rashly. We can fight for a while. After all, our realm has improved a little in these days. Even if there is such a 10% chance, I don't want to give up. "

Everyone nodded, apparently in favor of the idea.

Sima Wushuang shook his head: "this breath change is no longer the final inheritance can affect. This is a great change in heaven and earth. The rules in the secret place have changed. If you feel it carefully, you will find that the array is constantly emerging around you. If I guess correctly, it should be someone accidentally opened something to make the sleeping array of the world work. The power of those inheritance arrays has also been changed. Our previous inheritance only got a little spiritual power, and that's why. We are very dangerous now, because even if the final inheritance is opened, it is absolutely not inheritance in terms of the strength of heaven and earth. It should be more appropriate to describe it as the battle of death. "

Hearing this explanation, people were stunned and some couldn't believe it.

But Sima Wushuang continued: "believe me, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's leave as soon as possible. We don't have a talisman on us. If we come here rashly, we may die here. You don't want to die just because of one possibility, do you? If you want to say that I hate Jiang Fan the most, it belongs to me. Since I choose like this, of course I have my reasons. "

There are not many teenagers who can really see the changes of heaven and earth and understand how terrible the changes are.

But this Sima is unique. Because of the inheritance of the ancient clan and his own understanding of the array, he knows something similar. At this time, he felt the change here. Of course, his first thought was to save his life. Besides, some accomplishments were based on life. Without a small life, no matter how strong he was, it would be futile.

Those people no longer hesitated. Seeing Sima's incomparable appearance, they decided to believe that they no longer hesitated and left the secret place as soon as possible, taking advantage of the complete change of the secret place.

They returned at full speed. When they came to the entrance, they looked back at the world of ten thousand formation with a completely different breath. They were a little reluctant, but they still turned around and left. They all knew very well what the best decision was at this time.

When they left the secret place, they saw a lot of friars looking here. Some of them were worried.

Soon they learned the current situation from the experts in the door, and they were shocked after hearing it.

Several people find Sima Wushuang again. This time, they thank him. They also sigh that Sima Wushuang's vision is so wide that they can distinguish the changes of the secret place so quickly.

Sima unparalleled at this time is also secretly frightened, he just guess before. He cherished his life so much that he had such a choice. Unexpectedly, there was such a big problem in the world of ten thousand array.

In succession, some young friars left the secret place by crushing the talisman, and their elders were relieved, but more young people are still waiting in the secret place, expecting the final inheritance.

In their eyes, the more monks left, the greater the chance for them.

Half a month later, the two masters of Jiuhuang hall suddenly froze, a piece of jade in their hands suddenly broke, and then became dim.Next to the nameless see this situation is also a Leng, quickly asked: "what's the matter? This is the coordinate of spirit talisman. If this treasure is broken, that is to say, the effect of spirit talisman in the world of ten thousand arrays will disappear? "

As soon as the news came out, the zongmen stream which had to wait in the distance exploded.

This talisman is used to protect one's life. Now that the ability of the talisman has disappeared, it means that everything has been irretrievable. If the entrance to the secret place is closed, the young people who have not left will never have the chance to leave this world again, which is also a huge blow to all sects.

The two masters looked at each other, and one of them said, "I'm going back to Jiuhuang hall to get another Rune coordinate. I hope it's too late."

Nameless's eyes are beating. At this time, he has already calmed down. He didn't expect that he would encounter this kind of thing when he went out for training alone for the first time. Fortunately, he reacted very quickly and left the secret place for the first time. Otherwise, the two masters of Jiuhuang Hall would try their best to save him, and the influence on the secret place would only be greater. At that time, they might let the situation in the secret place get worse It's getting worse.

Among the tombs, Jiang fan made several attempts to get close to the highest stone pillar without success. He found that a special force was protecting the stone pillar.

After careful perception, he already knew what it was because of. The reason was very simple. He could easily feel the position of these stone pillars. With the breath of those abandoned arrays, he formed another array perfectly.

And this array is guarding the highest stone pillar, so if he wants to get close to the stone pillar, he must take away the treasures from the surrounding stone pillars as far as possible. As long as the array is broken, he can get the treasures on the stone pillar.

But at this time, he suddenly found that the life saving talisman suddenly lost its breath, which made him a little unexpected.

He called to Xiao AI: "how can the breath of this talisman disappear? Is the spirit talisman shielded by the air of heaven and earth connected with the outside world? "

Xiao AI nodded: "yes, this talisman is something from the outside world. After the breath of the ten thousand array world changes, it will disturb and shield these things from the outside world. That's why such a big change has taken place here. But you don't have to worry. The passage to the outside world won't be closed. The teenagers who come here for training can leave there."

Jiang Fan's eyes twinkled: "they can really leave from there, only if they know they need to leave. I always feel like you're hiding something from me. "

AI heard this, silent for a moment: "we have signed a contract, you know I may harm you."

"It's really good for me, but I'm afraid it's more important for others. You can't mess around. I don't want to take on too much cause and effect. "

Jiang Fan gradually feels that something is wrong. Xiao AI must have something to hide from him, which is probably related to her old master.

You know, the array wizard created her in those years. To her, the existence was like her father. It was very likely that Jiang Fan had made some promises that he didn't know. He had to be on guard.

Xiao AI said: "young master, it's almost broken. As long as we take that piece of meteorite gold, we'll leave here. At that time, we'll spread the news in your capacity and let the monks leave the world. There's no need to worry so much."

Hearing this, Jiang Fan said calmly: "in that case, I don't want this immortal gold. Let's go now. "

Jiang Fan feels that something is wrong. There's no reason to let Xiao AI dig a hole. He jumps in himself.

He is very clear about the change of the whole space. Maybe Xiao AI doesn't mean any harm to him, and it's also for his good. But if he gets a little benefit and lets him be buried with him for many years, he can't accept it.

Jiang Fan never thinks he is a good man, but he can be sure that he is not a bad man. Only evil cultivation can be so indifferent to other people's affairs.

Jiang fan is very clear about what will happen on the mainland in the near future. There are many years of genius in this secret place. He can't waste their lives because of himself.

When Xiao AI heard Jiang Fan's words, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Obviously, she didn't think of it. She then said, "young master, if we don't continue to fight now, we won't be able to come in after we leave. The border outside the tomb has been increased several times. Even I can't control it. I'm afraid you can't break the battle in your present state. It's too late to regret it. "

Jiang fan is still calm, at this time he must take the initiative, everything in hand, absolutely can't let Xiao AI lead the nose.

"I don't want to talk too much. You can make it clear what will happen to the outside world after I break the big battle here. What will the world of ten thousand array become! If we don't make it clear, we'll leave at once. I don't want to get involved in ancient times. "

Xiao AI sees that Jiang Fan has made up her mind and can only tell Jiang Fan. After all, Jiang fan is her master now. Her will can't violate his orders. She can only come together.

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